
ice cellar

 'Oh holy God of devils'.

I can't stop shivering because of the cold.

They put me in ice cellar or in other words they really put me in the freezer.

what did they think, I am. 'An Ice-cream'?

They are violating the rule of cannibalism. Cannibals heat humans before eating them or that's what I thought

Are they modern cannibals?

Damn, even if I fart here, it will come out in snowflakes. I can't bear the cold anymore even frozen elsa's teeth will start chattering here.

Sounds echoed down the hallway but I ignored it because I don't think I m Rapunzel, it's definitely a forest but I m not in the remote tower where the handsome prince will come and save me from the black order.

Pfft, did I just mix avengers with tangled ??

Just then another set of voices echo into my lovely bedroom. 'Note the sarcasm'

Then the door unbolted, my eyes snap up to meet the same women from before.

She comes near me and asked so tell me "which species are you from?"

"Mammals" I replied.


She looked at me like she saw me dipping my fries in red wine and eating it.

She stared at me for 2 minutes before letting out a heartwarming laugh "you are really interesting"

She looked at me with her twinkling eyes and say "I m delta of blood rose pack and you know the ironic thing is that my name is rose too and I couldn't even have a single boyfriend because of this name they really have to do poetry on rose and I was compelled to break their nose" she blabbers. 

I was getting distracted by her dress why is not she shivering in it. wait when I last saw her she was wearing a different dress.

It's freaking cold here and she was wearing a denvy zipped leather mini dress. Is she hiding a body heater inside her dress?

  Because obviously, it's not true that she can't feel cold because she is hot.

I mean 'look at me, I m just one minute away from being an ice sculpture'

"So tell me? What do u think??" She asked

Uh ahm.

She points an index finger at me and vociferated "you didn't even hear me"

I wince at her shrill voice.

Suddenly her eyes went still and she murmurs something like 'that piece of stinky old bacon' then she nods.

She gazes at me and asks again "so which species are u come from" before

I can open my mouth to reply she said "no not mammals'.

Tell me actually what are you before that "stinky piece of shit come here or order me to take you to him"

I look at her flabbergasted since when does shit start wandering?

And since when they start giving orders?

I look at her and say "I think I m telling the truth.we are mammals, you can check it on google"

"I scored 23 marks in biology" I stated proudly

She looks at me like" I just said the earth is flat so dinosaur slide away when a meteor crashed "

she continues to stare me with her mouth agape than she said "oh, it might be new species"

Suddenly she looks like she is in trans again, she shudders slightly. oh so now she is feeling cold. Finally.

"Hey come with me the stinky "

"Ahhh" she holds her head like she is in pain and then says "I mean alpha wants to see you"

Alpha ??

She took my hand and drags me toward the hallway I shudder still feeling cold.

Rose was still muttering under his breath. We come in front of the elevator. She pushed me towards the elevator and says " take care, mammal"

"Our alpha is not an alpha but a fire breathing dragon who will burn anyone to a crisp if you do as much as breath the wrong way"

I looked at her " it's good if he has fire breath I m freaking cold "

She looked at me and ask "do u feel cold??"

Before I can say anything the elevator dinged and the door closed letting me wonder Alone.

did she really think that 'I m frozen Elsa'?

Of course, any human will feel freaking cold in that ice cellar.

It took me a minute to realize that they left me alone. I smirk devilishly. I can run from here.

I look in the elevator to find buttons but couldn't find it.

Of course or else why would they leave me alone in the elevator.

The elevator dinged again uncovering a small hallway and at the end of it is a black door. Fear of the unknown crept up to my spine. I took small steps towards the door

But as soon as I come near the door it opened and reveals a man in a black outfit.

I tried to take a good look at him.

"So are you going to stand there for the rest of your life??" He snapped.

He looked up to meet my eyes. I gasped although he is very handsome, a deep frown was etched on his forehead. A dangerous glint in his eyes making him look like a villain.

"sit, let's talk* he said in an overly calm voice.

I take scared steps towards him not breaking eye contact with him.

one corner of his lips twitched upside almost in a mocking smirk

Scared now,"pequeña rata"

I don't understand what he said and I was too occupied to notice his words. I let my eyes linger on his face for a little longer than I should.

"Tell me, for whom u work? And I m not gama rose whom u can distract by your comical answers."

"So tell me who exactly are you?"

" I m haven"

He let out a rich laugh and said "welcome to hell then"

" I don't give a penny about your name. Tell me something useful so I might give your bones some respect and burry them after the hungry wolves eat every piece of meat  you have to offer"

I looked at him with my mouth agape. "You can't" I almost screamed in horror.

"I definitely can, pequeña rata"

His words scared the shit out of me

I tremble at the intensity of his words.

I remember the two giant wolf. damn, I barely reach half of their hight. I stand no chance against them. I curse my short jeans being a 5'1 is not so good

"Haven" my name sounded in my ears, jerking me out of my trans.

He gave me a lopsided grin and asked "so have u decided? "

"Do u want to be eaten by a rough wolf now or later? Maybe I can give you a few bonus hours if u tell me the truth.

So why did u come here? Are you working for malkavian leaches?"

I look at him wide-eyed "I don't know them. I m scared of insects."

"Right 'insects' whom I m gonna destroy under my feet," he smirked

He really has a mental disorder otherwise who will be happy at the thought of killing insects.

"So why did u free my hostages?"

I gulped. When I remembered the horrific scene before me.

"I. I "


And I must warn you

Don't even try to lie to alpha it will not end well for you."

My anxiety takes a toll on me and I shouted "α(alpha), γ(gama) do you also have β( beta) .?"

He looked at me strangely, "of course, we have a beta"

I laughed "then call him and theta. I will give them answers, psychopath.

He gritted his teeth "give your answers to me. I m alpha"

"And I m plank constant. So bow down at me" I laughed hysterically

He takes a step towards me

"Who are you???? "

Answer me, "you pillock "

      His eyes are now blazing blue and he has started closing the distance between us

I, "I am..... I

       I stutter

     " What??? "

     He asked

I am .. Forget what I am, "who are you??

And what kind of insult is that?"

"Are you from the 18th century? even 8 years old can talk better than you".

He looks at me with an evil smirk plastered on his face and said -" you will regret that minute you decided to step in my territory,pequeña rata."

I reach in my coat pocket and grabbed my most powerful weapon.

He took my wrist in his hand and start pulling me towards 'an unknown dark passage'.

for all, I know he can be taking me to those wolves for their meat party.

   I won't die without a fight.

I shouted "COCKROACH COCKROACHES" He turns towards me, I pulled out my secret weapon and sprayed black pepper spray on him.

"Aargh" he shouted

My hand slipped out of his grasp and he starts to rub his hand on eyes.

I feel sorry for him

    But what I can do he has to be a jerk despite his handsome face.

That was a great opportunity to flee so  I run towards the door as fast as possible but I know, I won't able to make it out of his grip.

I took a left turn but it's a dead-end.

I think about using the elevator for a nanosecond just to realize that devil has control of it.

I groan loudly and try to search for an escape route.

I hear a growl behind me and it was literally a growl that has the capability to make you pee in your pants.

I start running instantly.

I was looking behind to see the devil.

I turn left just only to ram my face into a wall.

I stumble backward but regain my composure fast and run to a different side it's another dead end but it has a window.

I run to the window I look down from the window.

"Damn, it's high."

Another growl comes from behind me. I find the shitface demon standing just a few steps away from me. An amused and dangerous smile on his face like he is taunting me.

I take a look at the demon than to the window.

What is a better option to die??

With a quick game of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" I choose it's best to jump.

I jump from the window

Luckily I landed on the bush I look at the window to find him standing there with a shocked expression.

I give him my middle finger and stick my tongue out.

"Take that you idiot" I shouted and sprint toward the woods

Just 2 minutes after I realize I m in more trouble than I was.

I m in the forest without anything to defend myself.

Uff there were only two wolves. now, I don't know how many wild creatures can attack me. I hear the sound of water. I went in that direction. maybe some campers will be there. The view of the lake is breathtaking

I wash my face and drink water I was looking at my reflection in the water when I look at a wolf's reflection above me.

I turn to see behind me He was bigger than the wolves I have seen before and he scanned me from head to toe.

He bares his teeth at me

I try to scribble myself toward the lake slowly but he noticed my action and growl loudly 

He has ice blue eyes.



calm down let's negotiate, let me go and I will give you fried chicken from KFC". I offered him

He growls  louder than before and lunges towards me

I closed my eyes in fear.

I felt his muzzle on my cheek and I froze in fear.

I sense his canines on my neck before I pass out

"Damn, I m dead"

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