

I lay on the floor feeling nothing but pain. My dad just stormed out of the house after coming home drunk and beating the living hell out me for no reason at all. After two years, you would think that I would be used to it by now. When I can finally stand, I grab the wall and work my way up the stairs. Once I get to the top and can walk better now so I walk to the bathroom connected to my room.

I look under the sink for my bag. I find it, put it on the counter, and pull out my razor and make a cut on my left arm for each time this has happened this week. I go to start on the next arm when I get a text from a friend at school.

Hurry your ass up you are going to be late. It read.

I clean and dress my wounds and fifteen minutes later I am out the door in a black hoodie, white long-sleeved shirt, and black skinny jeans.

When I get to school, I put my things in my locker and head to my first period, history.

I walk in and sit in the back where I always do. I pull out my notebook and write what is on the board. The bell rings and Mrs. Hambleton tell us to open our books to page 72 and read and answer the questions. I read over the chapter a couple of times then move on to the questions. I write them in my notebook and answer them slowly making sure to take my time. When I am done, I check the time and I have five minutes left of class. I put my things up and wait on the bell to ring. After that, I go through most of my day as usual.

when my arm starts itching in the gym forgetting about my cuts, I scratch it. After a while, my sleeve feels wet. I look down to see what it was and notice my sleeve is stained red, I reach for my hoodie when my gym teacher grabs my arm and yanks up my sleeve making me hiss in pain. Luckily, the rest of the class has left already so I was the only student left.

"What is this Lucas?" He asks sounding upset.

"It's nothing," I say pulling my arm away.

"You call that nothing?... Lucas, is everything OK?" He asks firmly, sounding upset. "Lucas, are you OK?"

When I look up at him I feel like I can tell him anything but I know that if I did it would only make things worse and that is why I cannot tell him no matter what he does.

"I'm fine," I say pulling my sleeve back down slowly as not to make my cuts bleed again.

I look away as the tears start to swell up in my eyes.

"Lucas, you know you can tell me anything I just want to help you Lucas so tell me what it is that is making you want to do this to yourself." He explains with concern in his voice. " I care about you and what to help you." He says.

"I'm fine ok," I say as a tear starts to run down my face.

I quickly grab my things and run out of the gym wishing I could have told him everything.

I burst into tears when I exit the building and just sat at the bottom of the steps and cry. After I stopped Since I did not have a car, I start the long walk back home.

On my way home I notice a car that has followed me ever since a few minutes after I left school. The car pulls up beside me and drives at the same speed I am walking making me a little nervous. A few seconds later the car window rolled down and I saw Mr. Johnson, my gym teacher.

"Lucas please stop," he says.

I take a few more steps and stop.

"yes, Mr. Johnson?" I ask turning and facing his car.

" Look I know you don't want to talk about it, but this is serious, please get in the car." He pleaded.

He was right I did not want to hear it, so I increased my pace enough for him to have to speed up.

"no, your right I don't want to talk about it so just go away," I told him.

"Lucas I checked your file you have a long walk let me give you a ride home and we can talk." He said in a calm but genuinely concerned voice.

"why did you check my file?" I asked him, hoping he would just give up, but he did not miss a beat.

" Because I needed to know if anybody else noticed what I saw, before, luckily no one noticed it," he replied.

" Good for me, now can you leave me alone?" I asked.

" Not until you get in this car and let me give you a ride." He said making me realize there was no way I was going to win this. So, I did the only thing I could do to get a little victory.

"Promise me we won't talk about my arms," I said well more like demanded. Then I got in when he agreed.

It did not take long for the rocking of the car to make me fall asleep.

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