

Its summer and Jemmy is burned out from her daily college routine, so, she decided to take some time off. Therefore, she have decided that she gonna take additional personality improvement course which she heard have great fun in it. So, next morning she woke up with enthusiasm and warm light invading through her windows. She brushed her teeth and later had breakfast. All the time on her dining table she was thinking how she is going to convince her parents about her doing that 1 month program. Finally, the evil but naughty mind of her came up with a series of sentimental phrases. She stood up from her seat and picked her phone from her bedroom and called her parents. Trin-trin, trin trin ," Hello, dad, its me", Jemmy said with innocent and calm voice. "yes dear, how's you doin over there, everything is fine??? Dad asked. "Yeah dad everthing is rosy in my garden, but I wanna tell you something. "What is it jemmy thats bothering you??? Dad asked again. "Oooh!!! its nothing to be bothered, but dad m moving to L.A for one month" jemmy said in serious tone. " What??? does something happens to you or Are you planning to leave your job in that college??? Tell me fast , I am feeling worried about you " shovering the anxiety father asked. Aaah.... dad why the hell are you making fuss out of it. Its nothing, I just want to have some time for me , so chill. All this time you kept me busy in studies , then job, why cant I have my own plans and have fun like others of my age. Give me some liberality and I promise I wont go against your plans for me . I know why you are worried all the time but I promise I never put a dirt on your name. Happy now, by the way, convey this to mom as well, I cant repeat again, bye and take care, I will let you know once I move to L.A. She can sense the annoyance of her father through the phone , the way he was breathing, "Fine do whatever you like, but remember always stay safe and healthy" father remarked. "Will do dad" and with triumphant smile she hung her phone.

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