


EMILY was getting ready for her meeting with Lewis Young. For today's event, she was wearing a caramel coloured dress. Sleeveless, with a high slashed neck line. It skimmed the curves of her body rather than clung to them. Round her neck, she was wearing the rope of pearls that had been handed down to her from her great grandmother on her mother's side. The only other jewellery she was wearing was the Cartier watch that had been her mother's, and a pair of diamond ear studs which had been made from the two diamonds of her parents engagement ring. After her parents death, she was given all her parents jewellery. She cherished them all ever since, knowing they were her prized possession.

She had toned her dress with pure black accessories; good leather shoes and an equally good leather bag. Good quality, but not designer. Now as she sat by the dressing mirror, she pulled the corners of her hair into a pinned braid and let the plenty tucked, fall as straight as rain from behind. Standing up, She took one final look before reassuring herself she was ready.

'Now that's one hell of a sack Miss Lloyd', Angelica teased as she stepped into the room.

Turning around, Emily grimaced and wiggled her body awkwardly before asking, 'You think it's to much?',

Hands casually folded, Angelica surveyed Emily from head to toe, 'It's a formal setting, isn't it? Well I think you look perfect if it's dress to impress', Angelica was now being sarcastic, her hands tracing her lips. Waltzing across the room and jumping over Emily's bed, she was now grinning.

' I mean normally meeting you'd be in your Tees and jeans. A polo neck and jeans considering the weather or a fine wool long line cardigan for something more formal. But you just went all out tonight, didn't you',

Angelica's comment got Emily thinking, 'You know I normally don't do stuff like these, but first impression matters and I need to—',

'Impress Young, impress a man you are to spend the rest of your life with, really?', Angelica queried.

'Yes Angelica, impress him', Emily agreed grimly. She offered a sigh, eyes closed when she said, 'I don't need this right now Angelica. I expect you to be more supportive', Emily beseeched

For a while, Angelica said nothing. Her gaze narrowed 'Okay then', She finally affirmed

'Thank you', Emily denoted.


Walking out of the apartment and unto the side walk, Emily was astonished to come across the very expensive Audi R8 V10 Spyder parked at the front of her apartment. Standing by it was a man. He seemed to be in his early fourties, his face slightly wrinkled, sprinkles of grey on his honey brown hair. He was well built, tall and muscular. Emily knew him from no where, more reasons to be dumbfounded.

'Miss Lloyd?', The man had called out. Looking around instinctively and realizing he was actually referring to her, she offered a frail smile, 'I'm sorry, have we met?', she asked self consciously.

'I'm Don Bridgeman, Mr Young's driver', he responded vastly. Briefly.

'Oh-er-Okay', Emily stammered unsure what this was.

'I was instructed to pick you up, Mr Young declars you should meet at Fermstones', His curtness was elite.

'Declared?', Emily stunted her gaze sideways and back. what a strong word, she thought. 'I know, but I was informed to meet him there. He didn't say anything about a driver', She affirmed with the same certainty.

'There has been a slight change in arrangements Miss Lloyd, this were my instructions and all I am doing is following them, you can call to confirm', He denoted firmly.

Getting the car's door opened, He gestured for her to get in, 'Thank you', she said as she did.

Seated in, she could only think of anything that took her mind off what awaited. Like the fact that she was seated in a car that was well capable of buying her entire wardrobe. This only reminded her of how rich Young was.

Meeting Lewis Young. Meeting Lewis Young. Marrying Lewis Young. No matter how many times she replayed those words in her head, it didn't make it any less intimidating. He was a Multi Millionaire that had unmasked such a success at age Twenty-two. Now, at age thirty, he was still building up his empire. He was a man of such prominence, invulnerability, firmness and affluence. She would say the same for herself, but she had inherited her fortune and had chosen to use it wisely. Lewis had rejected his inheritance, built an empire and honoured his own name than that of his family's. He was independent and strong willed. Meeting Lewis Young was like going into the unknown. Marrying him was just an entire web of enigma to her. She had no idea what awaited her but she was inquisitive.

Fermstones was a skyscraper, she was sure.The glass building glistened like diamonds without the effect of the sun enhancing it. Stepping out of the car, Bridgeman in aid, she could only hysterically gawk at the building. She had heard of Fermstones Washington DC, Fermstones Paris, Fermstones Argentina and the headquarters, Fermstones London. But she had never come eye contact with one.

'Mr Young awaits you at the Fourty-first floor', Bridgeman informed as he escorted her in.

'How many floors are they?'.....


Walking into the elevator, as Bridgeman saw her in, she reached for the Fourty-first button discovering the answer to her question, they were only Fourty-one floors. Clicking the button, she watched as the elevator doors authomaticaly closed on Bridgeman and begun taking her to her desired destination.

'Here I come Mr Young', she whispered to herself...


The elevator doors were coming apart. Emily straightened her spine, breathing in deeply. A clear sign that she was nervous. She was filled with doubt, uncertainties and so many emotions she could not identify. But when the elevator doors finally came apart, and as she saw him standing there, afar and alone, all of her doubts suddenly cleared away somehow. One step closer, escaping the elevator and onto the pavement, she could finally catch her breathe.

Lewis Young.

He wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, manly lode pitch black hair was kept so neat and keen, it had a ripping quality; a sign of his rude health. The only blemish was that he was beetle browed and those sometimes knitted in frustration.

Lewis Young.

The aquiline nose he sported complimented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an unbelievable way, his basalt jaw; light and neatly bearded, his Spartan shoulders spoke of strength and agility. He possessed a latent, leonine power. And as he walked towards her, he walked with such purpose and authority.

Lewis Young.

People that had encountered him always remarked that his best feature were his entrancing wayfarer-midnight blue eyes. Narrowly shaped, they could shine as bright as evening stars when they were a light of joy. At times like this, under arched brows as dark as his hair, they resembled two liquid blue pools of flashing fire.

Lewis Young.

His sonorous rumbling prominence could fill a room effortlessly. His two pieced sleek suit was a source of that.

Lewis Young.

Was not what she had expected him to be. She had expected someone older, way older looking and even featured. But the imperfections of his youthful face only made him more of a sight of admiration. He was incredibly good looking, Emily thought understatedly.

'Miss Lloyd', His sensual lips offered its words before enhancing into a formidable smile unable to meet the eye. Coming closer he released his hands from the tucks of his pockets and pursued a handshake. Impatiently, she took his hands in hers, unable to anticipate the rising surge of feminine instincts crawling up her spine.

'Mr Young. It's a pleasure meeting you', Emily said hiding her awe-strickeness in a clean smile.

'The pleasure is all mine', he had said, his voice rich and affluent, 'I must say, you look rather splendid this evening. I see you kept to the settings', he complimented.

'What can I say, First impression matters to me', Emily conferred with a substandard smile. And for a moment, Emily thought she had seen a twinkle of amusement in his nordic eyes. But again, she might have been wrong because his smile had gone obscure.

'I see', he drifted curtly, 'Right this way Miss Lloyd', Lewis said, escorting her into his office as he threw his arm possessively around her waist.


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