
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasy
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43 Chs

A future set in stone.

/N): Well as you all should know I'm working now, henceforth I only write when I have free time, so this chapter was well you know take longer than intended to come out, but as soon as this one drop another one will come out and hour or two since it's two chapter I made, quick news I'm working on getting my credit card out, so I can purchased my legal art, I already sign the needed document as well, now I'm just waiting, so to just spice things up I'm going to show the legitimate art of on Mercury character design, and many more in the future but since, funds are tight I can only do it one at a time, so for the first batch I will get a world map, as I plan to explain the world in great detail in the upcoming chapters of volume 1.

That and Mercury character design sheet including, Lilith since she the main female lead and heroin of the story, after that I will leave it to you guys on who charcther design I should get next, although please keep your choices within volume 1 as we still have 70+ chapter before volume 2.

And guys we also have a event going on were I ask my readers to get creative in creating their own special character that will appear in the future volume, I have already seen the creativity of you all and I must say, so far I have taken an interest in a character called "Reas Bubl." made by "Jamlikecake"

But I also like the characters called "Mako" who was created by "Emer_void" shout out by the way, but apart from that thank you for taking out the time to read my work, I have many plan for this work even making my own website but apart from that please enjoy the new chapter.

Also I might soon post this on royal roads after I get an editor, and a proof reader, I already have an artist in my mind, as a matter fact I know him for quite a while please go a check out Gear art or Gear0 on Twitter.


And the person who hold such a grand smile despite his current state was no other than the previous owner of the body that Mercury now possess, Seth of Romania, the youngest son an the bastard child of king Adam and the witch of space and time Lilim, and the person who led the Newman to their inescapable end.

Mercury watch as he, well Seth began to speak as he said.

"Poor fools, it hilarious enough to think that burning me to death is enough to kill me, I'm confident when I say, as I am now I am far more durable than the strongest gods hahahah... agh

"Shut your mouth traitor, at least die with some honor."

Spoke a tall teenage boy that had many draconic tattoos plaster all over him, his hair was black and his eyes was a grey and blue mixture, on his neck was a dog like collar, he had sharp fangs and claws that were red in color while his complexion was tan skin, he was also very muscular and had a ten pack as he brag his chisled iron packs for all it glory.

His malice was very cleared towards the one called Seth, but despite that Seth keeps his smile, if anything it just got brighter as he said.

"Ha... how kind of you elder brother Cain, I honestly thought that you would struggle to be mean towards me."

Said Seth with a honest smile on his face, and surprisingly the one called Cain made a bitter smile as he said.

"Your words I wasted on me bro."

"Why so sad?"

"Your so unfair I swear, you are aware that you are dying right."

"We went over this Cain, if I don't die here today we can't secure a future for our people."

"But there most be a other way, dying is one thing despite the fact that death doesn't apply to you' but the fact still remain, are you really alright with this, you know sacrificing your self to accomplish the impossible is a feat worthy of praised, but what if you fail this time around."

"1,233,897,462,890,123,122 Cain, that the grand total amount of futures I have seen and all of them marks our end all due to our fathers stupid decision as king, 231,123,985,321,198,342,123,567 that how many past time line I had to create in order to for this present time line were I die is possible, this is the only way Cain, the Newman will fall to the God's, because as long as Archion intervene were all Fuck, no one can beat him, no one can destroy that monster, because that thing is somethings far worse than any thing you can possibly comprehend it's freedom is absolute."

"His freedom, I still don't understand who is this Archion, and why are you so terrified of his power, the Newman could easily kill God's, hell I watch the children kick young Cesar's ass when he tried to invade here by himself."

"Haha... Poor foolish brother that's exactly why the Newman's will die, we can kill God's with our bare fist like it's nothing, it's so easy for our race to the point even children can do it, but that thing isn't a God, no! it's far worse, even with My Artificial Supreme skill: Yggdrasil, I can't see nor can I surpass Archion future, if anything I see nothing but our end."

"After all you can't beat what doesn't exist, because we on the inside lacks the key to the outside."

"There you go with that encrypted language of your's again, I swear can't you be more direct in your prophecies?"

"Well I wish I could, but sadly this message serves a different purposed, although will it reach him I wonder."

Upon saying that Mercury eyes raised a little in shocked as he said.

"Is he perhaps talking about me, no way it can't be right, I haven't met this guy in my life."

Announce Mercury as he continue to watch the conversation.

"Sigh... well your going to die soon, so might as well we enjoy these last moment of happiness before they off you with the flame of Extinction our what remains of it."

"Hahaha... don't be sad brother, if all goes to plan, operation reincarnation will be set in motion, and my invetable rebirth will occur, because as long as Yggdrasil grow, I will never truly die, because I exist at the center of all time and space, my connection with time it self far surpass the very concept of the very word it self."

"Everything that will happen, or everything that has happen, will always be on my own timing, I create my own destiny, but even though Yggdrasil by itself can count as the strongest time manipulation skill to exist, it was only possible with the help of Archion in the end, or so mothers says; but even If this skill isn't complete it enough to get me were I want to be."

"Yea you said that like for the 45th time already, but are you really sure you can reincarnate yourself after you die."

"Well time move different in the garden world were Yggdrasil grow, 1 second here can feel like an eternity in Eden if anything a single nano second can be equivalent to 1,000,000,000 year within my Garden world and since I won't be reborn till the year Kefla-30,545 A.I.A."

"That a very long time to wait."

"Haha, a small price to pay to achieved my end goal of course, although I would rather prefer to be reborn right away, but this is as far as my influence should go, because if I randomly create different time line, the future I work so hard to create will wither like dead flowers."

"For that very reason, and for that reason only I must die today."

"I see."

Spoke Cain in a rather hurt voice as he put his head down in defeat.

"Hey... now don't be sadden, this is just the beginning."

"The beginning ha... what even beginning, what the point of anything, you even plan for the future despite the fact that your just going die anyway?"

"Well everything has been set in motion, there no stopping this, but I want you to do me one more thing before I pass on to Eden."

"And what might that be brother?"

"Take my last remaining eye brother, with its power you might be able to see the past, present, and future, with it use it to save yourself if anything arises, fear not though brother, you are not alone in this world after I pass on, we started this mission together to overthrow father in the soon to come extinction and genocide of the Newman race, its only right that we see the results of our sacrifices, because as long as I exist within Eden, the future will always be set in our favor, just remember to repair my body as much as you can."

"This is my last gift from me to you my brother in arms."

Cain froze in absolute horror at his statement, was Seth really going to give him his chrono glare, the very eyes that was own by his mother and probably one of the very last momento of her he has.

But despite the emotional attachment he holds to this eyes, he was really going to give him his chrono glare then he would be one of the very few people who owns a elemental eyes, with the chrono glare he would be able to utilize the power of time as well.

Despite been the oldest, of all four of his sibling, he was the only one who didn't inherited a elemental eyes from his father unlike Seth who inherit his from his mother, but with Seth Chrono glare, he could finally have somthing to counter the immense power of his younger brother mind glare.

Despite the fact that Seth Chrono glare is more of strategy type, than an offensive one like the mind glare, with it the weilder can move things with their mind, manipulate reality with their thoughts, and control someone mind simply by willing it.

That just how powerful the second youngest siblings was in term of visual power when compare to Seth who only had the ability to see valuable information from all corner of time to a certain limit.

Meanwhile the Mind glare has many uses and function, but despite that he was still the strongest for the sole reason he was built different.

Compare to most Newman, his strength was out of this world, he didn't possess any God giving skill, nor did he use some ancient super weapon to claim the title of the one above the apex of Newmananity.

Yes Cain is the strongest Newman to be born since the first ruler of the Newman to be born, so much so, he can easily kill everybody here in a blink of an eye, how fast you may be wondering, well fast enough to get in half a breath each.

(A/N): I already know how this story is going to end and what each charcther is going to do, but if I have to make a power ranking in the world power, Cain would easily be at the #3 spot for many reasons that would be spoilers, the guy is so physically overpowered almost every figth, major conversation, or anything that is from his point of view would be considered major spoiler so don't get use to Cain character as I will try to limit him as much as possible till future volumes, anyways back to the story.

It's the very reason why Seth tried to get Cain on his side no matter the sacrifice needed, even if it cost him a hundred times more than what it cost him already to reach here, Cain was an important factor that he couldn't loose.

The only reason why Adam remain at the top is because of the power of the first progenitor that run through him, as no full breed Newman could defy him, it the very reason why half breed like Seth discuss him to no ends, simply because his birth was a big mistake, and when he was born it was too late to kill him.

But what Cain posses was stated before hand, which was infinite pure physical strength, meaning he was so physically strong even the king of the Newman race has concluded that even if all the Newman were to merge into one and combine their strength they would still loose.

That was just how strong Cain was as the only Newman who stand at the Apex of his kind, he was so strong, that he didn't work out to reach this level no he was just born at the very peak since day one.

But even with his already insane physical strength, he still was left shaken by the sudden revelation that Seth was going to pass on the Chrono glare to him, but when he really thought about it he just couldn't bring himself to accept it, after all this was a precious momento despite his brother current situation.

But he was soon turned down, as Seth refused his denial and said.

"Don't look at me like that, this last eye of mine is useless to me now, for various reason."

Announce Seth to Cain as he sigh deeply and said.

"But it's important to you right?"

"Yes in every sense of the word."

Reply Seth with a sadden look on his last remaining eyes that were constantly radiating glowing blue light.

"But why give it to me, if it hold that much importance to you."

"Brother I'm soon going to die, so this eye of mine is of no use to me if I'm dead, and it's even more useless to me after I enter Eden as my control over time there will far surpass what the eye could do, so I want to give it to you, please Cain atleast keep it till I come back for it, if that make you feel any better."

Said Seth with a honest tone I his voice, meanwhile Cain look at him confused on what to do, if he inherits Seth Chrono glare it would definitely aid him in the future, but if he doesn't the eye itself would just be pass on to a random person in the world as they can only be one possessor at a time.

It the very reason why father tried so hard to get his hand on four of the twelve that exist today, so he just gave in and said.

"Fine but how am I going to inherit it, theses eyes can't be transplanted easily you know."

"I have a lot of friends you know, by normal means an elemental eye can't be easily transplanted by one user to another, but I know one person in the world who was capable of doing a surgery of this level."

"And who might that be?"

"The great elder Merlin."

"What, your friends with the Leshen of the red woods how and why?"

"Shush you idiot, you know father doesn't like Merlin don't say his name so foolishly."

"But still how do you know the oldest Leshen to exist a being that is so ancient and so old, he exist before the God's or the Newmans came to be."

"That a very long story, but just go to the red woods and say that you were send by me and he will help transplant the Chrono glare."

"You make it sounds like it's easy, the last time I heard, not even the that bitch Artemis could reach the woods that is at the edge of the world, even our father tried and failed, but you succeed come on that just unbelievable."

"Haha... of course they are going to fail... the red wood itself is the birth place of all of Era apostle and they are created there for reasons I can't revealed."

"Are you under a contract."

"No the Era bitch, is just as good as deceiving people just like the dragon god Loki."

"Agh.... fine I won't ask anymore and yes, I shall accept this gift, but I also have one last request as well."

"Hmm... well if it isn't too impossible to accomplish then I'm willing to listen."

"I know you hide a lot of information from me for reason yet unknown to me, but knowing you, I'm confident that everything you do have a purposed, and those purposed will play even more greater purpose in the future, all I ask of you is to tell me the person you will reincarnated as."

Seth look at Cain with a deadpan look as he said.

"Hmmm is that it, I honestly thought it was going to be more harder, but sure I can tell you that much."'


"To be honest I don't know who or what this said person really is, I only know that my new body has the potential to surpass Archion, and my new body will hold the last name of Van Anguish upon my rebirth."

"Van Anguish, hmmm.... it doesn't match any family name I am aware of."

But just as Seth said that, Mercury was the one looking at this with the greatest shock in his life as he said.

"Say what now?"