
Chapter 2

Maera still couldn't believe that she was here. On the very island that the legend of both Actaea and the demigod king Aeolus lived thousands of years before. She would be exploring and deciphering ancient ruins in the temples built to honor the god Poseidon and his queen Amphitrite. There a many legends surrounding the island and the people here still worshiped old dead gods of ancient past. The locals claimed that there were mystical artifacts hidden on the island that were gifts given from their god Poseidon to give to his son Aeolus.

At least that was the rumors and stories go. Maera believed in them for she herself especially her being born of a gift of second sight. Something that is mystical in itself, but also deadly. Her aunt Thetis had supported her through her school years and adult life as well. She was like a mother to her. Yet, she always cautioned for Maera to be careful of digging to far into the ancient past and magic and power of the old gods.

Maera had always been cautious of possibly angering the gods of the old ancient past, or anything that could be deadly with magic. Even ancient powers that may still exist in the world. Also, she was very cautious of telling anyone of her gift. There was only person she trusted with her secret, that would be Lucian and his aunt Angelique. She grew up in New Orleans with him, and his aunt and her aunt were very close friends. Her aunt trusted both of them with her's and Maera's secret.

There are people out in the world who would use her gift for their own purposes. Before her mother had passed she had told Maera's father of her history of their family and gift they were granted. He couldn't accept it or believe in the fact that ancient powers or gods existed. So he left her mother and Maera. In the process of him leaving her broke her mother's heart.

Eventually the gift of sight had taken a toll on her mother. Before she passed Maera's mother Eudora had reached out to her sister Thetis to come and take care of Maera. For there wasn't most of the family left to have her be taken care of. Her aunt had come right away before Eudora passed. Knowing her mother was not just being taken away by the horrid curse but of a broken heart of losing her father.

Maera then knew she would never give her heart completely to a man. She had thought at one time she could possibly be with Lucian since he was the only one to know of her gift, and he had never in all the years she had known him try to use her for it. Yet, he ended up finding someone to be with during their junior year of high school, Charlotte. Maera was devastated, but she knew that he was happy with her and didn't want to ruin her friendship with him. After that she was afraid that if she were to care for anyone else they might leave her or might want to use her gift for themselves.

Her aunt Thetis never settled but used her gift to help others. She once told Maera when she younger she gave her heart away to a man who she thought she could love and trust. She believed that she could trust him with her secret. He had only been with her for her gift, and used it against her. Once she realized he didn't love her she packed her belongings, bought a ticket for a bus and never looked back. She went as far as she could.

She ended up down south and from there she began to rebuild her life. She bought a small place for herself in the deep south of New Orleans. She even started her own business of opening a boutique down in the French quarter. She sold unique clothes, beautiful hand made jewelry, scented candles, and rare books. Those in the area believed in all things mystic and powerful magic. With Thetis having the gift of second sight she learned how to harness her power. The locals at first were skeptic but once they saw what she could do they began to accept her and respect her gifts and powers.

That's where she meet Lucians's aunt Angelique, she was famous down in the quarter. She had the gift of an empath, she had the unique ability to sense and absorb others' emotions and can also read others thoughts. To be an empath you had to be very powerful and focused when using that type of powers. The person reading others emotions or even their thoughts could get trapped in their minds. Angelique was not just powerful but also practiced making potions of all types. She was called the voodoo queen, and she could tell right away my aunts power of sight. It also my aunt who saved Angelique when she had a vision of her being attacked by a past client. Since that day the two have been inseparable and they became the most sought after when it came to knowing ones future and thoughts. Those who live in the French quarter, and people who come to visit as tourist all visit her aunt's store in the hopes of seeing their future.

Maera has grew up with her aunt in her home in New Orleans. She loved anything about history and stories possible magic or anything regarding mystic relics. Her aunt also believed in the legends of the their ancestor the sea nymph Actaea being the first person being granted the power of second sight. She also believed that at one time those in the family could posses certain powers of the of a sea nymph.

Maera has been fascinated by the stories her aunt would tell her when she was young. She couldn't wait to study the history of the Greek mythology or anything that would help with or related to their powers to understand it. That is why she was here now on this island in Greece to learn what she could. Maera hoped she could something here that would help with her power of second sight or at least have a better understanding of it.

Even though she hasn't had a vision in some time or had any warning signs, she had been having dreams of seeing herself standing on white sandy beach on a island. It was always sunset, she was wearing a flowing pale blue gown, with a necklace around her neck that held a dark green stone, in the shape of an oval on a silver chain, the stone shone in the light, and her dark auburn hair unbraided.

She was looking out at the dark blue color sea, she knew where she was on a island for the sea surround it. Then in dreams a tall warrior dressed in dark brown leather armor was walking towards her. She turned to face him and felt the feeling of being loved and safe seeing him. She knew him and knew she had given her entire heart to him.

Just as he got closer the sun's rays would hit his face and she couldn't make it out his features. The only thing she could see were the color of his eyes. They were a dark emerald color. Something about them made her feel safe. If only she could see his face but the sun's rays would block her view. It was a mystery to her, the dreams she have been having. Being on this island and standing on the beach below, she felt she has been there before but she never was. Like a sense of déjà vu, leaving to wonder if her dreams were of this place. That the man in her dreams was from here. She hoped that being here will she will find answers about her past, the gift she was born with and the man in her dreams.

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