

After heaving yet another huge sigh, Leah decided to leave the matter aside for now. First, because she was starving and second, because she really needed to head for a shower as she was discomforted with the stickiness that she was feeling due to the sweat.

She turned towards the bathroom. It was quite big, equipped with a bath tub enough to fit 2 people and a shower. It practically had everything one would need. She noticed that almost all of her products including the body wash, shampoo to other personal care products were lavender scented.' It does indeed smell nice' she thought.

The bath was indeed relaxing, especially due to the pleasant and not too strong lavender scent that wafted in the air which helped relax her mind quite a bit. She was surprised that she remembered the order of application of the vast number of facial care product and did it with ease. 'Seems that I've only forgotten about people and events that occurred in my past life and not my knowledge, habits and daily routines. That's strange but at the same time relieving as well.' She thought to herself.

She stepped out of the bathroom with the bathrobe securely tied around her waist and moved towards the area that looked like a closet. The walk-in closet was huge but fairly empty. She noticed the huge boxes in the corner of the room presumably of clothes and other accessories that had yet to be arranged in the closet. 'I think I've just moved in recently or I might have been packing up to leave from here' she thought as she picked up a blue denim shorts and a white top to change into.

It was around 7:00 a.m. by the time she was ready. Her mood was better now that she had freshened up. Her simple and pretty appearance would definitely attract a lot of attention. Her fair face was void of any make up and naturally red lips had only a bit of lip balm on them . 'Well... I am quite beautiful. Could I possibly be a celebrity?' Leah thought to herself out of pure curiosity. But was quickly distracted due to the embarrassing grumbling sound from her tummy that were demanding her attention.

As Leah went around looking for the kitchen, she also toured around the apartment which had three rooms i.e. two bedrooms and a study room, two bathrooms; one which was in her bedroom and the other one was separate and could be accessed by the guests and visitors, a huge living room and a kitchen. All the rooms had floor to ceiling windows. The apartment looked very modern with elegant, minimalist yet expensive décor.

Th kitchen thankfully was fully equipped but so clean that it looked like it was barely touched. Instead that was the case with the whole apartment. Either it was new or really well maintained. Leah opened the refrigerator and noticed that the breakfast was already prepared and only needed to be heated up. There was a note accompanying it that read,

"Good morning Ma'am. I have prepared the breakfast for you and you only need to heat it up in the microwave for 2 minutes at 180 C. Please do not burn it again like the way you did last time. I will be running late today so you will have to make do with instant coffee which is kept at the counter-top".

-Wu Chen

The breakfast was in a casserole that seemingly had eggs, sausages and other veggies whisked together topped with some cheese. It definitely looked sumptuous. She heated it up with ease as though the 'special instructions' mentioned were unnecessary in the first place. 'The guy called me 'Ma'am' which means that I'm his boss/ superior. But how in the world can someone even burn something up while heating it up. Does he think I'm stupid? At least he made my work easy.' With these thoughts she quickly prepared her breakfast.

Leah unhurriedly ate her breakfast and downed the cup of instant coffee that she obviously didn't quite like. After that she went to the study room to get the diary. She had to know more about herself and the diary was what would help her she made herself comfortable in the revolving chair and started reading the diary that she had left on the table.

After a couple of hours, she put the diary down and turned towards the window that gave her a view of the bustling road outside, processing what she had read.

By what Leah read, she was born in C country and was the eldest and the only legitimate daughter of Lu Jian Hao and Huang Yalin and the heiress apparent of Lu Corporation. She also had two half siblings Lu Ziyi and Lu Zichen who were a pair of twins that were born because of her Dad's affair with his secretary. The twins were three years younger than Leah. And this was the reason her mother divorced her dad. In this entire fiasco, Leah, who was five years old, was the one who suffered the most as she witnessed constant arguments and fights between her parents and never received enough love from either of them.

After the divorce, her mother won the custody over Leah and they moved abroad to Country L for some years before her mother decided to get married by the constant nagging of her family to a military general back in C country. Leah however, stayed back in Country L with her friends and decided to complete her studies. She also established her own company with her best friends when she was 19 years old.

Leah was close to neither of her biological parents and only her foster dad, Wang Zihao. He was the only one who understood her as he too was an orphan who lost his parents when he was 10 years. So, the feeling of missing out on parental love was well understood by him. He was Leah's best friend, guide and mentor. The reason Leah was currently in C country was also to attend his 56th birthday celebration.

She was looking forward to meeting Wang Zihao and more so than meeting even her own biological mother. Somehow, a fond smile bloomed on her lips without her knowledge.

Now that she knew about her parents, the only problem was about her own self. She only knows that her Chinese name is Lu Xiuying, her birthday is on January 29 and is currently 25 years old. Other than that she is practically clueless about her own personal and professional life.

Just then she heard a phone ringing that pulled Leah out of her thoughts. She quickly got her phone from her bedroom and checked the caller ID which belonged to Wu Chen and received the call.


"Good morning Ma'am. I am on my way to the apartment. Is there anything that you need me to buy for you."

" Uhmm. Good morning. And no, thank you but I'm fine"

The other end of the line was silent until Leah asked if everything was alright.

"Ohh. 'cough…cough'... Ok ma'am. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

And precisely five minutes later the doorbell rang. Leah checked through the digital screen and saw a man in blue formal clothing with a few bags in his hands.

" Yes? You are..?"

"Uhh.. ma'am its me Wu Chen." He said coming closer to the camera by the doorbell thinking that Leah might have not seen him clearly.

At this time something occurred to Leah. Her instincts strongly told her that the man is speaking the truth.

"Huh? what was that?" she asked herself out loud.

Wu Chen again misunderstood. " Ma'am it's me, your assistant, Wu Chen."

Next chapter