
1. the encounter

Hi my name is Sky and Everybody in my Class is a Human what looks very Normal to you but for me, not. Im the Daughter of Lucifer and nobody knows that. I think it's better that they dont know it because otherwise there is no One Who want's to be my freind. I like my school however I need to change to an all boys school and that's not the worst part i need to Act like One. I dont have a Brother or a friend Who can help me so it's only me.

Sky:' First Day on my Horrible New school. '

Lucifer:' Are you ready honny?.'

Sky:' im almost ready!  Only my hair in a ponnytale and my uniform.'

I run off the stares and take a warm toast that my mom, Aurora, made for me. I jump into the Car while eating my toast. When im done with eating im almost at my school so I put my phone in my bag. The school is kind of cool. I see a boy, Another boy and guess what i now see...another boy. When i go out of the Car I Walk into the school.

Sky:' hey, you, boy? '

Boy:' yess, and the name is Josh?! '

Sky:' hi Josh, im Sky and can u tell me were the principal Office is? '

Josh:' So a New boy, well well. You go in the bulding and than straight a Head until you see the Office. '

I Walk like he told me and knock on the door. A soft and friendly voice answered me with:' Come Inside my dear. ' Like She knew that there wasn't a boy Who Knocked. I walked Inside and there was a Beautiful Woman Standing in front of me.

Principal:' So you must be darling Sky? '

Sky:' How did you know I wasn't a boy? '

Principal:' your dad told me about you. '

She gave me a dorm number and told me that I wasn't Sleeping allone. A butler Came out of the corner and took my suitcases with him. I walked to my class. My First Class was P. E. and believe me I sucked at it. When i went to the next Class there was a boy that i didn't know. I Walked to him and asked:' Hi Who are you? ' He looked at me for a second and anwered:' Hi im Djason and im New here. ' While he sad that i could feel some kind of Powers but it wasn't the kind of Power that Devils have.

Sky:' im Sky and im New to. '

Djason:' What's your next Class? '

Sky:' Math at Class 3B.'


he Walked with me to the Class. He sad Somethings to me but I was to Bussy with Finding out what he was. I didn't talk with anyone so he is the onlyone were I could feel some kind of Power. when we arrived we sat next to each other. After school i go to the teacher with our dorm number.

teacher:'Your number is 202.'

I thanked him and went to my dorm. It took a while before I found it but it was worth the effort. The dorm looks amazing. I Walked to my room and packed all my stuff out. My Music was that Loud that I didn't even hurd that my dorm mate Came Inside. when I was done I went to the bathroom and Jumped into the bathtub. After my relaxed Bath. I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to Cook. I take out the food that I want to eat and made it ready. Before I could realise my dorm mate was right behind me. When he turned off my Music I turned angry around and Saw that it was...

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