
Chapter 8 - I wanna eat tomato - (Part 2)

Hiroto went to the music room followed by Yasuo and Takeshi, before going inside, he looked on the other music room and didn't see Maki there. It made him slightly disappointed before he went in.

Some students who had seen him play before wants to see it again, so they followed. Meanwhile, some students were already expecting him at the building, the newspaper club was setting up a video camera on the side of the music room as if they know he would go here. Though he felt that it may get troublesome later, he continued like an IDOL in a red carpet. Though the other two had many questions in their minds, but they didn't bother Hiroto for now, as he was currently getting ready to play. The least they desired was earned the ire of the 70+ students that was gathering here, while majority of them were girls.

Hiroto played 'Yiruma's River flows in you' again, he continued to play other pieces he played yesterday for 30 minutes, students that heard his piano before still felt amazed by his performance, as for the newcomers, they were showing different emotions, sometimes angry, sad, crying and happy. Every piano piece he played would give them a different emotions. It's like there were many piano notes floating around, and that gives the room and outside a different feeling they haven't felt before. Like they were inserted to a different realm, a full of different scenes for every piece he plays. That's why the students were expecting him here, because they got too attached to what they heard before, it was just that good. The 'Piano (Master) Skill was no joke.

After half an hour, with a resounding claps, the whole first floor building felt with the buzzing of enthusiastic students, and seeing so many females here, the few male freshmen and the other two felt quite happy, even though they were not the performer, they were able to speak to the other girls that listened to the pieces, especially the few males from Hiroto's class like Yasuo and Takeshi as they bragged about it, Yasuo thought that he would need to interrogate Hiroto why he didn't tell him, as he was already this good and improved his mastery.

After the play, Hiroto was readily asked by the newspaper club director if they can put him in the newspaper and upload a better video on the school website, seeing a good publication he thought 'why not more people hearing here means more SP.'

They also asked him if he was the creator of the compositions because everyone of them felt that it was an original creation, they haven't heard any pieces he just played on the internet. He answered vaguely that it was his friends work. He felt that someone might ask him if they could use the song, but since he was the one who showed the world this piano pieces, thereby he would hold the copyright claim, if they want to play the pieces, they would need his support, Meanwhile, he hadn't released the composition of the pieces, should he?. [AN2: As a person whose hobbies was playing musical instruments, I respect all composers wholeheartedly, so I am going to say it was his friend's (the composers) work haha] (AN: No, don't look at me!!)

Asking for an school interview, well he politely declined for now. Though, the video on the internet didn't give him any SP. What he was expecting was others to contact him for a performance. His mother would probably ask him questions about this if she sees him on the internet, but he'll deal with that later.

With the help of Yasuo and Takeshi they were able to deal with troublesome (female) students, and they were able to go out, of course, he still had to deal with two's curious questions. Yasuo said while dreaming of what he felt during Hiroto's piano play.

"I felt that my sore muscles were being healed just by listening to your play, you know" Yasuo's eyes were gleaming with passion. Hiroto thought 'he probably seen a hallucination of him surrounded with hot babes.' snickered in his mind as he imagined that funny thing.

"I have seen girls looking at you, no wonder, they would admire you because you can move their hearts with that performance " Takeshi nodded in approval, feeling admiration for this guy. Capable guy are always the center of attention, and as capable as they were Takeshi felt that the attention was justified so he wasn't jealous or anything, and it was the same for Yasuo.

"Both of you are praising me too much." Hiroto felt slightly embarrassed as he comically rubbed his head. He explained that he just trained better on the vacation.

- - - -

They got to know Takeshi better, as they felt hungry they decided to drop to a nearby bakery. They talked about hobbies and funny moments Yasuo's had done, leading to him glooming while the two laugh at his humorous actions.

They went over to buy some bread on the bakery nearby and passed by in Kousaka's Pastries, Hiroto decided to buy some on the way. While the Yasuo cried as he only got a vegetable filled bread gravely recommended by Hiroto, Hiroto and Takeshi got manjuu, chinsuko and others. Feeling with despair Yasuo rubbed his hungry stomach, Hiroto and Takeshi was laughing at him when suddenly.

"Hi..roto" Umi subconsciously muttered with her mouth. She looked slightly surprised when he see Hiroto here.

"Hiroto?" x2, as the two other girls said syncly with a flabbergasted look on their face before looking at each other

Feeling the gaze of Yasuo, Yasuo then whispered to Takeshi before saying.

"Ah-ah, I have something to do, See you tomorrow Hiroto, Takeshi!" Yasuo said while putting a bread to his mouth before running off, though his muscle pains were hurting slightly. He did not explicitly tell why he would just go, because Hiroto was always going at the library, he considered that he was going after girls. As Yasuo felt that he wasn't ready to chat with girls actively yet, but felt determined as he imagines his training finishishes and being popular. It was just his assumptions as Hiroto tsukkomied and felt the beta-ness of this friend, though he would have to deal with the nagging of this friend again, at least he doesn't have to explain to Yasuo for it now, as it might make an awkward introductions.

"Me, too." Takeshi followed awkwardly laughs and quickly follows Yasuo leaving the scene.

Hiroto would think of a way to help them effectively converse with girls, but not now. He looked at the trio, he remembered Umi mentioning the two of her friends, but she didn't say their last name "Good Afternoon, Umi-senpai." he embarrassingly smiled and unconsciously cursed to the two who left him behind, he continued to speak while he looked at two other girls.

"To the two of you as well" Hiroto with his exclusive smile that can capture many hearts of girls.

"Umi...senpai.." they both said in sync as if they were twins with an excited expression on their faces.

"Ne nee, what's your relationship with Umi-chan" Honoka bubbly face got close to Hiroto's as she quickly asked a question while Kotori cutely nodded on the side.

Honoka looked at this good looking boy like curiously peering in a magnifying glass, slanting her body while closing at him.

"W-we just met in the bookstore on the other day." Hiroto's hands were in front wanting to get some distance between Honoka. 'Too close, you're way too close!' Hiroto thought before backing away slightly.

"Honoka! You're troubling Hiroto!" Umi worriedly look at Hiroto

"So that's why Umi-chan was on good mood yesterday" Kotori looked at Umi with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, she's even humming when she at my house that day after buying books. I thought that she ate something when she got here." Honoka look at Umi hug her with a teasing smile.

"Ahem, by the way they are the one I am talking about before, this is Kousaka Honoka" Umi changed the topic as she faked her cough to remove her embarrassment before she introduced Honoka, she followed up.

"And that one with a double ponytail is Minami Kotori" Umi continued smiling a bit as she introduced Kotori.

"It's nice to meet you Kousaka-senpai, Minami-senpai. I am called Hiroto, Tamaki Hiroto, one of the new freshmen at Otonokizaka Academy." with a slight curt.

"Freshmen?, ahh-h, you're wearing our male school uniform ahh-h, but you're this tall?." while putting her hands above like measuring his height. It was a cute sight.

"Honoka, stop that" Umi said readily while she reprimanded this ditzy friend of her.

*Sorry, hehe" stucking her tongue out while she said. She looked again and realized she had seen Hiroto before.

"Ah-h! I saw you from the video that was just recently uploaded on our school website!" Honoka said with a sudden realization, as she felt some admiration because he was that good at piano.

"Un! We heard you from others about your play just awhile ago, it's so great" Kotori cutely nods her head forming a fist on her hands and putting it in front of her chest, she also felt great and better when she watched it.

"Yeah, just like a professional pianist, will you play piano at school tomorrow? I want to listen. hehe" Honoka followed up with an omega cute combo.

"Ah, sure anybody can listen and I'm still practicing, it's not worth mentioning" Hiroto scratched his head in embarrassment.

Hiroto didn't know how to react on many good comments about him so far, but it felt good for him that everyone appreciated his playing. Since this is new to him, in his past life he didn't experience things like this before.

Umi noticed him carrying a bag printed with a logo of Kousaka's pastry shop.

"Ah, you bought something on Honoka's shop? I would like to recommend you their manjuu, they are so delicious"

"Honoka's? Kousaka-senpai's shop?" Hiroto curiously look at Honoka.

"Yeah! But I like bread more. " Honoka cheerly replied

"Eh? But your shop just recently release new chocolate and it tastes great! Wanna taste it?" Hiroto shown his paper bag with different bread on it.

"Ohhh, to think they will create a new type of chocolate pan that resembles 'Anpan' without me knowing! But too bad I still like bread no matter what" Honoka

and put it on her mouth.

"Mmmm! So sweet…. Weird….. MmMMM!!" Honoka's expression suddenly froze as if she found her nemesis.

"There's a red bean paste inside!" Honoka cutely frown and pouts. [An2: yep, I wanna tease Honoka for a moment. Btw Honoka also hate red beans and for love live fans you got it!]

"Eh? it's sweet and tasty, everyone should like it.' Hiroto refute and smile, red bean paste taste like natural veggie but is sweet and resembles a sweet potato. He thought 'Kousaka-san taste is sure peculiar, she should be one of the only few who doesn't like red bean paste taste.'

"I'm sick of it already hmph." Honoka crossed arms while she pouts.

'I see, I just wanted to tease her more but I should not try to feel close.' Hiroto thought, 'since her family business is a pastry shop, as a red bean paste hater it should be very disastrous, maybe everyone in the family liked it but she doesn't' he felt apologetic in his heart and he said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you dislike red bean paste" Hiroto pretends to be sad and looks down.

"I… n-no, it's okay. Don't worry about it!" Honoka cheerfully said while smiling.

Umi and Kotori laugh at them. Then all of a sudden Honoka, sudden repeated her sudden question.

"Hey, Hiroto-kun. What's your relationship with Umi-chan, you call her first name right? When did you get close to each other?" Kotori slightly tilt her head while looking at Hiroto curiously.

"We're.." Hiroto couldn't answer while tsukkomiing, 'You're already calling me Hiroto, and why do you need to ask that question again.' feeling helpless with an answer but Umi covered him up by saying.' before Hiroto could answer Umi saves the day and cover up Hiroto.

"Ah, it was a coincidence, we recently became friends, I think that he is a good person" Umi smiled lightly, she thought of the interesting talk they had before.

The two jeer at each other while Hiroto and Umi smiled at the same time.

"That's unusual of you Umi-chan, you're always hiding behind us whenever we meet with some strangers" Honoka rubbed her eyes while curiously looking at Umi.

"I-I find myself comfortable talking with him" Umi remembered the embarrassing scene happened to them in the bookstore. She turned crimson and looked down not wanting to meet Hiroto's gaze.

Honoka and Kotori saw the changes and shifted their gaze to Hiroto. "Hmm?"

"Eh?" Hiroto also remembered the scene and angled his face slightly away from their look with a tint of blush on his face.

"Come on both of you! Y'all leaving us on the air mouu", "That's right!" Honoka said as Kotori followed while they raised their both hands upwards aligned with their chest as they clenched their fist while looking closer to Hiroto. Like puppies looking upward to their owner . (AN: So kawaii!!)

While Hiroto with a troubled face look at Umi asking for help.

"It was just a chance of meeting, then Hiroto-kun. Take care" Umi with an embarrassed expression quickly ran into Kousaka's shop without waiting for the two.

"Ah, she's trying to run away! Waiiiit! Oh, see you Hiroto-chan" Honoka bid farewell and chase Umi whose already inside her house.

"Ah! Wait Honoka-chan! See you again Hiroto-kun" Kotori winks at him then follows Honoka inside. Outside can hear them interrogating Umi with intense voice at the house.

"Haha" Hiroto laughs stiffly with a tick mark on his head as he thought of the nickname Honoka just said to him, 'Hiroto-chan, no its not chan, its kun!!'. (AN: Its joke!)

- - - -

After going home Hiroto didn't workout again. He did the laundry for the uniform, though tomorrow, they would get their tracksuit for noon class as their Physical Education and Home Economics class are held every thursday. He satisfied his belly and drop for a shower before starting his grind.

He continued to type the rest of Haruhi Suzumiya's first volume. He finished typing the rest for 3 hours then saved it. He was feeling dizzy due to overworking his brain, as he was writing before, and continuing more than 2 hours, it felt like his mind had sand that was being poured on it, he got mentally heavy and felt it was exhausted, the mind ache continued to bother him.

Meanwhile, he didn't upload the chapters for now, he felt that it was better to wait for a couple of days to upload more chapters. The early chapters was his stock chapter and he didn't want to upload it early. For others might get suspicious with his fast release, with many problems that may show up, if he got the attention of many. Even though his 'Writing Skill' was very overloaded, as it could delve into different writing category like writing plot for games or movies, anything that was considered writing. At the same time he had many knowledge, this world was only 20% similar with its entertainment section, he looked at the internet before and found big differences in the entertainment growth. Many popular actors/actresses he doesn't know, upto anime and comics as well. Though, the entertainment industry here can be comparable but it was slightly lower compared to his past world. As a transmigrator, he would redo some of his world best entertainment ideas, if he just get the necessary skills to do some. No one would be able to stop him and everyone would remember his name.

Hiroto plopped to his bed, he stretched his limit on writing. He was feeling nauseous due to his abrupt motion and thought that he won't overdo it again. Languidly he stretched his hand below the bed and pick a water bottle, after drinking the water he felt a bit better. He opened his status to see the changes.

[SP: 697]

Hiroto was feeling dizzy, he didn't think anymore as he felt really tired due to the mental exhaustion, before then, his eyes keep getting heavier . Then he slept, he dreamed of having a sun bath on the sea, while tomatoes fall in his hand, he tried it and it was delicious, he smiled unconsciously while sleeping.


Hiroto slept like a log in his bedroom. Meanwhile, he didn't hear a late telephone call that kept ringing on the first floor.

snail pace, but hey we can't do anything about it.

But with reviews/power stones, we would be motivated to do more!

2800 word count.

ColeSly, NaiRui

Sakura_Mikocreators' thoughts
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