
Damien Daniel

Seraphine!,Saraphine!are you okay?i heard someone say as I tried to open my eyes,everything looked hazy and blurry.

"I'm fine"I replied trying to get up from the bed,where am I? i asked scanning the entire room,"you're in your husband's house my darling"a pretty woman almost dressed like a queen replied she would have been one if she had a crown on her head,she wore an overflowing silky gown which gave her this luxurious feel,on her wrists were golden bracelets,she had a short curly hair,little strands of grey hair were present but she still looked elegant.

"Whose husband?"i said trying to comprehend all that's going on (and why am I on the softest bed I've ever laid on and why is....

"Oh my God!i was paired with Damien Daniel"I said out aloud and began to laugh hysterically till my stomach hurt and then broke down in tears.

"It's okay my dear,it'll be fine"the pretty woman said trying to clean my tears.

"Can you give me some time alone?"I said preventing her from touching me.

"Sure my dear,I'll come check on you later"she said walking towards the door then she stopped abruptly and turned back "should I ask the maids to get you something to eat,I'm sure you'd be hungry"

"Just let me be,I'm not hungry "As I said this almost immediately my stomach started growling(why now geez).

"I'll get the meal" she said.Its Tuesday just in case you want to reject the food she said smiling as she left.

Tues...day?the last time I remembered the festival was on Saturday,so I've been out for three days.

"Why Damien of all people,why that beast"I muttered to myself.I've never hated anyone the way I hate him,his name brings back bad memories...

Three years ago

Bitch,what do you think you're doing I asked you to clean my shoes didn't I? The short one in the group said pulling my hair.I was waylaid earlier by some boys on my way to the library,and was dragged down the hall to the basketball court for a reason unknown to me.

"Ah"I let out a cry,pls let me go"."

"okay Gab that's enough,stop making the pretty girl cry" the leader of the group said.As Gab left my hair,I stood before them shivering (what do they want from me,why me?)

"Why are you doing this to me"I asked still trembling how those words got out is a mystery to me.

The boys burst into laughter as soon as I said that after a while the leader finally said "Why are we doing this to you?alright I'll tell you",you made a fool out of us in class today.

"How...when,I don't even know you,maybe you got the wrong person I'm a new student"I tried to protest

"So our boss is lying?is that what you're trying to say?" A guy with a brown hair said.

"No that's not.....okay! let me explain things to you,You see before you came,if a teacher asks any of us questions and we don't know it,no one else in the class is entitled to answer such question but then today you disrespected us by answering the question we couldn't answer,now that you know your offense you'll have to be our slave for the whole term.

"But I don't...."I tried to speak,when one of the boys who looked like the dumbest amongst them said,"shut up! You dare argue with our boss"

"No I....I couldn't finish my sentence before I noticed teardrops on my cheeks they made fun of me for crying and basically that was how I became their slave .

Most times I'd get home with blisters on my soft little hands,I couldn't tell anyone because those boys threatened to show me hell if I do.

After about a week,mum noticed that I come in looking weak most times and with one bruise or the other.

"Seraphine I've been noticing for about a week now that you come home looking stressed out,have they been stressing you at your new school?

"No mummy everything is fine"I said forcing a smile.

"I'm glad to here that,I'm always here just in case you want to talk about anything"

"Alright mummy"I replied giving her a hug as she kissed me goodnight.

The next day***

Why didn't you copy the notes I gave you?"he thundered

"I'm sorry,I slept off yesterday because I was exhausted"

"Look,it's better you start writing them now before the teacher enters"

"But I can't finish all four of them before the teacher gets in.

"Then consider yourself dead"he said storming out of the basket ball court.

I went to the classroom after he left and started writing almost immediately I got to my seat then Anna walked up to me;

"Hey girl!,what have you been up to?"

"Anna pls let's talk later I have to complete these notes before the next teacher arrives"

"What note,but you always complete your notes in class"

I then explained all that has been going on to her,when I was done I broke down in tears

"Oh my god so all these have been happening and you couldn't tell me?is that the reason why you've been avoiding me?Anna asked while I just kept looking down.

"I know what to do,follow me Anna said holding my hands and literally dragging me to the principal's office.

"Anna I'd be in trouble for this pls don't"I said but all my pleas fell on deaf ears.Anna explained the situation to the principal,I described all the boys in the group to the him and he said "oh I know,them I'm sorry you've been going through all these seraphine.I understand why you didn't tell anyone but next time....next time you say?,I pray there won't be one...pls let someone know and thank you for doing the right thing.

Get Damien Daniel for me" the principal told a student

Which one of them is Damien Daniel?i wondered.

Not so long the leader of the group entered which I later identified as Damien,this mean spoilt brat I cursed him under my breath.

"You called for me sir"Damien said.

"I heard about your deeds towards this young lady but first I want you to apologize to her for all you've done" the principal told him.

Damien throws a creepy look at me and apologized.The principal sensed my fear then he continued "if you ever go near this young lady again,I'd report you to the mayor"Immediately Damien heard that he went on his knees and plead for mercy and promised not to do ever bully me ,who knew the devil could fear someone so much.we all left the office and I thought I was free until....


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