
A very good accidents

Inside a dark room, a small boy could be seen floating in the sky as he was been held up by a featureless silver-like humanoid statue.

Holding both of his hands so tight escaping from it without the help of someone is practically impossible.

But that wasn't the only thing holding and restraining him in places you see the only thing keeping him suppress were the multiple rods keeping him down.

If you go down more to his risk a total of seven long sharp rods were bored into both his risk pinning his risk and palms on the silver-like structure.

While on his mouth was a metallic and leather-like half-face mask holding and keeping his mouth seal shut, which was preventing him from using his teeth.

While on his face, a red blindfold that blackouts 100% light from entering the eyes making him blind even if he opens them.

And if you look down you could see a pair of two long-chain with a giant black metallic ball at the end of the chain.

As the chain was locked shut on both of his feet, and even if Mercury tries to move, it would be impossible as these chains weigh half a ton each.



Mercury began to wake up slowly from his unconscious state felt his head was hurting a little after that smack to the head Sirus gave him earlier.

'Ha... where am I... wasn't I at home oh yea that right I'm was reincarnated, the last thing I remember was that gorilla left feet that came crashing into my face.'

'Ehhh were the hell am I... ouch my god why the hell does my arm and hand feel like this it hurt like a motherfucker.'

'Ouch, am I been stab by something'.

Mercury then looks up but to his surprise, he couldn't see for the life of him as he tried to shout something in shock but failed as he felt something was suppressing his right to talk and move his mouth much less say what he wanted.

"Mhm... mhmm."

Mercury couldn't see nor could he speak as he said in his head

'Fuck it looks like I was imprisoned and place under a serious amount of restraint I swear my luck is shit.'

Mercury struggles to free himself 15 minutes straight, but even after all that he fails horribly in the one task he was trying to do which was escaping but thankfully he began hearing the voice of the diminished woman in his head once more as it said.

[Due to been deprive of sight echolocation skill has been gained due to eternal evolution]

[Due to been deprived of speech telepathy skill has been gained due to eternal evolution]

[Due to been exposed to pain +3 level was added to pain tolerance due to eternal evolution]

When Mercury heard this set of 3 notifications it was like the luckiest thing that has happened to him so far since coming here as he said.

'Finally, something extremely useful that was meant for actual survival.'

And the best thing is echolocation was like a third eye he can use to find his way out of really dark places and if he combines it with telepathy he could relay a message to someone without making a sound.

'Now judging by these two skills I feel like echolocation would be my saving grace so let try it out and see where the hell am I, it should be very straightforward to use it after all just imitate bats well I cant just my voice but I can use something that attaches to my body like these chains, in the end, the information will still come back to me.'

From there Mercury took his feet that had chains and bang them together creating a loud noise.

But it was because of these loud noises the chain made as it echoes all over the room.

He got access to the information he wanted as he began to see the world around him in a whole new light as the sounds wave he transmitted from his chain travel across the room with great speed as it reflects and bounces back from the object to object eventually back to him sending the information back of what is happening around him.

It was because of this new way of seeing and comprehending the world he was able to see so much clearer than with normal sight as a whole.

With this skill, he found a way to cheat his blind spot perfectly as a normal vision only gave him so much.

This was like sonar as he can see a full 360-degree angle leaving absolutely no blind spot restricting him whatsoever.

The only downside is that his mental map was black and white in color since color as a whole doesn't have a set sound but he finds it way more organized this way.

And the best part is every now and again slight changes will be made to Mercury's mental map as his hearing had been enhanced at least tenfold give or take along with his mental capacity so making a slightly complex mental map is a child play for Mercury.

Reason be something as simple as an ant can start walking and he will see that without actually looking or when something as insignificant as a needle drops to the ground he will know when and where it drops just by locating the sound.

But after Mercury made his mental map he began reviewing it as he needs to escape before Lilith comes and pay a visit to him, and honestly, he doesn't want to be visited by that crazy bitch because of what he was seeing through echolocation.

As he saw many different blades and surgical knives, weird technology he has ever seen before, a series of different torture devices some were even from his old world if not tweaked a little.

And the weirdest thing in this room was the silver humanoid statue mechanism keeping him hold with airtight grips and a series of several rods that were stabbed into him keeping him hold by the bone as he said in his head.

'This is going to be hard to escape from not only am I chain down from both directions especially my arms this is seriously suppressing me firmly and tightly escape is not an easy thing with these rods acting like stapler.'

'It looks like I will have to use self supremacy to get out of this situation as I will have to take one for the team by breaking or ripping off both my arms to free myself from this thing.,

'God I hate you, Lilith, your not making my life any easier, no the bigger problem is I have been here for less than a day and I'm already saying some scary shit like it's normal could it be that I already felt so much pain that it affecting my perspective on pain, of course, I also have to add in my pain tolerance to blame for this as well.'

'Well, the more time I waste here the less my survival chances are, so I have to get to work right away.'

From there Mercury began to think about how he should go in ripping off his arms to escape this predicament till he remembers a certain subject he used to be though in high school which was biology.

As he decided a perfect way to at least reduce the pain of what he was going to do to himself.

'By using self supremacy I am going to stimulate my adrenal gland and force it to release a huge dosage of both Epinephrine and Norepinephrine causing my adrenaline level to skyrocket beyond what the normal human body is used to, and can take.'

'This should suppress the pain somewhat, now let do it while regretting my life choices sometimes, but first I will need to find where both adrenal glands are located since self supremacy seems easier to use when you know what and where you are fooling around with.'

'It should be on top of both kidneys if I remember correctly.'

From there Mercury began stimulating both his adrenal glands as he began releasing a huge dosage of Adrenaline hormone in his body so much so you can literally see some of his veins start to stick out as he began to compress his muscle and when he thought it was enough he stops as he was ready to begin right away.

To make things easier on himself he used all his strength and did not hesitate for a single second as he pulls down really fast and hard the rod in his hand the metal rods that were held by the radius and Ulna break through the both of them snapping and tearing the hand.

As his flesh began to tore and some minor, important, and fragile bones in the hand brake follow by the squirting sounds of blood squirting and dropping on the ground by the amount.





After Mercury suicidal attempts of escape both his hand separated from his lower hands and if you were to see how it look you would have vomit as the hand wasn't even cut off it was ripped clean off as the excesses flesh started to mangle from left to right, and the stench of blood began to fill the room as it stains the floors.

The sight was a horrid one to see, honestly many would question Mercury of what posses him to go so far as to rip his own arm off but to him, it was either this or Liliths diary and honestly, he rather takes the chance with his self-torture than her torture any day.

After both, his hand separated from his lower arm he fell to the ground but he didn't stop there as he went straight for his leg next as he took his right foot and brake his ankle bone or fibula on the giant metal ball as he kicks it towards it with all his strength causing the bone to shatter in pieces.

From there he pulls out his foot from the shackles with relative ease and with no pain at all or more like he felt immense pain, but he was too focused to notices.

From there he began putting and fixing everything back in place using self supremacy and hold everything airtight with mana circulation, hell he even controls his blood flow to keep his foot alive because he braked his right foot so bad some splinters of bone were sticking out.

He repeated the process for his left leg and free himself the same way as he put it back and hold it together with mana circulation as well.

His only concern though was his hands since that was a mess in more ways than one.

So he decides to take a gamble on self supremacy to try a new method of healing he never thought of before.

He looks at the statue or just remember the location because of his mental map and jumps with his partially healed leg on the arm holding his arms still and use his teeth to pull it out with a little effort as he threw both of them on the ground.

From there what Mercury was about to do would forever change his life and a good way at that.

Mercury looks at his hands that were on the ground and his distorted lower arms with shattered bones that were sticking out of his lower hand well you can even see the peace of the Ulna sticking out both hands as blood floods the room floor.

He picks his right hand first with his mouth he lines the severed hand with the wound and after 5 minutes of struggling he lined it up perfectly.

Mercury then began to perform his insane idea of healing as he uses self supremacy to increase the growth rate in his cell or his stem cells for saying as he started to do something suicidal yet again as he uses some hormone in his body.

And when I say some I mean a lot of different hormones till the point it became life treating to himself as a set of notifications hit his head again and it wasn't good.

[Warning the body can not handle such a high dosage of Insulin, testosterone, and several other harmonic factors please stop]

[Warning 56 seconds till death]

Even after this Mercury didn't stop he continue.

You see Mercury was self-injecting a series of growth-like hormones into his stem cells to force regeneration and healing his badly damaged hands, in short, he was trying to give himself cancer by mutating the cells in his hands.

He would heal it later and after he learns to use the transmutation ability he would transform the cancer cells into fresh cells.

But that didn't work out since Mercury didn't know what the fuck he was doing as he was only going by some crazy theory he saw on the internet.

But who would have thought the internet would help Mercury in more ways than one as his body was on the verge of death he combining Adrenaline with the other seven hormones in the body and by lethal amounts as well.

Mercury only has about 8 seconds of life left till he heard a notification in his head as he saw his hand started to regenerate extremely quickly.

[Due to the body been tampered with racial skill universal has been acquired]

[Unique title Manual regenerator has been earned]

[Unique title Selfless has been earned]

[Due to constant pain +6 level has been added to pain tolerance]

[Ability synopsis]

*Universal: The racial ability to add and fused cells, Hormone, and DNA of not just yourself but others as well gaining a racial trait of any and all race and also when you start fusing please do note it can either have a negative or positive outcome but in the end the negative outcome will play a positive role with a drawback*

[Title synopsis]

*Manual regenerator: This title was earned because you forced your stem cells to grow with insulin which is responsible for growth hence fort you can regenerate depending on how much insulin you injected in said cells.

Meaning you can only be regenerated manually but this ability also gives you the ability to tamper with cells of the race with similar anatomy as your example elves*

*Selfless: I'm convinced you don't love yourself or you are just crazy this title gives you the ability to feel less fear when you are doing something suicidal or insane*

When Mercury saw this he began smiling reason be he just wanted to cheat the system by taking advantage of eternal evolution since every action has a reaction.

But he didn't know what reaction would come fort because he thought he applied internet theory to his skill and started to mutate his cells giving himself cancer so he can temporally regenerate his hand

This was a gamble as this stupid stunt could kill him, but it didn't since eternal evolution would solve the problem by making him evolve further but then and again it was a gamble because if he didn't know if he would evolve in time.

In the end, he accidentally created two titles and a weird regeneration skill.

So with his new fixed hand, he took the thing off his mouth and eyes as he said.

"Well, that was the easy part now the hard part begins how do I escape this place".

Next chapter