
love and Tragedy (first glance )

This novel is based only on imagination, it has nothing to do with reality. Its purpose is only to entertain the readers. The story of this noval is about a boy from a rich family, Hankshit, whose family consists of his mother (Rupali), his father Hansraj, his brother and sister-in-law (Rajat/Rajni), his grandmother (Hemlata) and sister (Kavya). His dream is to travel the world and earn fame by becoming a big photographer by taking pictures. He has lost his faith in God Because of one incident.All these people live in Delhi, India

On the other hand, our heroine Himani has a sister Bhavya, her younger brother Karthik, her mother Vaishali who is a housewife and father Pandit Hari Kishan ji. All these people live near Kedarnath Dham situated in the mountains of Uttarakhand. Himani who is a guide and takes tourists on a tour of the mountains. He has great faith in God. And then just like that, Hankshit and Himani meet as a guide.On one hand, she has a lot of faith in God and on the other hand, Hankshit is angry with God. How will these two hearts meet who have different thoughts among themselves or will God have some other will? Let's start to know the answers to all these questions.

A big house outside which was the name plate of Tripathi Bhavan. Outside, a guard was sitting in his cabin sighing, perhaps he was tired after working the night shift and was now waiting for his second partner. Even while sighing, his eyes were towards the window outside, which showed that he was eagerly waiting for someone. Was doing.

It was already seven o'clock. His wait ended and another friend came and took his place and he took his bag and left from there. The guard got busy looking at something in a copy kept there.

View inside the house.

The house is very big, everyone is gathered in a big corner of the house, there is a temple built in the house where everyone worships God together, except Hankshit, he is not present there. After worshiping for a long time, Rupali ji finished the puja and gave prasad to everyone.

One by one everyone took the Prasad and Aarti, Rupali ji took the Aarti plate and reached her husband Hansraj ji, he also took the Prasad and Aarti and looked at his wife and said

"You should have woken up your son too, who wanders around with his friends all night and sleeps like an owl all day, neither comes to Aarti nor goes to the temple, so it is as if he has no connection with God since his birth. It's a plum. It's as if his father is his enemy. He doesn't even look inside the office. He left his MBA midway. He just wanders around with a camera in his hand. Sir, he wants to become a photographer."

"What, you keep following my grandson all the time, he will get up whenever he feels like it and as far as going to office is concerned, both of you go there and stay there from morning till evening. Now isn't Hankshit also like you both? Those who see only work as work, work as work and nothing else," said Hemlata ji who is Hansraj ji's mother.

"Mother! All this has become so bad because of you people, if you people don't take his side then he should never do this again." As soon as Hansraj ji said something else, Rajat said, "Papa! He is still small." Let him live his life, today or tomorrow he will understand that you are saying this for his good."

As you all wish, now what should I say about that prince when all the family members are on his side, then it is useless for me to say anything, whatever comes to your heart, but remember, one day you will regret it a lot when everything goes out of his hands. This time will be wasted which he should have spent not in wandering around but in his father's office so that he could learn something.

I am getting old now, only Rajat cannot handle such a big business alone, only if he learns something from now on, he will be able to help his brother in future, I have no confidence in when will I leave this world, Hansraj ji and only then say something. Rupali ji spoke

"What kind of things are you talking about this early in the morning, God forbid anything happens to you, I will explain to you, look at Hankshit, he will accept it, after all I am his mother, he will not ignore my words but you don't talk about this in future."

"Yes papa, mother is right, it is because of you that we all are here," said Rajat.

Everyone became a little emotional for a while and then Hemlata ji spoke.

"Will we get breakfast today or not or will we have to spend the whole day standing in this temple?"

"Hey! We all have forgotten, now I will ask Shamu Kaka to get breakfast prepared and then everyone will have breakfast." Rajni said and went towards the kitchen from there.

"All of you go and sit at the table, I will see the breakfast in the kitchen with the daughter-in-law," said Rupali ji and from there she followed Rajni to the kitchen where Rajni and Shamu Kaka were preparing to prepare breakfast.

Everyone was sitting at the table waiting for breakfast and after all the delicious breakfast was kept on their table. Everyone was having breakfast when just then Hankshit was coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes and wishing everyone good morning. Is.

"Wake up my grandson, come and have breakfast, see everything is hot" Hemlata ji said in a loving manner after seeing him.

"No grandma, you guys have breakfast, I will take bath first and only then I will eat something," said Hankshit.

"Where did the sun come from today, that prince appearancehappened so early? Maybe you had to return home early last night," Hansraj ji said sarcastically.

"Who gets sleep early in the morning in this house? The Aarti (prayer )performed here is so loud that even a dead person would wake up with it," said Hankshit.

"But still there is a person who lies on the bed like a living corpse but does not get up and come to the Aarti," Hansraj ji said sarcastically.

Read the next part to know what will be Hankshit's reaction towards his father after hearing all this.

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