
First night

10k and I were chilling in the room just walking to each other. "How do you like the group so far?" he asked.

"I like everyone, everyone seems so chill, except so far I wanna stab that Murphy guy" I looked up at him. He just chuckled "I know that feeling, I wanted to do that before too, I still don't like him but I'm used to him now"

I was cleaning my Katana because it had some blood on it from some of the Z's, when I started to yawn. 10k looked over at me, "someone seems tired" he laughed quietly, "shut up" I glanced over at him. "Why don't you head to bed" he motioned me towards the bed, "I'll sleep on the floor" he finished. I looked over at him, I'd feel bad if he had to sleep on the floor because of me, I glanced at the bed, it was a double bed, it has enough room on it for the both of us if we laid close together.

"No"  I told him, he glanced over at me. "Look, it has enough room on it for the both of us, I don't mind if you lay on it with me" I finished looking at him for a response. "You sure?" he questioned, "If you don't feel comfortable I'll take the floor" he was blushing.

"Seriously I don't mind 10k," I said as I took off my shirt, revealing a tank top, I laid in bed and tapped the opposite side, "Come here" he took off his boots and top leaving him shirtless. By now I was blushing madly. He laid in bed right next to me as I turned away hiding my face so he couldn't see me blushing.

"What's wrong Sadie?" he questioned, "are you blushing?" he chuckled a little.

"W-w-what?" I stuttered, "W-w-why would you think that?"

"Because I saw your face when I took my shirt off, why don't you look back and face me then?" he told me.


"Exactly!" he exclaimed. "Now look at me sweetie"

I looked over, "I mean face me," he grinned.

I face him, "what" I asked him. "You're so cute" he whispered

I blush even more, I swear my face is as red as a tomato. "Come closer" he told me. I scoot even closer to him, he moved my hair out of my face and leaned in giving me a nice passionate kiss, I kissed back loving every second of it.

"How was that?" he asked me.

"I loved it," I was blushing.

"Goodnight Sadie" he whispered as he put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Goodnight 10k" I slowly said as I drifted off to sleep, only thinking happier thoughts then I have for awhile.

It was morning time now, I moaned in my sleep not wanting to wake up and face reality and just wanting to have his arm's around me all day for the rest of my life.

"good morning cutie" 10k whispered in my ear making me shiver from the feeling. God that was so sexy.

"Good morning 10k" I smiled. "Come on let's get ready" he said pulling me up with him, while we got dressed into our normal, everyday clothes.

"I wish we could lay like that all day" I whispered to him.

"I know me too" he whispered in my ear making me shiver again. Holy shit was he sexy.

We headed downstairs, meeting up with the rest of the group as we got downstairs, "What's for breakfast?" Murphy whined. "Uhh, some canned peaches we found a few days ago," Warren answered the annoying Murphy. "That's it?" he complained some more.

"Murphy shut up, will ya? You know we're all in the same boat together? No one is better then one another, you may be the savior of humanity, but don't act all high and mighty because of that. You're just like the rest of us" I glared at him after I finished my ranting. 10k just smiled at me. "Good job for standing up to him, that certainly shut him up."

We were eating our peaches with some chitchat going on, just whatever normal conversation you can have in the middle of the apocalypse. "Hey, so Sadie?" Warren asked. "Yeah?" "How long have you been alone?" she asked. "About 6 or 7 months after the apocalypse, I've avoided groups ever since then, because I had to mercy my own family" I finished my eyes tearing up " I didn't want to join another group until now since if I grow close to my group and if I have to mercy anyone else, I can't do it" I can barely hold my tears in "I'm going to go by the couch I need some alone time" I whisper. I walked into the living room and lay on the couch, 10k comes over and lifts me up a little so I'm laying against him and he's cuddling me, and honestly it feels so good to be held by him, while I cry.

"Hey shh" he cooed, "It'll be okay" he kissed my forehead. We laid like that for about an hour and he just held me while I cried remembering that night I had to mercy my parents. I finally wipe my eyes and lean into 10k, "You okay?" he asked me. "Yeah," I mumbled back. I slowly get to my feet missing the feeling of his arms around me. 10k and I walk back to the kitchen hand in hand.

"Puppies and kittens, time to move out" Warren said loudly so everyone heard her. Addy opened the door and we all head out, weapons in our hands.