
LOVE IN PARIS: Married To My Brother-in-law

The cathedral was a stunning sight, adorned with exquisite floral decorations that did nothing but added to it's grandeur. "We are here today," The priest began, his tone rich and commanding. "To witness the union of Manuel and Yvette in holy matrimony". "Before we proceed, if there is anyone here who knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace" . . . . . . "I object!". " On what grounds do you object, young man?". This marriage cannot proceed as it would be unlawful. A married woman cannot marry again not when I , her husband is still hale and healthy". Yvette Jasmin, a rising and well-known actress was over the moon about her upcoming wedding. She flew to Paris for her bachelorette party with her friends, however while drunk she haphazardly married an unknown guy who turns out to be her Brother-in-law, the man who had secretly harbored feelings for her for decades. But now entangled, he couldn't help it. Crashing her wedding was another thing, possessively claiming her was another. Whosoever wanted to get to her would have to pass through this wife slave husband.

Silverash863 · Urban
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32 Chs

I Will Take Back All What Belongs To Me

"Miss Yvette was saying something right?". Nadia taunted, jolting Yvette out if her shock.

"You . .the two of you". Yvette stammered, her hands pointing at the duo accusingly as she opened and closed her mouth, searching for the right words which seems to fail her at the moment.

"You scum, how dare you go on cheating behind my back". Yvette raised her hands to deliver a slap on the still Manuel but her hands were held still by Nadia.

Nadia flung her hands away which made her staggered backwards once more into Leila's support who glared at Nadia.

"Fattie, you better keep your insufferable eyes down or I'll gouge them out for you". Nadia said to Leila and turned to face Yvette.

"As a matter of fact Yvette, we both aren't cheating on you. We're merely lovers in love". Manuel nodded in agreement and sat down letting Nadia take over.

Yvette's eyelids drooped as she asked in a raspy voice. "Since when did this begin?".

"You know ,if ignorance was a virtue you'll be a saint by now but it's all thanks to you that I can become who I am not so I'm not complaining". Nadia giggled, circling Yvette.

"Well , we fell in love two years back and since then you were nothing but a thorn in our tracks . . ."

Yvette couldn't be bothered to listen to the rest of her nonsense at this moment.

"Two years ago, it was indeed two years ago. No wonder all his actions didn't seem right but as the devoted lover she had been, she paid deaf ears and turned a blind eye."

Two years back, he wanted her an B list actress as of that time to retreat from the spotlight and create opportunities for other talents in his company and she agreed because she knew it would help solidify his position as the newly elected president if all talents under him were thriving.

So she didn't hesitate bor complain when all her hard-earned roles were given out to others almost reducing her to an unknown.

Since then, the distance between them began to grew wide but she didn't complain either afterall all she wanted was for him to be successful but now looking back at the past, everything dawned on her, every of his actions now seems to make sense. He was kicking her away but she was to foolish to even notice.

Damn creating space for talents.

Damn work.

Damn everything.

" From the start , you've had everything planned and was determined to kick me away, whatsoever happened at the wedding just seems to be of your convenience. Right?"

"What more could I do when even the heavens are helping me". Manuel sighed as if this were all a minor inconvenience.

He stood up, walking around his desk to face her , his hands casually in his pockets. "You've been with me and known me since we were kids Yvette, you know me well, down to every finest details. I am an ambitious man and to fulfill my goals, I would go any extents, extra miles if needed ruthlessly and mercilessly. Even a relationship of decades can't hold me back".

"I see. I was wrong about you all along. "Yvette nodded. "But I won't sit back and let you give out everything I've worked hard for a charity. Not anymore. I will take back all what belongs to me ".

"Do you still think you're the indispensable actress of the past, you're nothing but a D list actress right now don't get too full of yourself. Besides even if you go back acting I'm afraid you can only get minoring roles". He said.

"Consider this a reality check". Nadia added. "Poor little thing, just accept your fate".

Yvette squeezed her eyes shut and when she opened it again, it was filled with cold anger and determination.

"I rightfully earned every role I get by myself ever since I came on the screen, every contract I signed. My talents, my hardwork those are what got me here and I'm not going to let someone else take away what I've built. Do you think you can replace me just like that."

"If I could rise from a nobody to a B list actress by myself in few years once, then don't understimate what I'm capable of". She added defiantly.

Manuel couldn't help but scoff, a smirk playing on his lips as he crossed his arms leaning back against his desk. "You can try your luck then Yvette but remember, without the agency's backing you're nothing."

Yvette's jaw clenched as she refused to back down. She gazed at Leila who gave her a small nod if encouragement, drawing a deep sigh she looked at Manuel square in the face and replied firmly.

"We'll see about that". She replied and turned in her heels with Leila following suit but Manuel's voice stopped them in their tracks.

"Hold on". He called out authoritatively. "You may go but Leila stays."

Leila eyes narrowed as she instinctively moved closer to Yvette.

Manuel stepped forward, his expression stern as he approached the two ladies who were standing by the door.

"Leila was recruited by this agency, by my agency. So she follows my rule not yours. I'll give you a chance to make a choice". He said and the room fell silent for a moment.

Yvette looked at Leila, worry flickering in her eyes for the first time since she entered the room.

But Leila's expression softened as she met Yvette's gaze, a small reassuring smile tugging her lips as she stated calmly, as a matter of fact. "There's no choice to be made here. I'll stick by my artiste. Always".

Manuel's face hardened with irritation but before he or Nadia could respond, Leila had already turned away, her hands gently guiding Yvette towards the door and together they walked out of the office.

The ride down the elevator was silent, the weight of the earlier confrontation settling in. When they reached the car parked outside, Leila opened the door for Yvette who slid into the passenger seat still lost in thoughts. Leila joined her, the engine humming to life as she pulled out on the road .

For a while, the car drive was silent and none of them spoke. The city skylines passed by in a blur as the car moved along the road .

Finally, Yvette broke the silence, her voice soft almost hesitant as she asked . "Was it worth it Leila?. Offending him and going against him like that for me".

Leila glanced at her with a gentle expression, she then reached out giving Yvette's hand a reassuring squeeze as she spoke with enough conviction. "Yes. Yvette, it's totally worth it. We've built this career together and we'll fight for it together."

Yvette gazed at her friend and manager, a wave of relief and gratitude washing over her . The road ahead was going to be long, the challenges daunting but with Leila by her side, she knew she wasn't alone. They would face whatever came their way together.

By the time the car eventually rolled to a halt ,the sun had began it's low descents, casting a warm, golden glow over the amusement park before them.

"Why are we here?". Yvette asked, surprised to see their final destination.

"To freshen your mind of course". Leila yawned excitedly, leading her towards the still buzzing park filled with childrens and adults alike.

Yvette found a secluded bench near the quiet area of the park and sat down with Leila beside her, enjoying the scenery.

After a while, Leila cast a glance at the lady beside her and noticed the faraway look in her eyes. She looked very sad and lost as she sat there quietly with her shoulders slumped dejectedly.

Leila held her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze jolting her out of her revire , her attention returning to her.

"I understand how you feel Yvette. I know it feels like your world is crumbling but you have to believe me when I say it's not the end. It's just one chapter ending, there's still light at the end of the tunnel. You still have the rest of your story to write".

Yvette sighed deeply, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just never saw it coming . . . I gave him everything, I sacrificed all I had . . ."

"I know. I know". Leila comforted her in a soothing voice. "But maybe this is just a sign, maybe it's time to get up, to focus on your life, yourself and your career."

Yvette nodded slowly as a flicker of determination sparkled in her eyes. "You're right. I've watched my time, the best of my life . It's time to revive myself, get my career back on track and my life".

"He doesn't wants me, I don't need him either. He can go to hell."

Leila clapped excitedly. "That's the energy." She sighed happily relieved to see the bit of the old Yvette resurfacing, her passion resurfacing. "We'll get you back to the top, I promise."