
6,Stranger is back

After a month passed.i was doin online shopping.and my mom told me that ganeshji is coming yeah i m talking about ganesh chauth.Those who have no idea about This festival let me tell u. Vinayaka Chavithi (Vināyaka Chavithī) is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Ganesha. It falls in the months of August or September of the Gregorian calendar. The festival is marked with the installation of Ganesha clay idols privately in homes, or publicly on elaborate pandals (temporary stages). prayers and vrata (fasting).Offerings and prasadam from the daily prayers, that is distributed from the pandal to the community, include sweets such as modaka as it is believed to be a favorite of Lord Ganesh.The festival ends on the tenth day after start,but in mumbai and in some other states a half day where the idol is carried in a public procession with music and group chanting, then immersed in a nearby body of water such as a river or sea.

i have no interest in this but yeah i love ladoo.i was thinking about to have lots of ladoos my mouth was watering.suddenly a message flash on my mobile screen.it was from stranger.yea.again.what the hell is doing now.why he is back after so many days.why he stopped doing that.yes I wanted to know.at least I deserves to know he swiped and suddenly gone."I replied hello"meera

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