
I Would Do Anything For Vera

Casey would strangle Kane if they weren't sharing a body. As it was, it was still tempting. He had never been so humiliated in his entire life and that was REALLY saying something. 

How could Kane have done something so monumentally stupid? In front of Vera, no less!

It was a miracle they hadn't gotten arrested. Dr. Mintz said that he was genuinely regretting his actions and that they planned to work on unlearning his instinct to lash out when provoked in future sessions but that didn't make Casey feel any better. 

People in class all looked at him like he was some sort of freak and, worse, Vera was worried about him. He really was fine! Or would be if his alter wasn't an impulsive idiot. 

That was just the thing though, wasn't it? He would never truly be fine as long as he was sharing a body with someone else. 

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