
24,Lovebirds in their nest

Harshil"hey honey "meera"yes baby," can you take an emergency leave from office right now ,i cannot wait outside your office "meeta"what you are in the city,when you arrived,why didn't you told me,"harshil "right now you first ask for leave."meera"bald headed going kill me if i dare to ask for leave"harshil "come on do something,I don't have much time,"meera some how managed to get leave,with warning.

When i came out side the office a white i20car was waiting for me.suddenly door opened,"come inside quick "it was harshil.meera still in shock"what the hell are you doing here,what is going on why are you in so hurry,where are you we goin"harshil"please for god sake shut the bloody mouth and listen to me"meera "what"harshil"i love you"meera blushed,harshil "come on,at least reply me,i am dying to listen those words"meeta "i always say on phone call"harshil"but that's different in real,please"meera"I proposed you now your turn,earn it"harshil"ohh,godthis girl is so hard to handle"I punched him on his shoulder.and rested my head on his shoulder.

After an hour still he is driving,i am holding his hand.suddenlyharshil got call.it was from his mom"my son where are you,my check uo is done,can you come here and take me to aunt mukta's home."harshil panicked first"streamed ye...yes..mom i will be there in 10 minutes "before meera ask anything harshil gave her all answers "i came today morning just to consult a doctor,mom 's medical condition is not good,she had paralysis attack last night.yes she passed.but still need to make sure nothing went wrong.one of relative suggested here.

Meera is so disappointed because he had to leave city tonight with his mom only purpose was for mom not for.she thought he came to see her.harshil dropped her on station she got on bus and he left to pick her mom from the hospital.

At night meera was going to sleep and she got call from mayank she told him everything.mayank explained her that no matter how important a girl is for boy she can never replace a mother's love.and he also explained that how hard harshil managed to see her meet her.dear mayank how mature he is.how can he be so polite.selfless.this is the true love.i wish i had same feelings for him.only mayank can understand her feelings better.and make her listen 😂

Next day wake up early got again flowers.i knew who gifted.harshil how caring he is.he knew i was not so happy because he had to leave yesterday night.wanted to spend more time.a door bell rang.meera thought she is getting another gift,she opened door and harshil just smooched.meera was shocked for a while she was numb.harshil "at least invite me in"ohh,you are not dreaming i can proov you with another kiss.can i "meera"stay the hell away,how can you be here you were going back,"harshil "you should be happy i am here kissing you and look at you"meera "can't you tell first,before giving me heart attack,"i ll die if you continuesly fmdo thigs like this,suddenly decided to show uo in city,making excuses to go back,and now in the morning at my doorstep kissing me"

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