
Chapter 8 Eight

On Wednesday, after breakfast and classes, I go to the studio to dance. I cannot afford to give Ms. Azizen the pleasure to yell at me once again.

Today, I am wearing my teal green leg warmers again because it makes me feel special and unique. Something I have not felt since the day I was rejected for the role of the Sugarplum Fairy. I stretch at the barre before beginning my routine. I dance with my eyes close, harnessing all the energy stored in my joints and my marrows. All the anger, jealousy and resentment turn into the fuel for my limps and torso. I hear some gasps and mutterings, they sound awed. I let a smile creep onto my face. I am gaining back my luminosity. Soon, Ms. Azizen will regret not casting me as the Sugarplum Fairy.

When I am done, I open my eyes to find the other dancers staring at me. They break into applause. I catch myself grinning from ear to ear.

"You are amazing. . ."

"That was awesome!"

"You did splendid, Gigi!"