
31,paranoid behaviour

Mayank is gone.i was not happy but now I don't have to lie.i thought harshil and I would be together happily.but nothing is happier we fight every day.i can't use phone he hacks my mobile now.if any boy message me next minute he is in my block list.i can't go out with friends.harshil is controlling everything.and i am doing for sake for love.damn it what kind of love is this.he doubts me on everything.keeps calling me in office i can not talk to even office male staff he is goin so far now.he is being insecure that he never allow me to talk to or meet anybody.

Where're i go now i have to make video calling with him.in also home.its feel like i m big terrorist and he is in charge not to loose sight on me.every time i explain him to have freedom he blackmail emotionally.for sake of love i am doing everything like i am his puppet.every day fight every day dram over same thing.yes i am fucked up badly.loving someone is ok but it doesn't mean controlling life.he love me like crazy he used to say and see he is right may be he is crazy paranoid beast.he is suffering "ptsd"

I am pissed but what can i do i have no one to talk to this.i was missing mayank so badly this time I realised why i let him go.mayank was only person who can solve this i have to talk to him I cannot live like this but i still love harshil I cannot think about repeating history.i can not betray this time i will loose him for sure.what should i do.i never imagine one day i will face this.can somebody pull me out of this.i know no one can save me from this i loved him and i have to face this its my fault after all I betrayed thats why he is doing this he can't loose me either.and I cannot him.may be after some time he will be normal again.i have just hope nothing else and i have give him time to be normal with love and passion i am sure he will change.

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