
love for eternity

Priya_Verma_0319 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


" Ohhh..... you are hitting so hard ..... It's actually .... i am feeling so horny .... ohh ..."

Again shadow ignored her words and kept himself busy in his work ....

" Yes..... Yes Fuck me daddy ... fuck me... "

this she tried to change the position but the shadow gripped her wrist which made her crazy more in desire of pleasure .....

After cummimg many times she moved to fix her dress in attempt to seducing him more .... She bend for tieing the laces of her sandle while showing her cleavage ...

That attempts were cheap in the sight of shadow ... so he picked up his blazer and headed toward the gate for leaving the club and heading towards his next destination .. but he halted in mid and broke the silence....

" I want to see you in parking ... You have just five minute come alone ..."

Bright shining rays of sun like smile come on her face as that is what she wanted so far .... she want to repeat this kind of session everyday , day , night ... whenever and wherever ...she was ready to serve him. till her last breath after this session .. moreover deep down she knew , she was feeling something speacial toward this men .... ...

As per order liza reached the parking lot she pull out her phone from her bag and made a call to her friend mia...

" Listen dear mia ... i am alright , don't worry ... and i am gotta go for an urgent work so i will meet you later ...."

" Liza .. are you certain .... when i was looking for you i heard your moaning so loudly ... i mean are you alright...."

" Yes .. my darling .. I am completely fine .. he was just .... beyond the words ... that was the best ever fucking session of my life ..... well bye .. i will call you later"

" Okay take care "

Liza ended the call in an instant as she saw a black lumison came where she was standing near the poll a , she saw that charming man she knocked on the window for gathering his attention , then all of sudden somebody tie her mouth with a strip and wrist with a rope .. they pushed her inside the car .... and door closed while she processing in her mind that what just happened ....

That pleasing husky and deep like ocean voice of a man who is know her dream ... broke the silence ....

" I know you are the one who like to rob the people after having sex and i know that you are a scubbus .... and because of you a man from my clan just lost his life last month that ... harsh punishment for that but i know that you enjoyed it ....

So ... either i will slash your throat right away or you have to kill your that partner who eat the flesh of humans after sex ...."

liza gesture towards her mouth which was tied by a strip , she wanted to say something jeremy didn't heed to her gesture .... . infact why would he did that .... after some minutes shadow removed the strip from her mouth and gesture to speak

" i have one more option ...See i will kill mia ... i will stop robberies but i want to serve you ... please allow me ... i will ditch my powers i promise .... right away . except this desire of pleasure on bed ... please i will never beg for anything nor i will complain for anything ... i will be good for everbody in your clan too ... Please allow me ..... i will stay loyal to you till my last breath i promise ...."

shadow didn't replied instantly ... an intense silence took place in car .... After losing his soulmate .... he lost himself in the dark world where one rule could be

acceptable and that is " kill or be killed ...." He never allowed any mortal female nor immortal one to stay with him for too long... and he can't ... because he knew his soulmate was reincarnated again and in the reincarnation she could lost some of her memories .. which could built a massive misunderstanding once they met ..... and he didn't wanted that to happened ....

But The women in front of her ... has the potential to complete the task given by his boss and this was his only chance to pleased him...