
My pet

Lilith and Majin Khalifa was flying towards the human camp till Lilith stop mid-air and was looking down below her as she spoke with a bored tone.

"Take care of the second one at the human camp, you have permission to be ruthless, don't mind the humans they are nothing but disposable waste anyways."

"No prob, mi queen, I will deal with the Mercury Wannabe."

"Yeah, meanwhile I will take care of the original pet, he should be somewhere down there hiding from me in the forest, most likely trying to find a mean of escape; honestly does he really think I'm going to let him escape me so easily, what an amusing attempt of a desperate struggle of survival."

Majin Khalifa then flew towards the human camp with a predatory look on her face, clearly delighted to relieve some stress after thousands of years, if the Mercury wannabe doesn't entertain her, the legendary sun princess should suffice her unquenchable hunger for battle.

Meanwhile Lilith flew towards the deep connection she feels with her implanted blood nearby, Lilith then descended gracefully somewhere at the edge of the forest.

All the Oddities nearby was clearly avoiding her, as her mere presence alone was enough to make an entire army of demon's quiver in fear for their lives.

After walking for about two minutes, she stops Infront of a certain tree, that was really large.

From there she began using a skill to scan the entire tree, reason be she felt a strong bound with something sitting somewhere upon it.

And to her surprised she didn't find a humanoid Mercury no she found a rather small snake curled up sleeping at the very top of the tree.

Lilith had a deadpan look as she spoke with clear annoyance in her voice.

"What a troublesome pet, to think you make your owner chased after you, maybe I should toss you in the play room when I get back, or maybe cut off your limbs, till I find a way to keep you bound to this place, it would make my life so much easier."

Lilith still had her arm fold as she, place one right leg on the trunk of the tree, then her left one as she casually began to walk up the tree, the branches that where in her way began to part making a way for her.

Of course, this was only possible due to the fact that Lilith was using vector manipulation to defy the laws of gravity, and walk up the giant tree as if was a flat surface.

And the reason the tree branch's part ways for her, was because of another skill that make objects that are blocking the user way to forcefully part for her, so she can reach her destination easier.

And right after reaching the very top of the tree Lilith still had her hands cross, and was hanging upside down, standing straight looking directly at the full white snake that was curled up in ball, it looks almost like an albino king cobra.

She then grabs the tiny creature that appears to be in a deep slumber, and place it in between her bosom, as she began to walk down towards the ground.

And when she reaches the very bottom, she places her hand in between her bosom and grab Mercury out of it.

As he was elongated out like a strand of spaghetti, as Lilith hold him by his tail firmly, and look at him as if analyzing his current stagnation state.

"It would appear that he in some kind of hibernative state, let see if I'm right hmmm... he slowly breathing, he also has a slow heart rate at least 5 beats every minute, his body temperature is extremely low as well, hmm I see brumation but yet he unconscious, a lack of mana maybe."

Lilith then look into his gate, and what she saw was a raging sea of extremely potent mana that burn like the sun, that and it almost reach its bottle neck, meaning mana depravation wasn't the problem either, if anything his mana level is too insane even for a possible Newman this level of mana far surpasses what they should have.

Even a high Newman wouldn't have that much, as the Newman race are born with non-sensical level of physical strength and durability that is so strong it can practically be called invincibility.

"But yet, he lacks the durability and maybe even the strength to lift giant mountains with his bare fingers like what all the Newman of old were capable of doing, but in return he was somehow bless with a huge pool of mana with great quality at that."

"Hmm... maybe he isn't asleep, and just decide to leave his body, I wouldn't be surprised if he also has a spiritual form as well, then it most likely an out of body experience, if that the case he most likely watching me or is somewhere else."

"Normally, to get the spirit back into the body, they would have to willing come back, so if I intentionally harm the main body then the spiritual body should automatically be aware of the upcoming danger, yes let's put it to the test."

"Although it was kind of interesting to see that your capable of full body transformation, to an entirely different species in a whole, maybe you're not a human at all, and you're just pretending to be a high human, either way a pet is still a pet."

Lilith then look at the vast forest to see where she can find a suitable oddity so she can feed Mercury to it, if his body is in immense danger his soul should return to it.

And the only reason she confident that Mercury soul is not in his body is due to the fact that she isn't seeing a soul at all thank to her soul seeing skill.

But little did she knows that Mercury soul is basically the heart of an entire plane of existence, hence fort none of his vessel would show any evidence that he or they have a soul in the first place.

If anything, he can only be considered as a living doll, but hey if he has a vessel, he can live on forever without dying.

Lilith then found a giant monkey type oddity, it had black and red fur, it stands at 10 meters in height while it hands literally reach its knees, it had really sharp teeth that resembles that of a great white shark, its sclera was blue and its pupil was yellow.

It had a long tail that was two time its size, that and it had sharp and pointy needle like appendages at the end, meanwhile on it back was insect like wings that resemble that of mosquito, but what made this oddity quite menacing was that it possesses a deep and cold aura that was coming off of it.

Each step it made froze the ground, even the surrounding area that it was station at was engulf by a mysterious black ice that had fish like eggs coming out of them.

Behind it was three crimson red buttock that had eyes and mouth on it, honestly it looks so disgusting to the point just been close to it make one wants to vomit by the horrible smell coming off of it alone.

Lilith saw the giant oddity and smile sadistically while looking towards it, as she also looks back at the sleeping Mercury, who still had the appearance of a baby Albino king Cobra.

She then walks toward the oddity as she said while nearing it.

"A lesser Sarugami, perfect this thing is an Epsilon class oddity; how rare to find one at the edge of the forest though, they specialize in hand-to-hand combat and is an in-depth user of the ice manipulation which is their racial skill, but this one got mutated due to my domain potent Miasma, perfect this oddity would definitely appreciate the snack I'm about to give it."

Lilith then walk closer to the lesser Sarugami who was oblivious to the fact that Lilith instantly appear behind it.

Lilith then look at the lesser Sarugami tail and stomp down on it to grab it attention, meanwhile the lesser Sarugami shouts in agony as it turns around with great anger in it face.


It had clear and eminent rage plastered on its face as it extended its claws to decapitate the thing that dare stood upon its tail and enter it territory.

But just when it was about to sends its attack toward it target, its entire arm was suddenly blown off by a huge and impactful force that suddenly send the oddity to ground.


A loud shout echoed within the area, as the lesser Sarugami made a face filled with evident pain, so much so, it was shaking on the ground howling in a primitive way.

The pains shouldn't have hurt it to such an extent, but due to one of Lilith many skills, she can make normal punch with little to no power at all, have an impact of a 600x more than it should have, but it doesn't stop there that pain will increase by 600x every second, so just been hit by her brings immense suffering.

But what made this skill even worse was the fact you can't pass out no matter how intense the pain gets, much less dying from shock.

The monster gave Lilith a menacing and hatful look, but it couldn't keep that look for too long as it suddenly felt a piercing pain in its left eye.

As Lillith use the sharp heel of her high heel boots and stab the right eye of the nameless oddity, and in response to the sudden attack the oddity began to screaming a horrific screech that caused the bird to fly from the area.

But it soon stops as Lilith gave it an intimating look, her arm still cross as she spoke setting her dominance.

"I don't like that look in your eyes, so I took it upon myself and removed for you, just because this is your territory it doesn't give you the right to disrespect me in my domain, just remember one thing oddity you aren't the queen bitch here I am."

Lilith said as she continues to twist her right foot slowly and deeper into the oddity right eye, which caused it to squeal in pain even more.

"Territorial my ass, you goddamn oddities have no sense of danger; I swear as soon as I escape this godamn prison I'm going to have a serious word with the twelve-apostle responsible for creating and spawning you guys on my domain."


"Agh... shut up, before I take the next one, believe me I can do this all day."

Lilith said with slight annoyance in her tone, as she began to released her aura that she was suppressing, and when she did that the lesser Sarugami that was wallowing in pain, instantly shut up instantly instinctively in fear for its own life.

"That more I like it, at least you are now aware of your place, with that said eat this thing for me and I will let you go with just a missing arm and eye, but if you want, I can take the other three limbs and a couple of organs as compensation for wasting my time."

The lesser Sarugami was trembling in fear for its life, strangely it can't understand what it was even saying, much less even comprehend what the monster before it wanted.

But it more or less figures the intention behind it words as its body move on instinct to get up, despite the overwhelming increased of pain it was feeling in its right eye and missing arm.

Lilith then smile sadistically as he gave Mercury one last look as she proceeds to throw him on the ground like scrap, as he laned really hard on the ground.

But despite that he still didn't awake from his slumber, the lesser Sarugami then look at the full white elongated creature that seems to be in a deep slumber.

And been an oddity it was really sensitive to mana, and just like that the immense pain it was feeling earlier was slowly fading away due to the excitement it was feeling, as it hurries to run toward the little creature grabbing it almost as if was essential for its survival.

It took its left hand and hurry open it mouth wide revealing it rows of many sharp and broken teeth that were as yellow as gold.

Its breath was even stinker than the natural scent that come off of itself, the reason it was behaving as such was the fact the Mercury had a tremendous amount of mana, an been an oddity that relies so much on mana, killing him would allow it to rank up to nothing less than a lord class Oddity if not a king or an emperor class.

Since all Oddity gain more strength from simply aging and killing in a whole, it's the very reason that all the races in this world hates them due to the fact that their potential is practically limitless.

Of course, with the exception of the twelve apostles, since they were the ones that created them in the first place

(A/N): All oddities in this world are born with the divine blessing of limitless potential, great adaptability, and racial consumption which allows them to syphon a total of 80% of the original target power for themself although its only their mana and physical strength.

Meanwhile Lilith watches as Mercury was about to be devours whole by the lesser Sarugami and be converted into nothing but ghastly energy to suffice its promotion.

But just as she was expecting, the snake began to open its eyes, and the face of horror and shock was equally satisfying and enjoyable to watch, as he spoke while falling into the throat of the lesser Sarugami.

"The fuck is this!"


His voice echoed through the beast stomach, as he was swallowed whole by the ugly monkey type oddity.

"Hmm... now then, show me something interesting before I put you on a leash."

The lesser Sarugami had creepy look on it already disgusting and horrendous face, it was clear it was the face of immense and unexplainable self-satisfaction, due to fact that it was going to get a major boost in power as soon as it digests Mercury, or he dies in its stomach.

But that face of immense and unexplainable self-satisfaction soon turn to one of, unexplainable an excruciating pain.

As Lilith began to notice a major change in the lesser Sarugami body.


The harsh sound of someone or something throwing up their inside out on the ground could be heard as the lesser Sarugami fell to its knees in great pain and fear for its life, as it started to bleed from it eyes, then its nails, then its nose, then every other hole in its body.

As a huge puddle of its own blood started to form beneath it as it was throwing up pint of blood by the second, but what was more fretting to see was the fact that its blood was smoking for some unknown reason.

And if that wasn't bad enough, it began to drastically bloat up slowly increasing in size till eventually, its entire body was set ablaze by an immense flame that burn it from the inside out.

The oddity attempt to scream in pain, but it's vocal cord where already turn to a scorching crisp, and after the lesser Sarugami was at least 15 meters in size and look like a giant burning balloon.

A loud popping sound was heard, as the lesser Sarugami burst from the inside out as it remaining eye flew out of the socket, which was already on the verge of melting like heated butter.

Brain matter, intestines, organ, and even splintered bones that were on fire flew in every direction possible, and what followed was a bright orange light that was so bright it was akin to looking directly at the sun.

A massive explosion took place causing tree to fly in every direction, while the sand of the ground began to turn to glass, the trees were set a blaze, and thick smoke surround the area.

And after the bright flaming and destructive wave of heat struct the environment, Lilith could have only said four word to describe her current emotion.

"What a fun day."

Those were the only words that escape her mouth, reason be it wasn't due to giant explosion that wreak havoc on the forest, as the fire spread far and wide.

No, it was what was in front of her, because honestly what she was seeing was probably the most fun transformation that her pet has taken thus far.

Before Lilith was a giant eighty-meter flaming king cobra, its entire body was made up of nothing but a hot flame that was as hot as the sun.

Everything in the area was been burn to cinder due to its main presences, even the thick Miasma was been burn to nothing almost as it was been purify.

The giant snake had six eyes, each of them where full red even the sclera was a bright crimson red, but what made it even more menacing was the fact that each eyes had constant sparks of red lightning coming out from them.

Of course, this person was no other than Mercury who had taken the form of a giant king cobra with many properties of different skill fuse within the transformation itself acting like racial abilities for his new acquired form he created on the spot.

Mercury was looking down at Lilith as if she was nothing but a mere ant, despite the fact that even with this new form of his, he didn't stand a chance against her.

The two of them stare at each other intently, none of them backing down their intimidating gaze from one another, it was almost as if the two had subconsciously come to an understanding that neither of them was willing to give up or more so Mercury would never back down, if he was going to be keep here as nothing more than a prisoner and a toy to entertain her then so be it, but he sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight.

Because back on Earth he would fight many people that tries to take advantage of him, of course, he lost all of them, due to his weak constitution but the point is no one from the Mercury family would stand idly by to be taken for a fool without showing some form of resistance.

That and the fact he was actually genuinely piss at this crazy bitch for feeding him to such a disgusting monster.

So much so, he began to send a telepathic message to Lilith using Beelzebub to pronounce his anger towards her.

"Oi... is my life some kind of joke to you woman, do you think my suffering and pain is some kind of game you can play with however you want just because your stronger, tsk... don't make me laugh you fucking bitch, I am no one's toy, much less entertainment, I demand fair treatment you hear me."

Lilith began to hear a voice in her head which kind of shock her a little, but only a little, reason be no one should have been able to even enter her mind much less send or connect a telepathic link to her mind due to multiple skill protecting it.

But yet here an anomalous human was entering it as if it was child play, but she didn't really mind, Roren could do the same as well, but only through a wish, and sending a message is all she can do even with her wish granting capabilities.

But even so, she couldn't help but slowly laugh a ghastly laugh filled with genuine amusement for the situation before her.


"Ha what so funny?"

"Pfft! hahaha... ahahaha! ahahahah! aghhhh! oh, good lord hahaha! now this shit is hilarious, so much so, I think I should allow you to lick my feet as a reward for making me laugh so hard in a thousand years, a toy you say, haaa... now that's a good one."

Mercury had a deadpan look, as he spoke.

"It's clear that's all I'm going to be use as, is it not?"

"A toy ha!? Haha... no, you're not a toy, your more of a rebellious pet, than anything else if you ask me."

At those word Mercury felt oddly frustrated, so much so, he re-asked the question just to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

"A-A-A pet!?"

"Yes, a pet nothing more, nothing less, unless you want to prove me otherwise.


"It's for that very reason you should stop your useless attempts of escaping this place, and just transform into a human again, so I can put this collar I made personally for you, I will even allow to keep your current name as reward for keeping me enter...


Before Lilith could even finish her statement, she was suddenly attack by a powerful projectile attack that came from Mercury mouth.


The attack was enough to create a giant shockwave destroying everything in its path, a huge dusk cloud was made that engulf the entire area.

But within that cloud a voice rang out as it said.

"Well, this is quite interesting development, are you living rail gun or something?"

Upon those words Lilith began to walk out of the dusk cloud but she wasn't alone because in front of her was a giant Aarow head that was at least 5 meters in height and 10 meter in width.

Red electricity was coming off the giant arrow head, that Lilith stop with her telekinesis, meanwhile Mercury replied with.

"Tsk... I'm surprised you even know what a railgun is, it would appear that you are civilized to some extent after all."

"Are you implying that I am dumb, I will have you know your human technological weapons aren't anything special nor is it hard to cracked, much less hard enough for me not to understand how it works, haha... you know what you can have this back then you can judge if I don't know how a railgun works."

And what happen next shocked Mercury beyond belief it wasn't because she understands how a railgun work, because anyone with a bias or basic scientific background could more or less understand the principal behind it.

For him he transforms his tongue into that of giant metal arrow head, as he uses Lucifer to generate enough electricity, by right of the skill destructive capabilities the arrow should have vaporized to the point that not even ashes should have remained, but after using the skill so much, he has master it to a point he can decide what get vaporized and what doesn't get vaporized.

But after he uses transmutation to transform his tongue into a giant arrow head he pumps enough electricity up his body then to his mouth to create an extremely powerful and dense electromagnetic field in his snake like jaws.

And after enough electricity has been generated and pump to increase the power of the field, he released a supersonic projectile attack that can pierce almost anything as the speed of his attack varies from how much electrical current, he pumps into it.

That first projectile was at least travelling at Mach-40, with that much speed you can travel anywhere in his previous world in mere minutes depending on where you are, as some places could be reach in mere seconds.

It was because of this one attack, that Mercury attack capabilities was at least continent level if he was serious, but his true destructive capabilities were unknown in a way, reason be ultimate skill Lucifer is basically the ability to have a way to generate an infinite amount of exoteric electrical energy, since there are no limits to how much electrical energy Mercury can generate.

So much so, that Mercury could vaporized multiple continents with ultimate skill Lucifer alone with relative ease, hell if he was given enough time to generate enough exoteric electrical energy into a single point say a year or maybe even two, Mercury can probably wipe out a portion of this solar system.

It was for this very reason Ultimate skill Lucifer was his main attack skill, for the mere fact if you were slightly touch by it you will disintegrate, and the only way you would have been capable of surviving it in a whole, was the fact that you would have to be the possessor of some skill that will allow you to cheat death, for example Sirus bullshit regeneration capabilities that allows her to regenerate so fast it surpasses the disintegration speed of his attack.

And we are just talking about one of Mercury ultimate skills at that, we haven't even seen how destructive black sun could be, once released, and if Celestia was right about the skill destructive capabilities then there are no limits to how big it can get.

But what shocked Mercury the most was the fact that Lilith somehow redirect the arrow head towards him, as the arrow head began to split into a total of 98 perfect copies.

As all of them was perfectly aim towards some part of his body, and if that wasn't enough, all of them began to rotate in a clockwise formation, it was so fast not even Mercury could determine how fast it was going with his calculation.

All the arrow heads where then set ablaze by a mysterious purple flame; it was at that moment that Mercury danger sense began to go off like crazy, it was so bad to the point that the illusion of already been dead hit him.

As he got the illusion of dying by slowly burning into nothingness, and as a way to make his fears a living reality Lilith confirms something so scary to the point, he instantly thought of transforming into something that can escape those flames.

Lilith then smiled sadistically as she spoke with slight glee in her tone, almost as if she was proud of this skill.

"Every time I use this skill it's a definite game over no matter what the cause, and so far, only one person was capable of surviving this skill while been touch directly by it, now tell me Celestia successor can you pull off the same feat as your sire did eons ago, or will you die a fool death without even completing her last wish."

"W-What are those flames, I can't think straight at all, it's almost like just knowing that they exist much less knowing that they are pointing towards me, is making me loos my cool, agh... I see this is true death, if that thing hits me, I'm going to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die, am I going to die!?"

This was the only thought that was constantly playing over and over in Mercury mind, it was so bad that his instinct takes over his rationality and his body, as he quickly turns around and began to slithering away with great speed for his size in fear for his life.

"To hell about finding out what it does, because even if I did, I have a bad feeling it wouldn't really matter as everything I knows would be gone in the truest sense, if that thing touches me in the slightest."

"I don't want die."

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

"No, I can't die."

"Will I die!?"

"Why am I going to die!?"

"Is this how I die?"

"No. I refused to die!"

"No, I can't die."

"I will not die, live, live,live,live,live! live! at all cost no matter the sacrifice!"

"I must live."

"I will live."

"I'm allowed to live."

"Live, live,live,live,live,live,livelivelivelivelivelive....

These thought of surviving no matter the cost was the only thought that was present in Mercury mind, the mere presence of Lilith mysterious flames invoke a fear inside Mercury like no other to the point his rationally had been voided, you can even say it was driving him mad.

Nothing but survival at all cost matter to Mercury at this point and time, meanwhile Lilith was high in the air smiling with blood shot eyes that were glowing a menacing as she said.

"You poor thing, maybe this was too much for you, but I'm sure you will be ok maybe! if not, you can always be replaced with something even more intriguing although the chances of that is pretty low to find a such entertaining pet, but I can't help myself, I'm quite curious to see how you fair against this attack of mines, if you can survive this, I'm sure you can survive anything that I throw your way for the sake of my entertainment."

From their Lilith point one of the ninety-nine giants flaming purple arrow that was spinning really fast as she spoke to Mercury through telepathic link to make sure he knows what he is dealing with.

"Behold the flames of oblivion, as you might have figured out these flames are not normal in anyway whatsoever it only takes a slight touch for it end in a moment notice."

"The true name of this destructive skill of mines is a part of the original ten Lilith skills of the Lilith skill tree series I made way back in the day, this one is rank 5th of the ten that exist and its name is."

『Queen of Obliviousness: Lilith』

"It's a supreme skill that burns one very existence, across every plane of existence imaginable, and I'm not talking about soul and body no! that's just the beginning of a lonely end that awaits you, because if this flame touches you, it slowly burns away the memory, life, and existence in a whole from everyone that has met you or will meet you, in all realities, past, present, and future, unless you have some form of immunity against erasure or maybe some kind of nihility counter, apart from that I don't see you escaping this, but who knows you seem to be full of surprises, so enlighten me."

Mercury was already ten miles away from Lilith but her words pierced his mind like a cold needle, slowly going deeper and deeper in his mind.

"Fuck! I can't die here, I can't die here, I refuse to die here, think Mercury think."

Meanwhile as Mercury was making his escape and was desperately trying to think of way to escape Lilith flames of oblivion, Lilith began to snap her finger which cause an all too familiar red lightning orb to manifest behind the spinning arrow, as she said with great interest for the new ability.

"Agh... I see, so it's called Ultimate skill Lucifer, what an interesting skill, it contains properties that can disintegrate almost every form of matter if the user so pleases, how interesting, lets test this new skill out, that sneak attack you threw at me was approximately going 31458mph so I should send this attack at 62916.1 mph hours which is 2x the original speed."

"I hope your capable of dodging a projectile that is capable of traveling at Mach 82, how fun it will be to see your face fill with despair, well then have a great journey pet of mine."


Lilith then snap her finger which cause, the already seriously compress point of energy to explode in a devastating rage, which caused a loud rumble to be heard within her domain.

--Rumble, Boom!--

Upon it release the spinning arrow head that was coated with Lilith's flames of oblivion was instantly shot forward towards Mercury head.

The distance was instantly overcame within a half of a second, as Mercury watch as the attack was about to reach him, in that moment he could only say two words.

"Fuck me."

So I have reach a point in this story where I will request power stones for posting new chapters, so every 100 power stones that I recived I will be dropping a new chapter, apart from that please enjoy the chapter.

Retro_Senpaicreators' thoughts
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