1 Waking

I woke with a chill. I felt eyes on me though I didn't see anyone. I shivered and reached for covers and found nothing but the cot I was sleeping on. Panic scratched, and clawed its way up my spine. The more I fought, the deeper its claws sank into my skin and dragged me down.

"Let me go." My voice trembled weakly. It was hard to imagine that it was mine. I was supposed to be stronger, more powerful than this. All I could do was sit in this dimly lit room trembling on a dirty cot. I am in trouble.

No response. Nothing beyond my racing heartbeat and ragged breathing. Silence amplifies the panic was it tears at my heart. I touched my chest to see if it ripped me open as I imagined. I felt nothing beneath my calloused finders tips besides smooth, sweat covered skin. I hugged my bare legs against my chest.

How long have I been here? What did they do to me while I was out?

I try to recall the events that brought me here.

7 Days Ago
