

"Master Baek. *Huff* Korea got another-"

"Yes, I know." Standing while massaging his temples a saffron-haired sturdy man replied before he sipped on his eighth coffee since morning. Just from his current facial expression, one could determine what stress he was going through.

"Then sir, why shouldn't we scout him. I heard no one was on bystander when his evaluation took place. It's a golden opportunity for our guild sir." The middle-aged surveillance agent stated with the enthusiasm about the freshly evaluated 'S' rank of Korea.

But even knowing every one of bit, the guild master of White Tiger Guild didn't have any change of expression at all. More like he already had resigned of any hope to recruit the new high ranker from his to-do list.

Sighing he took the chair before he faced the perplexed employee with a solemn look.

"You know who is that person's mother?" Upon hearing such an out-of-the-blue question, the black-haired man tilted his head in confusion. Before today there wasn't any reason nor requirement to know a person's background to scout them. In this world, the guilds were the supreme organization above all the clans and prominent families. If someone wants to shine then they could brag about their guild in place of their family, that kind of position a guild holds in the current era.

"Uh...No, sir. I didn't check his profile deeply because of my excitement ." Answering honestly, the agent looked at the guild master who had a look of 'Figures' spread over his face.

"Have you heard about the 'Crimson Witch' ?" Upon hearing the name the agent's face lost all its color as he gulped his dry saliva in a fret.

"T-that hunter!?" Baek-Yoonhoo didn't affirm but rather continued with his previous statement.

"The one who went from rank B to S in just three freakin months. The one who handled the dungeon break of rank A Hyena in Busan all alone and the one who held against the red gate and got out with her almost all of her teammates. That person is the mother of Korea's 12th S rank hunter."

By the time he finished the other party somehow regained his calmness as he also knew all of the intel Baek shared with him. Not only the person in the conversation has built a reputation inside the national boundaries but after shifting nations also performed tremendous deeds which put countless onlookers hung their jaws in disbelief.

Since the power she holds might go against the Korean nation if they were to bring her back regarding the illegal transfer of residence to another country, no one dared to pry into her life. Even if the same elemental mage Choi Jong-In has accepted himself inferior to that certain woman when it comes to flames then it was highly possible to receive nothing but damage if they were to go against the said person.

"A fake surname she used for all these years now has been abandoned as she abandoned her temporary shelter from Japan. Now when she is back, I guess the title she originally carried through her bloodline would come into play. And that is also the foremost reason we can't recruit Hunter Subaru."

After hearing such a complex way of speaking the agent scratched his head while trying to figure out what his guild master actually meant but nothing came to his mind.

"I don't understand sir. Hunter Sasha's bloodline and reason for not recruiting Hunter Subaru...what the connection ."

Baek smiled in defeat as he stared at the agent who even being reasonable all the time wasn't able to discern such a thing which was just covered with a transparent sheet.

"Bloodline of Madame Sasha and Hunter Subaru is connected with the person who practically rules over Korea from the shadows, Yoo Myunghan."

(A/N:- Remember this is an AU so some characters would surely be altered)


In a thinly lited room sat a girl in her late teens by appearance. Her moon-white skin reflected in the serene warm light illuminating the room to some extent.

Her sakura shade peculiar hair fell from the seat she was acquiring and was comfortably resting on the ground while she sat solemnly with her knees folded and eyes wandering aimlessly. Her two protrudes were shining reddish pink in the darkness of the surrounding, making her look like a sculptured princess from fairy tales.

Not only do her appearance and features shout inhumanity but her otherworldly beauty also signified that she doesn't belong to the natural human race. Even though the mana beautifies people, this particular girl could outmatch any being even if they are at their peak.

'What my darling would have been doing right now. Should I call him? But won't he be under evaluation right now? Would he become angry if I disturb him? Hehe but my darling doesn't get angry at all~ But he might have changed when I wasn't around~ Hmm...what to do...what to do..."

Thinking in a loop she plopped flat on the bed while staring at the ceiling like it was the only thing left to do now. Loneliness was spread over her face as she thought of the only person she could ever allow herself to love.

'Darling~ You don't love me anymore~'

"Who said that."

"Eh?" Almost jumping like a scared cat Mira got up from the bed as she heard a familiar voice. When her eyes landed on the tall figure of a person whose face she still overlaps with his past self, her eyes moistened before she jumped onto the man without restraint.

"Darling~" Subaru caught her with open arms and after supporting her back he started patting her like how a child needs pampering after being left at home.

Mira feared losing Subaru again if she let go of him, so she wrapped her legs around his torso, and hugged him with her all might. The receiver of such affection was smiling helplessly before he walked toward the bed and sat down as he was.

"Did you miss me?"

"Hmm." Without lifting her head Mira answered while expressing her grief by clutching his cloth in a rigid grip.

"I am sorry for making you lonely. Can I do something for compensation?" Subaru asked in a gentle tone while patting her back to ease her. How much he acts cold or indifferent toward others, in front of his women he couldn't help but become a person this world was unaware of.

"Stay with me." Smiling Subaru affirmed immediately before he let his back fall on the bed with Mira on top of him.

While hearing her rhythmic breathing Subaru felt his heart calm too. Before coming to this world only Mira was the person who ever gave him such peace of mind that he could think nothing but of her. And now too, even though her appearance has changed she still was the same person Subaru fell in love with for the first time.

"Are you comfortable here?" In between the lovely silence, Subaru asked in the context of the new house they started living in.

"I can't say I hate it when that woman is trying so hard to make me feel at home. But it irritates me sometimes too." Knowing well what she was talking about Subaru chuckled before he teased her slightly.

"You said some time which means you are not entirely bothered by Fubuki's presence, right?" Grumbling, Mira bit on Subaru's hand which he was using to pat her.

"It's okay to consider them as your family Mira." Subaru was completely unbothered with her bite and still spoke in a gentle tone.

He knew Mira's personality better than anyone so her accepting someone who was romantically related to him was extremely difficult.

While listening to his calming heartbeat Mira had her eyes open but unfocused. She knew what he wanted so dearly but whatever she does it wouldn't change the fact that she wholeheartedly hates the women who has stolen her spot.

"Don't expect me to do everything easily and let you have your way without any struggle." Even though she doesn't want to get along with them, Mira knew it would only hurt Subaru so she used a different method to gloss over the matter.

"Take your time. I will always be by your side whatever decision you take in the end."

Upon hearing his words Mira pouted before covering her face to hide her elated smile from Subaru. She again felt annoyed how she easily get swept by his flow and never could complain properly. However, these kinds of cheesy lines were the part that made her entangled with this man in the past too.

Resting her chin on his chest she glanced at him and found him staring back at her with warmth filled in that gaze.

Suddenly in the middle of silent flirting it seemed Mira remembered something as she instantly got up. Subaru also sensed her sudden uneasiness before he followed her and sat just beside her.

"What happened?" With his brows slightly creased he held her shoulder in his embrace.

"Something communicated with me this morning. From its voice, I think they are from the dimensional lair but who was it, I wasn't able to realize." Subaru's breath become heavier as he held Mira closely in his embrace before asking.

"Was this the first time?"

"Yes, today was the first time I received such a message. Well, it was disturbing but bearable so don't worry about it." She held his hand to comfort his uneasiness but looking at his expression she knew it failed.

"What they said?" In all honesty, Subaru wasn't fearing a single being from the other side at this point of his life but knowing that Mira was still connected with them, he felt restless. Until his women are safe he could confront anything or anyone but what if this until wavers. He was concerned about this 'what if'.

Upon hearing his query Mira dropped her head with a heavy sigh before she finally resolved to answer him.

"They said...they are coming to take me, their queen back."



A/N:- I will increase my word count from the next chapter and would start a new arc of war with a blend of wild romance. You know what I mean( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyway, do drop a comment to let me know that this ff is still alive.

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