
How Things Progressed

— Hanabi's POV —

"Damn, I didn't know that you were a ninja and that we would meet like this," Hayabusa said. "By the way, Hanabi is a pretty name," he smirked, finally knowing my name.

"Thanks," I replied, not wanting to talk much and to just get it done and over with. To be honest, I wasn't surprised at all that he was a participating ninja, no sane villager would walk around a marketplace with a mask! But I am surprised that he made it this far and that I would be up against him. "This seems like a piece of cake, I'll end this quickly in no time." I thought to myself in my head. I won't lie, I do acknowledge my talent and I am proud of it, so I'm pretty sure fighting against the Shadow Sect would be similar as fighting my own peers, a quick and easy win.

"Just because you're a female, don't think I would go easy on you," he smirked, getting into his fighting stance.

"Trust me, you have to give it your best if you're against me." I replied, getting into my own stance all the while feeling the excitement of the match. I could tell he really won't go easy on me but will do his best, which is something new to me as all of the boys who went up against me looked down on the fact that I'm a female only to end up getting totally owned by me.

"3... 2... 1... BEGIN!" The caster announced, alerting both the audiences and the players. The crowd started cheering as they anticipate the match between us both. The Scarlet Sect were chanting my name out whereas the Shadow Sect were cheering Hayabusa on. I had to read him first before I do anything but he wouldn't start at all. It's been 2 minutes, which felt longer, and yet none of us had made a move. That was when I decided to at least surprise him with an attack so I could read his moves. Suddenly, without warning, I pulled out my petal blade and threw it at him swiftly that I bet he couldn't see it coming.

"Nice! I got him, knew it was going to be—" the proud voice in my head stopped cheering as suddenly the Hayabusa that was hit turned into a phantom. I was taken aback but I wouldn't let it show on my face, that will only be a weakness. I quickly surveyed the area to locate his position when I saw three shurikens coming my way. I side-stepped them quickly and only barely did I made it out unscathed. My stinging arm was cut by that damn shuriken and blood trickled down to the ground. Due to his successful counter attack on me, the crowd, belonging to the Shadow Sect, started cheering loudly, asking him to quickly finish me off. Boy, was I not happy about this.

"Soz, I tainted your flawless skin. You got to be more aware of your surrounding, Hanabi," he advised, faking concern. I only rolled my eyes in response, unhappy with his advise, which he laughed it off. "You're cute. Care to have dinner with me later?" He asked while charging forward, releasing his phantoms.

"Only if you win," I answered. A part of me felt that I would lose to him, but another small part of me wanted to prove myself wrong by winning. And to do so, I'd have to read and assess his every movements. So far, I noted that he had the ability to swap places with any of his phantoms and that his weapon of choice were shurikens.

"Pay attention or the shadow will pierce you," he said, throwing his shurikens at me which I dodged successfully. In response, I threw a scrolled-attached kunai towards him and immediately threw mana-infused petal blades which bounces between him and his phantoms. He looked down at those cuts he received, acknowledging the damage inflicted on him. We both knew we got to end it quickly as we were both getting tired and the time wasn't waiting for us.

"See you at dinner, Shadowkill-u!!" he exclaimed and both him and his phantoms disappeared into me, bursting with damage. I was continuously attacked and could not make any move. I was taken by surprise for I had not expected this move at all.

"And the new Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster is Hayabusa!" The crowd cheered, announcing the end of the duel. I dropped down on my knees, bleeding and in disbelief. I had just lost my first battle and it's to this snot-nosed shadow. I looked up and saw his arm stretched out to me, waiting for me to grab it as a support to stand up.

"Good game Hanabi, you were great," he complimented as I grabbed his stretched arm to stand.

"Thanks, I guess. You too." I replied, not really satisfied that I lost.

"So about dinner, is it on?" He asked genuinely curious.

"I don't go back on my words so yes, it's still on. BBQ?" I replied, craving for some comfort food of mine.

"Great! I'll see you later at where we first met?" He suggested, with a gentle smile plastered on his face. I nodded, feeling my cheeks heating up. I do find him cute, but that's just something no one would care knowing about. He held onto me and brought me to the resting area where his and my cuts were attended to. Once I was done, I went back to my sect and waited to see him go up on stage for the ceremony and to end the examination. I anticipated seeing him up on stage where he would then say his vows to both our sects. I've already missed him.

"Hey Hanabi, good work out there. Don't worry so much about the loss and be thankful for the experience you just had. You were great," said Grandmaster Zilong, comforting me. I smiled at him gently, letting him know that I'm grateful for him. Just then, the crowd started clapping loudly as Hayabusa walked up the stairs and to the stage.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Hayabusa of the Shadow Sect and I'm also the newly-appointed Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster," introduced Hayabusa. "Firstly, I would like to thank the Shadow Sect for the endless support they have given me, I will not fail you nor will I disappoint you. I would also like to thank the Scarlet Sect for their kind hospitality and also for giving me the chance to have a duel against Hanabi whom had caught my attention. Before I end my announcement, I will ensure you that you need not worry about the betrayal of the previous Shadow as I will not fail you nor will I betray you. I swear that I will kill the former Shadow who had not only betrayed my sect, but also your sect and I will bring back the former glory and unite our two sect. I will not bring disgrace to any of you and I will hold on to the title of the Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster with pride!" With that, Hayabusa bowed down and walked off the stage, marking the end of the ceremony.

"Wow, he was charming... so very charming." I silently said to myself, finding myself slowly being attracted to him.

"Yes he was, and he found you attractive too! How lucky are you," Grandmaster Zilong said to me, laughing at my flushed face of being caught openly-admiring the new Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster. Guess I can't wait for dinner, I can't wait to see him again.

This chapter was told in Hanabi’s POV

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