
love internship story of jazzelle

I bumped into a guy in amusement park and scolded him for being rude to his employee. I yelled at him saying I'll never work under a boss like you. on my first day of my internship ...... he is standing right before me as my boss. this boss of mine mr. Ryan Alves is cold and bossy he even made me agree on fake engagement with him. well it was because I wanted to buy time for my career and illness. I have a trauma and I'm phobic of intimacy. I lost my memories after being harrassed. although I didn't lose my virginity but a fear took place in my subconscious mind. the sense of insecurity triggers my trauma. I have fallen for my boss already but I know he ha someone else in his heart. I was suffering already and faced my biggest fear, that beast who tried to ruin me, is standing before me

the_flower_ARMY · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter 2

Oh no.... I bumped into someone.

" I am sorry, I am really very sorry." I apologized to the man , who was on the ground, and had ice cream all over his shirt. ( It's funny, isn't it? No Jazzelle, bad manners you shouldn't laugh. .)

He seems angry.

The guy stood up and looked at his shirt which mess now.

"Are you blind? Don't you have your eyes or are you a mole?"

He was scolding me badly. Actually, he was swearing at me. 

I didn't understand what to say. I was just looking at him. This guy is tall and handsome as well. He has beard and his tone is fair. He is wearing a suit.

"Speak up. Have you lost your voice as well?"

I seem to have lost for a time being. But I gathered myself and said,

" sorry!  I bumped into you and because of me, you got hurt and I messed up with your shirt. I apologise to you. If you want I can wash it. Please come with me."

We went to a cafeteria sink.

"Please give me your shirt." I said politely.

He didn't say anything and took off his outermost shirt.

I said in my mind " wow, he really knows how to fill a shirt". He was very strong looking.

"Give it to me." I took his shirt and started to wash it. But still I stared at him from the corner of my eye. Above his strong shoulders was a cold and handsome face.

"It's done. I've washed it. Again I am sorry for today….." I didn't even complete my word and a guy who seem to be his assistant came and said,

"sir, your suit.

I am sorry. I got late because of the crowd."

"Wait. What the….." I was shocked and very mad knowing he already has an extra suit. I started yelling at him

" If you already have an extra suit why did you ask me to wash your shirt?" I said very angrily.

Buttoning his fresh shirt, he coldly said, "when did I ask you to wash it? YOU said you would clean it."

Very shockingly, I said "shouldn't you refuse my offer to wash your shirt?"

"Why would I ? You have dirtied it. It's your duty to clean it," He said it without any single expression.

I was speechless after this. I sighed and glared at him.

I was going on my way and suddenly he ( the cold guy) started to shout at his assistant. "

You shouldn't have fixed meeting with clients at such crowded place at first place. And can't you do work properly. The clients Haven't reached yet do you want me remind you call them and ask about their whereabouts."

He was scolding his assistant badly. And his poor mr. Assistant was just looking at the ground and apologizing frequently.

I heard and stopped, taking steps back and following him.

I pushed on his shoulder with my palm. He turned to me and I started to scold him.

" Who do you think you are? Even if you are the boss and he is your employee you don't have rights to shout at him like this. If he made any mistakes just ask him to fix it. How can you scold him in public?

If I get hired on after this internship, I'll definitely not have a boss like you."

After saying this much I started to walk and then I turned my head and said, " respect your employees."

Then I left to find my brother and sister in law who were to be engaged.

That was then…..

And today......

I..... am…. Gonna be his employee…