
End of Delusions

Have you heard of female leads? One who seemed to be kind and intelligent and had a male lead who deeply loved her. Or have you heard of one who was powerful and smart and also had a male lead who loved and pampered her very much. Well, I was one of those female leads or at least I hoped so. But reality is cruel, and I came to understand that very late.

My name was Zhang Li Jing. I was the only girl in centuries to be born into the prestigious Zhang Family whose name as the rulers of Rose Country resounded over the entire Dragon Continent. My father was the Emperor while my brother, the Crown Prince. Thus, naturally I was the princess of Rose Country. All the members of my family were powerful magicians who were renowned all over the world. Thus, everyone expected me as the princess to be good in magic too. And so I was. I was three when I learned my first spell. I worked hard to improve my magic. To prove that I was worthy to be a princess of Zhang Family.

Impressed with my skills, my father tested me. I was ten when I was given a stone test in which they found that I was a rare genius with three elemental magic-Earth, light and ice.

My father was so happy. He immediately appointed his trusted advisor and long-time friend Drake to teach me. When Drake came at first, my lessons were great and I improved rapidly. But when I passed the fifth level of elemental magic, he praised me. He would say I have already learned enough to surpass him. In combats he even lost. Soon everyone around me praised me. They would say that I am the best magician in the world. There is no one as powerful as me. And as the naïve fool I was, I believed them. I didn't see the conspiracy behind their words.

I was an avid reader of novel centered on female leads. I used to admire those all powerful yet kind female leads who were liked by everyone around them. Floating amidst those false admirations I too felt like a female lead. Though, I was not kind or anything; I thought everyone liked me like they liked those female leads. I thought I am all powerful and invincible just like those female leads. Now the only thing I lacked was a male lead who loved me.

And my foolishness started. I envisioned Drake as the male lead who loves me. And Drake too did his best to mislead me through his romantic gestures. I never could see the man behind those false smiles and masks. Thus, I became immersed in the love of Drake and neglected my training in magic. Soon, because of my lack of training and hard work I had fallen behind most of my peers and had degraded from a rare genius to an ordinary magician.

And soon disaster struck. It started with the sudden death of my brother, the crown prince. He was poisoned to death. Strangely a minister admitted freely that it he who paid a maid to poison his tea. My father was grief stricken, but he managed his emperor duties well and ordered the execution of the minister. Because my father the Emperor had no son now, my uncle was made the crown prince. The following days passed in a rollercoaster of political turmoil.

But I had no time to worry about those things. I was too occupied with my love for Drake. He had ignored me after my brother's death. Then suddenly news came. Drake was getting engaged to the princess of Lotus Country. I was shocked. Didn't he love me?

I ran to his house and tried to see him but the butler sent me away saying he was not in his home. But I knew he was home. So I stood outside his door all night for him to come out. Even when it rained I kept standing there. The people on the streets gathered and talked as they witnessed the pitiful state of the only princess in their country. The next morning, my nanny came to take me to the palace. That day, for the first time in my life, I fell sick.

I burned up with fever and cold. The doctor prescribed me bedrest for three days. How I wished Drake could visit me then... instead I received a dreadful news. A news I never expected. Drake and my uncle and several of the ministers had rebelled and killed my father. My uncle was to become the new king. That is when my delusions cleared. I jumped out of my bed, ignored my nannies cries and ran towards the office where Drake was in. I kicked open the door and shouted,

"Why? Drake. Why? Why did you betray my father?" I was crying as I stared at the man I once thought I loved.

"I don't think I am answerable to you. PRINCESS LI." He said and stood up. "Go back to your room.''

"Drake! " I shouted. "I will kill you." With that I gathered all my magic into a ball of light and sent it flying towards him. I thought it would injure him but with a flick of his wrist he deflected the ball and instead sent it flying towards me.

"Ah!" I shouted as it burned me. He looked towards me and said, "Li Jing, Don't forget that you are not even at the fifth level of elemental magic. You have not even unlocked your Ice Magic. So, don't try. You can't defeat me."

"But..." I was surprised, but I was starting to realize. "You will be the end of me, Drake."

I knew only one killing spell. I used that. I gathered all the energy in me and slammed into Drake but... He sent me flying back across the room. I collide with the wall very hard and fall down onto the floor. I cough up blood.

Drake walked across the room to stand in front of me.

"It seems I can't keep you alive otherwise you will keep bothering me overestimating your talent. But before you die Li Jing, here's a piece of advice for you. Talent can never be a substitute of hard work. Just because someone's praising you doesn't mean you are good. So, in your next life try to keep your pride in control. That's it. Goodbye."

At that moment I came to realize that while I had been deluding myself into thinking I was a female lead, I was just a mere nobody. A person with no significance. No, I had been a toy who provided amusement to Drake. I looked at the person I had loved and swore. I will never fall in love ever again.

I knew what Drake said was true. So I lay still as Drake cast a death spell on me. I close my eyes as a red light envelops my body and mutter, "Drake! Whether I am dead or alive. I will come back. Next time I will be truly the most powerful magician in the world. Just you wait. I will come back to get my revenge."

And slowly I feel all the bones in my body break and all the blood in my body drain. I feel my heart ripped out of my body and intestines pulled out. I feel an overwhelming sense of pain engulf me and then...I could not feel anything anymore.

This is my first time taking part in a prompt. Please support me. Thank you.

_Disoriented_creators' thoughts