
Love Is But A Chance.

No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice. … “ Let go of me, you monster!” yelled Delilah with tears streaming down her flushed face profusely. Her soul froze the next moment she looked into his eyes, it blazed like an abyss of iciness, ruthless and cold, his grip on her tightened. " No way" he hissed, his voice low, dripping with venom. … After her childhood sweetheart, Su Zhe Jin (Harrison Su) moved away, Chen Qing Qing (Delilah Chen) was devastated. She, with her family also planned to move few years later but who thought they'll be caught in a terrorist attack. Delilah, a shy, jovial, innocent girl with a very fragile personality. She moved to D city to further her high school education. There in Fulfilled Dreams High School… Was a story on its own. One night, while scheming through the attic in her home, she found a box… more like, the box found her. The box revealed numerous secrets that made her believe her life was filled with mystery. After high school, Harrison travelled out of the country while Delilah began to face crisis after another when a woman and her daughter claimed to be the real wife and daughter of Chen Xiao (Delilah's father) She was forced to get engaged to the crippled son of a wealthy family. Harrison returned home to find out that she had got engaged to another man from a wealthy family. Resentment, jealousy, anger, the feeling of betrayal overwhelmed him to do the unthinkable. «««««««♦»»»»»»» I hope you enjoy reading it as I did writing. Remember to vote and leave your honest reviews, this humble author is always ready to listen to your thoughts. ♥ midsummer07.

Midsummer07 · Teen
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100 Chs

Chapter 98- Hospitalized Before The Adventure Began.

" Morning sir… Elder Liu" Anna greeted as she rose from her seat.

" Good girls" Liu Yi nodded like an old man, "How do you feel now cadet?" he asked Delilah.

Delilah lowered her eyes, "A bit weak and feverish, my head still hurts, and I can't taste the soup at all, sir "she responded humbly.

" Hm" Liu Yi nodded, he raised her wrist, feeling for her pulse. A while later, he nodded like he'd already got his answer.

He turned to Anna, "How do you feel now?" he inquired.

" I still feel pains behind my head sometimes, it aches a lot, my throat feels sore and dry, and I experience fever at times too, sir" she answered.

" Hm, I'm afraid you might still be here until tomorrow cadets" Liu Yi said thoughtfully.

The girls understood, their hearts heavy, they came for adventure but ended up hospitalized before the adventure began.

" We understand sir" Delilah nodded dejectedly.

Liu Yi sympathized with the girls, "Be good and eat up, who knows if you recover speedily, you might leave here before tomorrow" he gave them hope, sure enough, the girls head rose like a flower in the morning.

" Really?" Anna asked excitedly.

Liu Yi nodded, "But don't get too excited, you have to follow all the procedures to your recovery, is that alright?"

" Yes sir" the girls nodded.

Liu Yi glanced at Delilah who looked a lot like his friend's wife, he nodded satisfied and left the ward.

" I want clean up, I feel so dirty" Delilah turned to Anna and said as she looked at herself.

Anna nodded, they only wiped Delilah's body with a hot towel when she was unconscious.

" Alright, let's go"

With that, she assisted her to the bathroom.

… In Harrison's ward…

The table beside his bed was filled with cartons of milk and buns, he stared at the gifts coldly. As he was about to get up, someone entered, it was Amy.

" Classmate" she flew to his side, intending to help him to get out of bed, but Harrison heartlessly asked,

" What are you doing here?" His voice was as cold as an iceberg in the Antarctic.

Amy smiled coquettishly, "I only came to check on classmate Harrison, how do you feel?" She blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Harrison just ignored her, he got up from the bed, "Leave" he commanded in a deep voice.

" But I brought you breakfast" she said sadly.

Harrison gaze landed on the carton of milk and buns in her hands, he motioned with his head that she should keep it with the rest on the table, and with his hand that she should leave.

Amy eyes gleamed when she saw the untouched gift he said she should add hers too, so she wasn't the one who has giving him gifts, huh?

Those stupid girls!

She did as he said and left in a huff.