
Side she has never seen

Michael didn't respond and she walked a little closer to him "Michael, I understand I'm the last person you want to see now but, this is about your health, you need to put all differences aside, I'm the best you have got at the moment, so let me help you, please."

Michael heaved a deep sigh before turning his wheelchair to face her "I'm not hungry."

"Then what about your medicine?"

"It's by two in the morning" he answered coldly.

"Will you take it without eating?" She asked but he didn't respond. She stood there for like three minutes before going closer to him, she bent to carry his leg.

"Don't touch me" he gritted his teeth and Sasha paused in her action, she looked up at him.

"If I don't, then how will I help you lie down?" She asked and he bit his lower lip, she is right, he can't believe that finally he has to depend on her before he can lie down in his own bed! Ha, this world is unbelievable, he thought.

When Sasha got no response from him, she continued with her action of bringing his leg down from the wheelchair, she got up and looked at him but he wasn't looking at her, she heaved a sigh before bending over and putting her hands under his arm, she then lift him up from the wheelchair and placed him on the bed, due to his weight she ended up falling on top him and he winced and gritted his teeth in pain "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Sasha rushed to apologize but Michael had his eyes closed and his brows furrowed in pain.

Sasha got up from him and gently carried his long legs and placed on the bed, she helped him lay comfortably and covered him with the duvet. Michael didn't look at her again and Sasha contemplated whether she should stay in the room with him or not, she wanted to ask him but he already had his closed so she decided to leave.

At two in the morning, she went back to the room in order to help him take his medicine only to find him sweating profusely, his face was in a frown as if he was in pain but his eyes were still closed, Sasha felt his forehead and he was burning with fever. She rushed into the bathroom and soaked a towel with cold water before rushing out, she placed the towel on his forehead and left to get another.

His body was hot and so without thinking, she unbuttoned his shirt and started cleaning him up with the wet towel. The towel got hot in no time so she went downstairs and came up again with a bowl filled with cold water, she dipped the towel into the water and squeezed the water out before cleaning his body again. She removed the one she placed on his forehead and dipped inside the cold water before placing it again on his forehead.

After some minutes, his fever was already coming down, his scrunched up face slowly relaxed, and she almost didn't want to wake him up but he has to take his medicine and he was already twenty minutes late "Michael" she called softly and gently nudged him "Michael" she called again and his eyelids shook but he didn't wake up "Michael."

Slowly his eyes opened and in it, Sasha saw another side of him which she has never seen before, his eyes was a little dull and for once, it doesn't hold it's coldness but was rather warm, she saw a helpless man who really needs to be loved and her heart melted. He was just staring at her, perhaps waiting for her to say why she woke him up "you need to take your medicine" she said to him and he nodded gently.

Michael tried to get up and Sasha got up immediately, she got a pillow and slowly help him sit up, she placed the pillow at the headboard and helped him rest his back on it. She got up and got his medicines, she placed them in his palm and poured him a glass of water. Michael collected the water from her and drank his medicine obediently.

Sasha watched him from the sideways with love in her eyes, he passed the glass back to her when he was done and she collected it and placed on the table "are you hungry?" She asked him and he shook his head. Out of impulse, she reached out to feel his forehead again, realizing what she was doing, she withdrew her hand immediately but Michael didn't even look at her nor reacted the way she thought he would. He rest his head on the headboard and closed his eyes.

After some minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at Sasha again, he eyes still revealed warmth that Sasha almost lost her balance "can I sleep now?" He asked softly. Sasha nodded when she recovered herself and approached him, she removed the pillow and helped lie down, she wanted to cover him with the duvet but remembering how sweaty he was a while ago, she didn't.

Michael fell back asleep immediately his head touched the pillow, he didn't know that he had revealed his gentle side in his sleepiness and Sasha is not about to tell him though. She thought about going back to her room but remembering his fever, she dragged the chair in the room closer to the bed, she sat on it and used her hand as pillow on the bed. She thought about the difference in Michael just now and remembered what Gary told her, that he is not always cold, so did he act like this because of his fever? She just can't tell.

when Sasha opened her eyes in the morning, the first thing she saw was a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring at her coldly in the bed, she sat up immediately and rubbed her eyes before looking at the man lying on the bed again, he looked at for some seconds before looking away as if she was not there. Sasha stood up, she wanted to feel his forehead for his fever but she needs no soothsayer to tell her that he was back to his old self and not the warm person she encountered early this morning.

The doorbell rang and Sasha knew the nurse was there already, she left the room and went downstairs, she opened the door and fair enough, she was standing there "good morning Mrs. Brown" the lady greeted and Sasha nodded in greeting. She left the door and the lady entered and shut it gently after her "I trust Mr. Brown is awake?" The nurse asked as they climbed the stairs.

"Yes" Sasha answered as she pushed open the door to the room. The two of them walked inside and she closed the door after her.

"Good morning Mr. Brown, how are you feeling today?"

"Good" Michael answered expressionlessly.

"That is very good" she nodded with a smile before turning to look at Sasha "he took his two o'clock medicine right?"

"yes, I gave them to him myself."

"Was there any issues last night, more like, did he burn a fever?"

​​​​​"Yes he did. I walked in and he was burning. I calmed the fever down with a cold towel before feeding him the medicine. Although the fever made us twenty minutes late for his medicine, I hope it didn't change anything?""Not it's okay. I expected the fever though and it's so good that you were here to help him" the lady smiled to her and Sasha nodded.

"Glad I could help."

Michael listened as the two women conversed, he was down with fever this morning and she helped calm it down? How come he doesn't have any memory of it? Could it be the reason he woke up to discover that his shirt's buttons were open? She fed him his medicine, how can he not remember any of this? He frowned as he searched his memory but he can't seem to remember anything.

"I will be downstairs, if you need anything you can call me" Sasha turned to walk out of the room.

"Go to work" Michael ordered and she turned to look at him.

"But I..."

"You don't need to worry about anything. Belinda can take care of me" he said indifferently.

Sasha took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before nodding "okay. I will leave now then."

"Take care of yourself Mrs. Brown" Belinda said after her and Sasha forced a smile before leaving the room.

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