
Love Kindled

This book is for the mature 18/older audience. This is a slow burn romance book, so do not be disappointed in the beginning. I promise it will ramp up.

The characters in this book are purely fictional. Any resemblance to any person, or situation is coincidental.

Main Characters: Father- Byron Masterson

Mom who is dead- Samantha (Sam)

Son- Kane

Daughter- Kloe (pronounced Klo)

Son's best friend- Dylan Alexander

New Friend- Nicolas Ashford

Boyfriend who is dead- Eric Boone

Therapist- Angelina (Angie) Viotto

Chapter 1: Kloe POV A little family history (trust me, you need this info.)

Hey, I'm Kloe Masterson. I am 21 and my twin brother (yes, I said twin) is Kane. We live in Chicago. I have an apartment downtown right on the lake front, Kane lives about 10 mins from me in a town house. He might as well live with me because he is at my apartment with his best friend Dylan most of the time unless they are working, clubbing or getting into other trouble ha-ha. Mostly, they come just to eat. I love to cook. I also do not know how to cook for just one person. I cook for an army. The guys, (that is what I usually call them) just like to hang out, sometimes they will bring girl/friends (not girlfriends, there is a difference) over or other guys they know. I cook for everyone, any time of day.

We have known Dylan since middle school. He is like my own brother. So, they get food, and they do "man stuff" for me when I need it. It is a good deal. Dylan and Kane are connected at the hips. They also work in the same field, sometimes together. Kane is the best! We are remarkably close for siblings, must be a twin thing. Our mother, Samantha passed away from cancer when we were 18. Our dad, Byron is currently living in France but comes back to the U.S. every few months to check on us and for his business. He has a small office here in Chicago.

So, I guess you could say we have money. I do not really work at a regular job; Dad takes care of everything for us. Not that he needs to for Kane, he has a good paying job. Dad never wanted me to have to work. That does not mean I don't have a kick ass education. I love school. I take all kinds of classes. I graduated from collage early with a business degree, but I just love to learn. I take side jobs for business consultations. I like to help people my age who are just starting businesses. I volunteer at the children's hospital in the NICU holding babies. I love babies.

It was difficult on our whole family when Mom died. She had cervical cancer, it was only months and she was gone. Watching her decline was one of the most traumatizing situations to witness. I felt so helpless. I have peace knowing she is not hurting any longer, even though I wish she were here so many times. She was an amazing mom.

I also lost my one and only boyfriend the same year. We started dating when we were 16. We were driving home from his house and a drunk driver hit us, Eric was killed on impact, I was ejected from the car. I came out with minor injuries. It was a miracle I was not hurt more. I felt like my life ended that year. Not only to lose my mom but the guy I loved. We had just had sex for the first time for both of us. We were very committed even for being so young. It felt like we were together in another lifetime even. An old love. Through therapy I've come along way. I haven't had a boyfriend since Eric. I'm too scared to commit. Scared of love. Scared of pretty much everything having to do with relationships. I pretty much avoid men in general. Yeah, I'm a mess still.

My dad moved to France when we were just 19. Mostly for business but some from mom passing. It was hard living where it reminded him of mom every day. He is totally not an absentee dad at all. We video call all the time and like I said he comes back to the states regularly. I still have not been to France, but I want to go soon. There was a huge hole in his heart. Their marriage was amazing. Their love was like a wonderful romance story. We had a great life. Pretty normal, mom stayed at home, she used to work but stopped when they married. Dad traveled but was always there when we needed him.

I guess I never really had a best friend. A few close friends but not anyone consistent. I think I'm pretty introverted. I don't mind being on my own. In high school most girls would be "friends" to me to get close to Kane and Dylan. That was a joke, I knew their motives. So did the guys. They were and still are HUGE flirts. My brother is insanely good looking, I'm not being weird really! He is by anyone's standards hot. Blond curly hair. Short in the back, longer in the front. Sky blue eyes. 6' 2". Tan and muscular. Very mischievous smile. Him and Dylan are complete opposites. Dylan has jet black hair short, styled to the side. Dark brown eyes, almost black. He is tall also, maybe 6'. Tan, muscular. His nature is a little more serious than Kane but not much. We used to call them salt and pepper. They both work out religiously. They have a gym at their house, (oh, they live together also). They go to the gym. I think mostly for girls. They are always challenging each other ha-ha. For their line of work, I suppose they need it. They are the kind of guys your eyes follow. They can talk to anyone. Like people magnets. We can't go anywhere without girls staring and acting like fools.

As for me, I guess I'm pretty. I have been told that a lot. Since Eric passed, I haven't dated. I have had no interest. Do not get me wrong I have had guys ask me out or hit on me. I just can't. I'm not ready. I don't go out a lot but even in coffee shops guys will sometimes hit on me. I also have blond wavy hair, it's long almost to my waist. My eyes are more grey than blue, they kind of change colors with my moods. I'm only about 5' 1" ha-ha I know, how? My mom was very petite, and I got that. I wouldn't say I'm skinny, I have curves. I do not work out though. Forget that business ha-ha. Although, I do love to swim. I'm complicated ha-ha!

Speaking of dating the guys are very protective of me. They say they, "know how the male mind works, and it's always sex". So, I guess if ever a guy was to be in my life it would be difficult for the guy. Like I said, I'm not into that right now. Also, speaking of sex, I guess the guys would know what they are talking about. Their jobs are in the movie/modeling industry. The sex movie industry. They are porn stars. Ok, I said it. Yes, my Dad knows. He owns his own production company. Also, he directs. Movies. In the porn industry. Our family is not normal. I can see your face now. Close your hanging open mouth.

How to begin on this explanation? I know your dying to know. You're probably wanting to know what life was like growing up and how the heck we found out what kind of business dad and mom (yes, mom too) were in. Questions will be answered I promise! When we, Kane and I were young, we knew that Dad had a special job making movies. Eventually we learned that him and mom met during a movie. He also would bring home some real movies stars sometimes, so we never thought anything of it. We had a pretty normal childhood, Mom and Dad kept us pretty sheltered, I guess. So, yeah mom was in the business also, but stopped doing movies when she met dad, then, after they got married got pregnant with us.

My dad came from a rich family. He was and still is incredibly good looking. Sandy brown hair cut short, styled on top, he has a very neat beard. Sky blue eyes. 6'4". Strong jaw line. Muscular, tan. He told me when I was interested in Eric, he knew we wanted to have sex and commit, all about his younger life. Growing up rich is different for some. My paternal grandparents were not very nurturing. They are barely in our lives. I would say I barely know them. To them it was just a "thing" to have kids. They had my dad. I guess my grandma tried to have more children but ended up not being able to carry another baby and gave up. My dad thinks she resented him. When he was in his teens, they would have parties, the rich men and women would try to be very close to dad giving him gifts and money for being close. His parents couldn't have cared less. I was so sad for my father hearing this. Thinking this is the way to get attention even if it was wrong attention, dad slowly got pulled into the porn industry. He had a knack for it I guess and was extremely popular. He learnt all the ins and outs of how to direct and produce. All that you would need to know about making movies. Eventually, he started his own company, it was and is highly successful.

So, my mom, was in the industry also. She was not brought up rich, just the opposite. I guess my father's parents did not like her due to the fact she was poor. My maternal grandparents were married and divorced. We don't see our grandpa at all. Never met him. Our grandma died when we were very little. I have one uncle. He has never been a part of our lives because he is in an institute from drug and alcohol use. Grandma was a single mom and worked many jobs. My mom was on her own a lot. She was incredibly beautiful. Long golden blond hair. Blue grey eyes. Very petite. 5'. Being alone a lot in her teens was not good. After she graduated high school (for her this was a major deal!) she fell for a guy and didn't realize he was a sleaze until it was too late. He got her involved in porn. He kind of pimped her then took most of her money. She ended up meeting my dad on a movie. She said he was like a dream. (Swoon) Dad fell for her instantly and swept her off her feet. He found out what the guy had been doing to mom and beat the hell out of the guy. From that moment on they were together. She instantly stopped doing movies. They eloped and she got pregnant with us. My dad loved her, more than anything. His commitment to her was absolute, he stopped participating in movies, then went on to produce and direct.

I bet your thinking how did my parents let my brother get into the porn industry. Dylan also. After we graduated high school, dad told us the truth about his movie company, the complete truth. I was seriously involved with Eric and Kane was super into girls. Not one, but any girl. He loved girls. Mom was super worried about him. Dad said telling us the complete truth was like a weight off his shoulders. I really wasn't surprised by any of this. It all kind of made sense in my mind. The pieces of our life and family all fit together. Then Kane being the super outgoing one, told dad he wanted to do movies. My dad said no of course! Kane being Kane, said he would figure it out himself, instead of that happening dad finally caved. He introduced Kane to some legit people and that was the start of his porn life. Dylan was not far to follow. Although Dylan's parents have not a clue. As far as we know. They think he models. He does model sometimes so it's not a complete lie. They are super popular and make a lot of money. So much trouble ha-ha!

I have never watched porn, nor was interested. It's not that I'm oblivious to it I just don't care to go in that direction. Most regular movies are borderline porn now days anyways. I did not care or judge my parents, brother or Dylan. They are awesomely amazing people. Because of what happened to my mom, dad searches out girls that come in to do movies in dire straits and helps them. He does not exploit them like some would. If they really want to be in the business, he helps them but if they are in a bad situation, he will help get them out. Yes, there is a lot of bad that happens in the porn industry. It's no joke. I guess as far as my dad is concerned it is something people like and enjoy and he is responsible for what he is connected to. He makes sure his company is the best, with integrity. My dad is well respected. I don't believe he has many enemies, but in every business, there are those types of people that would cause trouble.

I went down a totally different road. I went to college for business. I chose to tell Eric about our family, he didn't even blink an eye or care. He loved me and knew the kind of person I am. The first and only time we had sex was incredibly special and I knew we were going to be together forever. High school sweethearts. That same night is when he was killed.

Gifts make my day! Please support my book. This is the first one I've written. Love to all!

Zdaisy7131creators' thoughts
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