

San Miguel State University. My dream university.

Who would ever thought that I was able to enter this university? Maybe you're wondering why. But the answer is simple.

SMSU is maybe a public university but they have a unique entrance exam that only the strong willed heart with good intelligence can enter this kind of school. I have a strong willed heart but intelligence? Nah.

My parents even tell me, if I don't know how to answer one question correctly, make sure you tried your best to find the correct one. It wasn't easy for me though! I almost bleed to find it. I almost passed out. Good thing, I have a strong desired to finish the 4 hour entrance exam and get the passing rate. Luckily, I got 79 which is their passing rate.

Yes, I tried to find the correct answer in each question and somehow it led me to become one of the freshmen students of SMSU school year 2019. Am I lucky? Maybe, but I am blessed.

So today, my first day of school. I am freaking excited that I can't even stop shaking my hands. Geez. This is it. This is really is it.

I was looking at the booths to find my college department. Today is maybe the first day of school but there will be no classes that will happen today. Today will be the orientation day which I need to find my department immediately to find out what will happen throughout the day.

And uhuh. I found it.

"College of Computer Science and Technology." I read out aloud what is stated in a white banner. The name of the department was written in an old retro computer fonts with the color maroon.

I look at the people lining up to the booth which I guess, they are freshman students lining up for their ID's. I hurried myself and join them falling in line. It took me 5 minutes before I reach the end which took my turn.

A girl wearing a maroon university jacket sitting infront of me and the table that is full of papers and IDs. She blankly look at me and raise her brow.

I gulped. She seems uptight and it freaks me out.

She snorted and raise her brow again. "You might wanna tell me your name." I snapped.

Damn. Why am I acting stupid?

"Sierra Oukre Fuentabella." I introduces myself that made the girl's forehead crease. Some boys at the girl's back even look at us, or maybe at me.

Okay. What did I do wrong?

"Did I hear the name Fuentabella?" one of the guy asked which made me confused.

So I answered and repeat my name again. "I am Sierra Oukre Fuentabella."

"Whoah. A Fuentabella girl." I heard someone whispered.

Okay. I don't know what is happening and I don't know what's the deal of being a Fuentabella.

The three guys approach us and took the ID that the girl infront of me is holding.

"She seems so dumb to be a Fuentabella." the girl commented. My jaw drop.

"Stop it, Celine. She heard you!" the guy wearing a potter glasses hissed at her. But then look at me with doubts.

Seriously. This people are creeping me out. I don't think I can handle being with them. To think, they are my seniors in our department. I'll be doom.

"How are you related to Serg Fuentabella?" the guy wearing a cap asked.

"Serg?" I asked back. "You mean, Sergio Mikhael?" I asked again remembering the only Serg I know.

They nodded to confirm. And I realize what's the fuss all about. Damn. Stupid, Sierra.

"He's my brother." I smiled awkwardly. I almost forgot I have a brother. Damn it.


My first hour at the university was a disaster. First, I look stupid infront of my seniors. Second, I almost forgot my brother. They even called him to let him know that I didn't realized that I have a brother which is an alumnus to this university. My brother nags me endlessly for being stupid. But still reminds me to be careful since I am a Fuentabella.

Now, I am with a group of students waiting for the bus that will take us to a place where we need to stay for a couple of days. They said it's part of our orientation to know the things we needed to learn being a university student.

While waiting, I notice a guy who is walking towards my direction. It's not just me who notices him. He is walking like he is in a runway that made everyone look at him. His aura is so intense that I can hear some girls are giggling in a way that I can't identify. Someone even drool while looking at him.

But the guy didn't mind his surrounding. Standing a 5'11 or 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and lean looking body, he is surely looks like a god sent from heaven. He has a small face, not that high aquiline nose, small pinkish lips and white fare skin. He only wears a gray hoodie jacket and a faded jeans but he looks like either a supermodel or a greek god.

But wait...

Is he really walking towards my direction?

I look at my surrounding, even at my back to see if I am just mistaken. But when I look back at him, our eyes suddenly met.

This is so not happening...