

A cool breeze brushed against my face, tickling my nose. It was Fall. The best time of the year, for me at least. I heard murmurs as I walked gracefully through a park, leaves falling around me. I kept a steady pace, not falling out of sync with my steps. My eyes wandered to a beautiful tree with Autumn colours staining the leaves. I stopped for a moment to breathe. "Beautiful..." I whispered, it was true though, the leaves were dyed a golden orange, with pink, red and brown sneaking a peek. I smiled, unaware of the group of people stampeding towards me.

I looked to my left and was astounded by the people running at me like I was a celebrity. "What the hell?" I was confused for a second, before I looked to my right, that's when I saw her.

Her long black hair flowed over her shoulders like a river. She had rosy cheeks and pale skin that glowed, her figure was like a model's. She looked at me and I felt her cold eyes look into my soul. her eyes were coloured an astonishing blue, for a second I thought I was looking into clear blue water. I looked down, embarrassed of myself.

*Fuck, fuck, fuck, what do I do!!?* I grabbed something out of my pocket. My breathing slowed when I realised that what I grabbed was my phone, Thank god. I turned on my phone and looked through my messeges. *Just do something, anything!* Although my breathing had steadied, my mind was still running around. I couldn't focus on anything. That's when I remembered the stampede of people I saw beforehand. "Oh shit-" I was cut off due to a cold hand holding mine, dragging my body towards them.

It's was her. I looked into her eyes as she held me close to her, "who are y-" suddenly she kissed me. I opened my eyes wide and just went with it. Her soft lips touched mine. And I swear I felt fireworks go off. As quickly as the group formed, it dispersed. The woman let go and walked off, winking at me and smirking. I was flabbergasted. Who was she? What was her name? I had so many questions that would soon be answered.