
Water drops from love Drops

The monsoon arrives and the tears started settling down. But after rain there is lot of mud and water left on the floor along with some dirt. It's same with the tears and sadness. She was hurt , she badly hurt. Because if someone hurts you externally on body parts then you bear that pain but if someone hurts you internally it's not possible for everyone to survive that pain. I was her guilty and I accepted that. I told her to punish me but I know my Mrs devil ,she will punish herself not me. So the tears have settled down but there were few moments left and they are going to take a long time to go away from our relationship i.e. from Mr and Mrs devil. I was trying my best ,I was trying to give her everything now I have realized that she is very important to me and I'm not going to leave at any case . I was very happy to wait for her for dates and meeting. I used to go early because I just want to that dream boy for my Mrs for my devil for my Mrs devil. It's natural that the person you love most his/her actions can make you feel worst. But important is that you stick with the same person. Eyes were empty as there were no tears left now , heartbeats was increasing because monsoon had arrived with rain drops accompanied by love Drops.

"the climate wase changing

the lights were shining

the sky was dark

as if he knows, there is going to

some spark ".

The smiles were coming and tears were going

the season of couples the season of lover has arrived. There was little mild and calmness in air ,the drop were falling slowly n steadily and love was increasing fastly and roughly. The hands were off , closeness were on the love Drops and it falls falls

Replace few words with Mr and Mrs devil and I think you get to know what i was trying to say 😍