
13,Who are you?i asked

I was going to out with cosines at resort.few cousins now familiar with mayank.and they really like him.some of them now wants to see me married with him.😂i was so excited to go there.imagine a day with him on resorts ☺️that day something came up and he couldn't.all my plans failed.flushed.

Its boring without mayank.whole day I passed with 0% of interest in games.rides.i really can't imagine myself without him.he is the person who taught me to smile again.i dont need to put make up to cover my scares and dark circles in front of him he likes me how i m naturally.its ohk to acting weird.do silly things like no one is watching.i was missing that fun.

After dinner cousins planned dj party.i was in no good mood.still have to stay there.i started drinking alcohol after 2 or 3 bottle of cheep beer i was 🥴 drunk but not that bad found myself on dance floor.everyone was drunk badly.dancing beast.some are jumping some are rolling on floor some are laughing some are crying 😭 may be they are missing their ex😂

I went outside the club area.sitting on poolside.legs in water relaxing.wind is blowing slowly.i started singing.closed eyes doesn't made me realised someone is nearby me listening me.wen stopped he said" please don't.stop"he looks familiar.he asked me to join.site by me.i thought for a while.but i am not that person anymore who stay away from people.in fact i like to know others to talk to other.to make friends.and all credit goes to mayank.i allowed him to join me.

He told me his name"hey 'em harshil,"i think u don't remember"i still don't have any idea "who the hell is he?"i he trying to make fake contact to trick me like others boys do"boys this days"ohh,god,"akash told me still u don't get me,and i ask directly "who are you".he just laughed out."harshilpatel"same school"headboy" remember something now.

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