
The kingdoms.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, I tried to avoid trees and rocks as I ran deeper and deeper into the forest, finally I arrived at our usual spot, where she stood waiting for me, I could see her pearly white teeth as she smiled when she saw me, she was as beautiful as always her skin shining under the moonlight, I had missed her so much I couldn't wait to kiss her, I ran to her and jumped on her body, she was the light of my life, I had concluded that I was nothing without her,my whole body called out her name and I couldn't wait to have a taste of her lips, I kissed her till we both ran out of breath but I knew my body wanted more, I had fallen madly in love with this lady and I knew I would do anything to be with her.

Two kingdoms had been in disagreement for a long time over a piece of land that was at the boundary of both lands, this piece of land was filled came with fertile ground, and so many beautiful fruits, but this land had been Abandoned because no one from any of the kingdoms could step foot in the land, the hefty guards at both ends of the land won't let anyone in, anyone who tried got shot at and died on the spot, now this land was also a passage into both kingdoms,meaning no one from any of the kingdoms could enter the other.

My name is Aurora and I'm the princess of caliper, one of the kingdoms, my kingdom is prosperous and we never lacked anything, we had beautiful landscapes, springs, beautiful mountains, rivers and so many beautiful animals. My father king Henry is a great king and a wonderful father, and I love him so much, my mom was kind, and loving but she could be strict most times because she always wanted things in order, I am the first daughter and child to the family making me the heir to the throne, as In our traditions women are also given the same privileges as men, life was beautiful, but for some reason my dad was still fighting over a piece of land, I had no idea why but I trusted my dad to have a serious reason behind it, even tho he hadn't told any of us.

I loved taking long walks into the town and sometimes into the woods, on this faithful day I decided to take an even longer walk deeper into the forest, and I found a beautiful pond, with shiny stones around it, it was so beautiful and I wanted to stay longer, but I knew it wasn't safe out there in the woods with no shelter, so I decided to make a little shed there, the shed was structured in a way that it would have a single room, bathroom and kitchen and I brought in lots of food supplies and packed them there, and from there on it turned to be my hiding spot.