
Love in Jade Cosmos

A modern elite in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry falls down from a waterfall and, through the mysterious power contained in a personal jade pendant, her soul is transported into the body of a young girl in the ancient oriental country. In there, she meets the royal family whose son is her destiny. The lovers jump between the real world and her jade cosmos as their mysterious and fantastical story unfolds. In her portable space accessed through the ancient jade pendant, the landscapes of mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas continuously unfold with the protagonist's journey. Advantaged by the time passes at a rate 20 times faster in this space, accompanied by the guardian spirit of this realm, the otherworldly soul, Tong Xiangbei, use her special power and knowledges in collaboratively pioneer and establish a stunning business empire. **Novel Outline: "Jade Cosmos Chronicles"** **Part One: Journey Across Realms** Renowned pharmaceutical chemist Tong Xiangbei unexpectedly finds herself traversing into an ancient oriental realm after a waterfall incident. Utilizing the mystical power contained in her ancient jade pendant, she discovers a parallel space with a time flow 20 times faster and a spatial map unlocking synchronously with her actions in the real world. This part will delve into her exploration and adaptation to the unfamiliar and mysterious world. **Part Two: Shaping Destiny** In the Jade Cosmos, Tong Xiangbei leads her family and mountain hunters in cultivating fields and processing, altering their destiny from poverty to prosperity. Leveraging modern knowledge and the accelerated time in her jade space, she pioneers a groundbreaking civilization, injecting a revolutionary vitality into the ancient oriental country. **Part Three: Prosperity Unveiled** Continuously collecting and transplanting new species, Tong Xiangbei finally activates the ancient spatial matrix left by the elder of the ancient Qi sect. This part will focus on her collaboration with General's heir Qiao Ziqiu, Eastshore Mo Wang, and her maternal uncle Nanyue Cheng Wang, as they drive away sea invaders, explore the southern seas, and establish prosperous trade routes, scripting a brilliant chapter of economic prosperity. **Part Four: Ascension into Mystical Realms** From their initial encounter to love and the grand wedding night, Tong Xiangbei and Eastshore Mo Wang enter the spatial realm, initiating the foundational stage of cultivating Qi. Post-wedding, they venture into the capital, building a harmonious relationship with the royal family, eventually assuming the responsibilities of the Crown Prince and collaborating with royal siblings to usher in a new era of civilization. **Climax: Unveiling the Ultimate Secret** As they break through the high-level Qi stage in the spatial matrix, Tong Xiangbei suddenly unravels the ultimate secret behind her time-travel, adding a suspenseful and gripping twist to the entire narrative. main characters 1. Tong Xiangbei: An eminent scientist in the field of modern pharmacology, unexpectedly transported to an ancient Eastern country. Utilizing modern knowledge and the power of the Jade Universe, he shapes a new civilization. 2. Eastshore DongBin Prince Mo: A prince of the ancient Eastern country, destined to meet Tong Xiangbei. Together, they experience mysterious and fantastical adventures, eventually becoming founders of a commercial empire. 3. Qiao Ziqiu: The second son of the Qiao family, heir to the General’s household. 4. Lord of Southern Area Nanyue, King Cheng:Tong Xiangbei’s maternal grandfather, who supports and assists her in establishing a new life in the ancient Eastern country. 5. Realm Spirit Symbiosis, Gong Sheng:The guardian spirit of the Jade Universe, left behind by ancient Qi sect elders. Together with Tong Xiangbei, they activate the Spatial Array, providing strength for the birth of a new civilization. 6. Cave Spirit, Fox Guardian of Jade Snowflake Cave.

CosmicAirbender · Fantasy
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257 Chs

The Aloof King Mo, Who Differs Greatly from the Legendary Tales

"I am the king who guards Dongbin. With the Emperor, the elders, the people of Dongbin, and the woman I will love and cherish in this life and the next, I want to protect their peace, their homeland, and their safety. I will not allow the pirates to invade our land again, to harm our people. This battle must be fought, and we will emerge victorious! Soldiers of the Southern Border Army, let us fight for our families! For each other's protection! I, Cheng Mo, Marshal of the Southern Border Army, solemnly swear: I will always be the cloak that watches over your back in the Southern Border Army camp, even if I exhaust my last drop of blood, I will still steadfastly tell you — with all my strength, I will protect you completely!"

"With all my strength, I will protect you completely!"

"With all my strength, I will protect you completely!"

These simple words, spoken from the heart, were met with a thunderous response. It wasn't until the guards of the Dongbin Palace led each unit to their predetermined campsite that Huo Changlin, deep in thought, snapped back to reality. He turned his head to meet the gaze of the slender, golden-armored, silver-spear-wielding, star-eyed, imposing young marshal who stood beside him on the platform, watching the soldiers leave and settle into their camp.

"Uncle, you've arrived. It must have been a long journey. I've been waiting for you since early morning. Have you had breakfast yet? Shall we have some tea in the tent?" Cheng Mo stepped back instantly, bowing respectfully, his tone warm and deferential as he greeted Marshal Huo.

The scene shifted too quickly, and Huo Changlin was stunned by the sight of the sycophantic person in front of him, smiling ingratiatingly. He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, momentarily lost in thought.

"Huo Commander, General Huo, Young Master? Changlin!" Mingcheng had to shout loudly to awaken this young man who always prided himself on being witty, charming, and adaptable. It wouldn't do for him to led the Prince remain bent over with a flattering smile on his face in front of so many guards and attendants, attracting all the attention.

"Huh? Uncle? I dare not use such a title for you, Uncle. Oh, Your Highness, you're too polite. I had breakfast at the Tong's Manor early this morning, Your Highness, you need not worry about me. Please, Your Highness, let's go and rest."

"Oh, Uncle has already been to the Tong's Manor? Is everyone at home doing well? Have you met Xiaobei? Is she alright?" Cheng Mo seamlessly continued the conversation, chatting casually.

So, that's the point of focus. Huo Changlin had imagined many ways of interacting, but now, looking at the impulsive young man before him, he couldn't help but inwardly chuckle.

Mingcheng seemed to see the mischievous smirk in the young master's heart, and couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Haha! Haha! Haha! Poor Little king Mo Wang, let Mingcheng mourn for you silently."

"Xiaobei, right? I've met her. She asked me to bring you some documents and drawings." Seeing that he mentioned Xiaobei and the documents, several people around the young master looked up expectantly—excited? Did they know what he would bring? Or were they just used to Xiaobei bringing them things?

"Oh my, General Huo, please come in and have some tea. We're eagerly awaiting the next move from Miss Xiaobei! You're like a timely rain, General Huo. With these documents, our lord can discuss the plan for the Northern Army's southward movement in detail with you. I'm Cheng Shan, the chief attendant by the lord's side. I'll go arrange some hot food for everyone." Cheng Shan, knowing well that the young master was lost, took the initiative to make arrangements.

"That's kind of you, General Cheng. Mingcheng, let's go in together." Huo Changlin extended his hand to invite Prince Mo to go first, leaving his attendants outside the tent, and entered the royal tent with Mingcheng following Cheng Mo.

"There's a side door behind the tent leading to a private bathroom, which is adjacent to Uncle's tent with its own private bath. There's hot water for showering and bathing at any time. The same goes for the other camp tents, but the shared bathhouse has thirty shower heads for three hundred people to use on rotation, with water available for only half an hour each time. Uncle, you can go in first to freshen up, and then we can sit down for some hot drinks and chat." Cheng Mo hospitably invited.

Huo Changlin and Mingcheng tidied up briefly before entering. Having experienced the early morning scene at the dock, he was much calmer this time, but he couldn't help but wonder about the amount of firewood needed for the hot water around the clock. Once seated, he expressed concerns about the logistics with Cheng Mo, like an old soldier would.

"Uncle, you may not know this, but most of the East Shore uses lotus coal stoves. After heating the water in the coal boiler, the high-temperature steam is used to cook food, and the hot water is pumped to the high tower on the second floor and then flows into the bathing pipes. The leftover coal ash is crushed and mixed with gravel and algae cement to pave the roads, making good use of everything. Look at the spacious parade ground—it's all thanks to these things."

"Wonderful, indeed," Huo Changlin exclaimed repeatedly, then suddenly realized something, "But, Duke Mo, with only the two of us here, may I ask if you can call me... em…How about you call me Huo Er? I really can't bear to be addressed as Uncle."

"Uncle has already approved of Xiaobei's address for you, and you can't deny it. Besides, I and that Qiao Ziqiu and Tong Chen are sworn brothers, so we're all family, aren't we?" Cheng Mo just wanted to say that your niece is going to be my wife, so of course you should. But after all, the young man had thin skin, so he kept such words to himself. Without a matchmaker or an engagement, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"Oh, that rascal Qiao Er is my sworn brother, and you can call me Huo Er too." By now, Huo Changlin understood everything, "It seems that my niece has completely enchanted this young lord. Well, it's in the blood of us charming second sons. Little Prince Mo Wang, don't blame your uncle for being cunning; let me be called Butterfly by you."

"No, Uncle, I can't call you Brother; it would mess up the hierarchy," Cheng Mo was anxious, not knowing where he had displeased Uncle Xiangbei. It seemed there was still some smoothing over to do.