
Love and True Friendship

Jia and Sam meet for the first time in College.Sam is a very smart boy and only son of a rich father Jia is a very innocent and shy girl.At first she doesn't like the Sam she considers him a playboy and a homeless boy.

Today is Jia's first day in college Jia is a very beautiful girl. When Sam saw Jia, he fell in love with her.Sam Wants to be friends with Jia.He comes to Jia and tells her about himself. Jia tells him her name and they enter the classroom talking and sit together in class.After a while the teacher comes to class.While teaching the teacher asks the student an aswer to a question. Jia answers this question and the answer is absolutely right. Teacher applauds Jia.Sam says to the friends sitting next to him"Jia is a very intelligent and beautiful girl i like her and want to be friends with her.

Jia's father is a police officer.Jia's mother is dead that's why Jia's father loves his daughter So much and obeys her every word.Sam comes to Jia's house and knocks on her door Jia's father opens the door Sam says he studied with Jia in college and he come to their house because he had something important to say to Jia.

Jia's father lets Sam com hom. Sam says, Hi! to Jia and tells him that me and my friends We are going to see the new movie that has been released in the evening.Will you also go with us?Jia says" i can't go because i have a lot of work to do at home. But Sam insists that you come with us."I'll ask my dad",says Jia.

Jia tells her dad"Dad can i go out with my friends?Jia's dad says "Ok you can go then he tells Sam to take care of Jia and leave it at home as you would take it home.Sam reassures Jia's dad i will take good care of Jia You don't worry.Sam and Jia go to see a Movie together and they have more friends there.Jia's best friend has also come to see the movie Jia's friend's name is Mary.Jia is very happy to meet Mary.

Mary also like Sam.She is not happy to see Jia and Sam together.She sits down on the seat next to Sam and while watching the movie, She grabs Sam's hand.Sam looks at Jia again and again and he doesn't even look at mary and puts Mary's hand back.

Mary tells Sam after the movie is over " i

love you Sam and i like you so much.

Sam tells Mary that he loves Jia Keep me away.Mary's heart breaks Mary gets very angry at Sam. Mary tells Sam that i will take you away from Jia forever.

The next day in college Mary asks Jia"Do you like Sam?Jia said that" at first i did not like Sam, but from now on, i found out that i was wrong about Sam.Sam is a good boy he respects everyone and he cares a lot about me. i love it."Mary said to Jia"Sam is not so good.He broke my heart, i just wanted him.Sam loves you but it has hurt me to break Sam 's heart too.If you are a good friend of mine, leave Sam and You break his heart for me."Jia told Mary "i don't like Sam so much but you are my childhood best friend i can't leave you.

i will never talk to Sam." Sam brings a gift for Jia She doesn't even look like tha then Sam opens the gift and gives the precious necklace. Jia doesn't take the necklace and from there it goes.But later she cries a lot because she loves Sam.When Mary sees Jia very sad so Mary realizes this Jia loves Sam very much.Mary tells Jia "i think you sad about Sam".Jia says "no, you think so"

Then Mary apologizes to Jia.Mary tells Jia"Obey me once more, Go talk to Sam , he 's waiting for you. i just want to see you happy.

You have proved that you are my best friend. Jia said" i should apologize to Sam because i hurt him so much.Jia goes to the Sam. Sam is sitting alone in a rage.He must have thought that i had done something wrong, that Jia was treating me that way.Then he sees Jia coming towards him.Jia apologizes to Sam and she calls it" i love you"Sam also calls Jia " i love you too." and they hug.Now they are both very happy.Mary

wouldn't be jealous now seeing Jia and Sam together.She is rather happy.A few days later, Mary had a valentine's Day the boy bows down and Mary agrees and then Mary falls in love with the boy.Jia and Sam love each other very much and they get married and they get married and live together forever.