
Man In Mirror

Chapter 1: Man In Mirror

In a world beyond our sight,

Where love transcends the limits of time,

There's a feeling that shines so bright,

That shines with the warmth of a rhyme.

Hi, I'm Lily , 18 years old and newly on my own. After my parents passed away in a freak accident, I found myself searching for a new place to call home.

"Well, here goes nothing," I said to myself as I stepped out on my apartment hunting journey.

My first stop was a stunning place, but it was way too expensive for my budget. "Are you kidding me? I can't afford to live in a palace!" I exclaimed to the landlord.

My second stop was a disaster, the apartment was crawling with cockroaches. "Ew! No way am I living with these creepy crawlies," I said as I quickly left the place.

But then, I stumbled upon the third apartment and it was love at first sight. It was affordable, well-maintained, and most importantly, cockroach-free! It was located in a quiet neighborhood with friendly neighbors and a park nearby.

"This is it, my new home!" I said, signing the lease with excitement.

I spent the next few hours turning my new apartment into a cozy home. I hung up pictures of my parents, added personal touches, and went shopping for household essentials.

"I love my new home, it's got character and charm," I said, twirling around in my new living room.

I became involved in my new neighborhood and felt grateful for this new opportunity. "Who needs parents when you've got an awesome apartment?" I said with a giggle.

As I walked into the bathroom, I stopped in front of the mirror, admiring the clean and modern fixtures. "Wow, this place is really starting to feel like home," I said to myself.

But then, I saw the reflection of a man standing behind me. I quickly turned around, but there was no one there. "Whoa, who are you?" I asked, but I was met with silence.

I laughed it off, thinking it was my imagination playing tricks on me. But then, as I was about to leave the bathroom, I saw the reflection of the man again. This time, I was struck by how handsome he was. His piercing blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and charming smile took my breath away.

"Is this real?" I whispered to myself, but still, no one was there. I felt as if I was being watched, but I tried to brush it off.

Excited and a little nervous, I went back to my living room. "Maybe he'll make another appearance," I said to myself, feeling a rush of excitement.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking and settling into my new home, but every time I passed by the bathroom, I couldn't help but look in the mirror, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man.

As I drifted off to sleep that night, I couldn't help but wonder if I would encounter the man in the mirror again. I felt a flutter of anticipation and excitement in my chest, wondering what adventures my new home had in store for me.

End of chapter 1.