
Like it was fate

The day it happened was nothing special, the same routine, the same school, the same being alone, you wouldn't have guessed it was the day that changed my life.

I wake up to the feeling the morning glow of sunlight across my face, I yawn and slowly roll out of bed, I am feeling optimistic about this day. I walk downstairs with a spring in my step as I greet my mother who is lying on the sofa, probably hungover, she gets up and wanders to the fridge to grab a beer.

"Mum?" I ask concerned

"What honey?"

"Its barely eight in the morning."I say

"I know honey but I am going through a hard time with work and all."She replied like it was perfectly normal to be drinking a beer at eight in the morning.

"Why don't you have some coffee instead?"I ask hopefully but she was already walking away with the beer in her hand. My happy mood was quickly disappearing so I decided to skip breakfast and hop straight into the shower.

A few hours later I was sitting in maths wondering if mum would remember to come to take me to a debate, normally I would walk but this one is far away and mum offers to take me, I say a little prayer, with my head down and eyes closed, that she will be sober.

"Excuse me miss Jones but unless you are blind I would suggest that you open your eyes and pay attention to the lesson."My teacher's clear voice made me sit up with a jolt and I decide it would be practical to pay attention for the rest of the lesson.

I am waiting outside school, wishing, hoping that my mum will turn up. I am just about to call her when a bunch of other girls walk past me jeering "Are you waiting for that pathetic excuse of a mother"I say nothing"Well mother like daughter!" one shouts and I can hear them all laughing as they walk way. I turn around and try calling mum, I hear a phone ringing near me and I look up, I see my mums face, it looked like she had seen a ghost."Mum?"I whisper worried

"Is...Is that how the other girls treat you?"She says in a thin voice.

"Well not all of them."I reply hoping that is the right answer. I hear a buzz and mum looks at her phone."Mum? Who is it?" I say hoping, praying its not Daniel

"Oh its just Daniel." she says but before I could utter a word of protest she cuts in

"I know how you feel about him honey" she says"But I think I will forgive him"This is literally the most stupid thing I have heard in my life and I open my mouth to reason with her but she quickly says"Come on lets go" So I obediently get into the car.

Buzz Buzz. I look down at my phone, Its just Sarah, I don't have time to worry about what she wants right now. I have my own problems. Mum had stopped of to get more beers for later but I can just see her sipping them discreetly from where I am sitting behind her. I am starting to get really worried now but I am so exhausted that I really can not be bothered to argue with her. My seat is is so comfortable and I drift into a deep sleep.

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung, bung)

Make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bung, bung, bung, bung)

Give him two lips like roses and clover (bung, bung, bung, bung)

Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over

Sandman, I'm so alone (bung, bung, bung, bung)

Don't have nobody to call my own (bung, bung, bung, bung)

Please turn on your magic beam

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream

Dat_Pon_Lovercreators' thoughts
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