
27,back off if you do love me

Days are going worse.harshil and i are not good.he is feeling jealous and now that jealousy is turning in to insecurity.he makes me to ignore mayank.texting.calling going out with him.it feels like he want to erase mayank from my life slowly.he is using my every social network site accounts so he figure out what is going on between me and mayank.so he can see know what ever we talk about go where

I never imagined this would come .oneday me and mayank where chatting he just told me love you he forgot to mention as a friend and I replied him with me too.i immediately delete those messages for sake harshil so he doesn't get any wrong idea.i had no idea harshil already read those messages.he fought with me he believed that i am cheating on him.we didn't talk for two days.mayank made me realise this is my fault.i should not do such things.what hurts him.but this is not bad thing.i realised.i called for apology.he picked and he warn me not to do anything stupid.for few days i kept that in mind.i started chatting carefully with mayank.

Now me and mayank barely talk.rarely meet.when we chat there is harshil.watching us.i can't share anything with him.small things hurts harshil.even i am chatting with mayank once in a month.he told me to choose between him or mayank.i have no idea what the really matter with him.but yes i m at that stage where i have to choose love or friendship.i can't loose both are really meant something for me special.god knows what to do.

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