
Love by the Air

Long-distance relationships never work for her since she is the clingy sort, spoilt, and enjoys her lover's undivided attention. Additionally, she tends to be flirtatious, although her intentions have never been honest. She has a way of intriguing people and then leaving them once they develop stronger feelings for her. Since she travels a lot for her job as an air hostess, most of her past relationships find it difficult to be apart from her. That all changed when she encountered someone who was just as formidable. The most ignorant woman on earth, yet the most passionate lover. She's determined to make things work this time. Regardless of the distance, that woman belongs to her.

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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126 Chs

Chapter 19. You? Really?

Two weeks had gone by since Rayleigh and Lauren's argument in the hospital corridor. The air was thick with tension, and Rayleigh's furious remarks carried through the silent halls, leaving a bitter taste in the lips of those who watched the confrontation.


During this time, Rayleigh was burying herself in her work with new passion; her dedication to her patients and research became more all-consuming than ever before. During those times, Rayleigh's iPod was always in her ears, and those close to her occasionally caught glimpses of her smiling or chuckling.


And after long hours of talking, texting, and video calls for two weeks, Isabelle texted her girlfriend that she would arrive in Washington, DC, tomorrow and stay for two days before flying back to Bangkok. When she texted Rayleigh, the latter sat in a meeting with the hospital's management team, which included her own father, the hospital's owner, and its president.


"We'll be having the nation's largest annual gathering for pediatricians, internists, and orthopedists in DC," Anthony, Rayleigh's father, announced, his brow furrowed in slight concern. "It's quite impromptu, as my secretary forgot to inform me about it. Anyway, who's able to go to DC at the latest tomorrow morning?"


Rayleigh's ears perked up, and without hesitation, she raised her hand. "I can go to DC!" she exclaimed, a sense of excitement evident in her voice.


Anthony blinked, surprise etched on his face. "You, Rayleigh?" he asked, his words filled with skepticism. "But you've never shown much interest in these kinds of events before."


Rayleigh nodded, her stare still fixated on her phone screen. Some of the people inside the meeting room can guess the reason for Rayleigh's sudden enthusiasm already. "I know, but I'm an orthopedic surgeon; I still count, right?" she explained, her voice steady and resolute.


Anthony considered her words for a moment, the gears in his mind turning. "Yes, that's correct," he acknowledged, still slightly puzzled by his daughter's uncharacteristic eagerness. "Are you sure you can handle the travel and the gathering on such short notice?"


"Absolutely," Rayleigh replied without hesitation. "I'll fly out tonight."


Anthony nodded, still unable to comprehend his daughter's sudden interest, but decided to ask her about it later. "Alright, then," he said, turning his attention to the rest of the people in the meeting room. "Who else is available to attend?"


Rayleigh raised her hand again, addressing her father with the formal title. "Excuse me, President," she called her father whenever they're in the workplace to maintain professionalism.


Anthony turned to face his daughter, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "Yes, Doctor Ray?" he replied.


Rayleigh took a deep breath, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Can I bring a plus one?" she asked, her tone light and playful.


A soft chuckle rippled through the room, with the other attendees exchanging amused glances.


Anthony' eyes widened in surprise, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "A plus one?" he echoed, his gaze searching his daughter's face. "You mean, like a partner?"


"Yes," Rayleigh replied, her smile widening until it reached her eyes—a rare sight that filled Anthony with a sense of wonder.


"Of course you can," Anthony said, his own lips curling into a smile, though a hint of trepidation lingered in his eyes. "But who is your plus one? Is it... Lauren?" The name left his lips with a bitter taste, and a look of disapproval flashed across his face.


Anthony was never interested in Lauren since the young woman betrayed his daughter by having an affair with his son. Lauren Thompson was a nightmare for Anthony and his family, causing continual stress and distress. The mere thought of Rayleigh associating with his daughter again made him extremely uncomfortable.


"No," Rayleigh replied, her expression getting happier and brighter, a radiant expression that Anthony had rarely seen on his daughter's face.


Anthony blinked, caught off guard by Rayleigh's cryptic response. "You go to my office after this meeting."


"Yes, President." Her smile is getting wider.


Anthony watched the transformation in his daughter's demeanor, his own smile growing. Whatever—or whoever—had brought about this change in Rayleigh, he was determined to find out. He had heard some whispers around the hospital, but with his busy schedule, he had decided to shrug them off.


Rayleigh, for her part, could hardly control her happiness. The thought of reuniting with the love of her life, Isabelle, made her heart race. The past two weeks had been the hardest of her life, as she had constantly missed Isabelle's presence. And now, with her father's clear interest in the issue, Rayleigh felt a sense of joy and nervousness. This is the moment she had been waiting for: an opportunity to share her joy with the man who had always been her best and most loyal supporter.


As the meeting drew to a close, Rayleigh quickly gathered her belongings, her mind already racing with plans and preparations for her trip to Washington, D.C. She couldn't wait to see Isabelle, to hear the joy in her voice, and to start making arrangements for their time together.


Anthony watched his daughter's transformation with a mixture of curiosity and pride. He had always known that Rayleigh was a driven, accomplished woman, but to see her so visibly elated and content was a revelation. Whatever had brought about this change, he was determined to support her wholeheartedly.


As the rest of the team filtered out of the conference room, Anthony turned to Rayleigh, his expression softening. "Shall we?" he said, gesturing towards the door that led to his office.


Rayleigh nodded, a warm smile spreading across her lips. "Yes, let's go," she replied.


Together, father and daughter made their way to the president's office. For Anthony, it was a chance to understand the source of his daughter's newfound happiness; for Rayleigh, it was an opportunity to share the love that had blossomed in her heart and to introduce the woman who had captured her heart.


As they stepped into the cozy, well-appointed President's, Anthony turned to Rayleigh, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and paternal concern. "So, what happened, Ray?" he asked, guiding them both to the plush sofa.


Rayleigh took a deep breath, a vibrant smile spreading across her face. "I fall in love, Dad," she confessed, her voice filled with a beautiful blend of joy and tenderness.


Anthony leaned back, his own lips curling into a warm, encouraging smile. "Enlighten me," he prompted, his tone gentle yet eager to learn more.


Rayleigh's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to speak. "Her name is Isabelle, Rose Isabelle Jenisen. She's a flight attendant, and that's why we're in a long-distance relationship right now." The words flowed from her lips with a youthful enthusiasm that Anthony hadn't witnessed in years.


Nodding thoughtfully, Anthony pieced together the information. "Ah, I see. So DC is where she's landed this time?" He asked softly.


"Yes!" Rayleigh exclaimed, her eyes practically dancing with delight.


"And when will you introduce her to me?" Anthony asked her teasingly.


"As soon as she has enough time in New York," Rayleigh replied quickly.


Anthony smiled, his heart swelling with pride at his daughter's openness and willingness to share this new chapter of her life. Rayleigh has no plan to keep her relationship secret, and she's willing to go far for whoever this lady is. Rayleigh is really serious about her. "Show me her picture," he said, curious.


Without hesitation, Rayleigh took her phone and eagerly showed him Isabelle's picture she had on her phone, her face radiating with a love and adoration that he had rarely seen.


As he took in the sight of the beautiful, warm-eyed woman who had captured his daughter's heart, Anthony couldn't help but let out a low whistle of approval. "Whoa, approved!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with a playful, fatherly delight.


Anthony reached out and placed a gentle hand on his daughter's shoulder. "I'm glad you finally found someone who makes you this happy," his voice thick with emotion.


"Me too, Dad, me too," Rayleigh replied, her smile radiant as she moved closer to hug her father. "And if Mom asks about it, tell her to wait until I've told her myself," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye.


Anthony let out a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Of course! I'd love to thrill your mother with this news," he exclaimed, the prospect of surprising his wife clearly filling him with delight.

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