
Love Ache

Episode 1đŸŒ·

Mira woke up lazily from her bed yawning loudly. "Arghh I really can't keep hunting for jobs Everyday".Her mom entered the room immediately, "Mira am not done preparing breakfast I have to leave for work you can stay home today since u can't keep looking for jobs Everyday or aren't you tired of doing that?." Her mom asked while packing some dirty clothes on the floor into a bag. "Mom! Do u really expect me to stay home doing nothing I seriously need to keep searching and I have this feeling I would get one soon. "

"Of course but that's only when you agree to work with me in De Luca's mansion."

" C'mon mom your running late you have to go. "

"Sure, I left some rice on the fire go check it ok ? " (pecks her on her forehead).

'' Be careful mom don't stress yourself and be sure to come home very early."

"(Her mom smiled and left for work )."

Mira Pov💜

My name is Mira. Am 25 and an only child of my mom who's a single parent, lost my dad few days after I was born, At least that's only what mom told me, But I do not like bringing up the topic since it makes her sad when she talks about it and I don't wanna do anything to make her sad, (Smells something burning) Holy sh*t! the rice! (She quickly ran to the kitchen and switched off the cooker.) Omg what do I eat now.This is really frustrating but wait ,why does mom thinks working in De Lucas Mansion is really better than searching for jobs everyday, I can't bear looking at the faces of rude people who think they own all the wealth in this world . Aishh do I give it a try ? All the same I need to help mom so she doesn't have to be the only one Providing.(she touched her forehead.) I didn't know talking about this alone could give me a headache I'll just wait for mom to come back home.

De Lucas Mansion.

Damian pov

I'm Damian, 28 years of age and I hate my step mom alot I also hate my dad because I blame him for the early death of my mom and for also bringing in a devil who pretends to be an angel, I manage one of my dad's company and I have just one step brother named Nick , Am not really rude but You would like me if you get to know me better, and I don't talk much, to avoid troubles I stay in my room all day whenever I am home and I can be so annoying at times well like I said you would love me if you get to know me better .

Damian came out of his room with a singlet and a jean short everyone in the parlour watched him came out and walked towards the couch to sit he noticed the stare immediately he sat " why's everyone looking at me like it's the first time you all would be seeing me."

"Bro I would have thought of seducing you if I was a woman." Nick teased.

"Not funny young man, (turns to his dad) Good day Dad it's being a while (looks away).

"At least you should say Hi to your mom too." Mrs Lucas smiled.

"(Ignores her and faces the maid cleaning the floor). Mrs brown you look good today."

" Thank you young master your not looking bad yourself."

"But don't you think this work is much for you to do alone ." Damian asked.

" Am fine Although I have someone that might want to join me soon." Mrs brown answered.

" Oh that would be great been wondering how you work so much that you don't even complain" Mrs brown said faking smile .

"Am really hungry mom I wonder why I get too hungry these days ." Nick frowned.

"Am sorry young master let me quickly finish with this before I make breakfast f..o.."

"Do you expect him to go hungry because your cleaning for God sake he just said he was hungry you should quickly leave whatever your doing and attend to it ?" Mrs Lucas interrupted.

"Am sorry ma'am let me quickly go prepare it " Mrs brown bowed and quickly walked away.

" I don't know if your expecting her to do all these at the same time just because she's a maid, yelling at her is even out of it ." Damian said angrily.

" Don't talk to your mom like that" Mr Lucas warned. Damian cursed and left angrily .

"Darling just ignore him I know he's gonna calm for sometime maybe he is upset over something. " Mrs Lucas smiled.

(While Mrs brown was making breakfast for everyone in the kitchen Damian entered.)

"You should have just ignored that idiot when he asked for breakfast." he said.

"(Smiles)you know that's not possible young master and thanks alot for your concern this is something I have been doing all my life a mere shout shouldn't be a problem. "Mrs brown said.

"You need helping hands? at least am not busy . "

"Just go to your room I'll call you when am done ".

"Ok fine but you have to get more helping hands mainly because of your health".

"Sure I will young master before this week runs out I'll see what I can do you should ignore my age am stronger than you think" she chuckles.

"Of course I know that's why you need to stay healthy so your health wont be a problem".

"I'll just go to my room don't forget to call me if you need my help and don't also forget to call me when breakfast is ready I'll be going for a walk by noon just Incase it's time for lunch and you don't find me".

"Damian are you sure about this You shouldn't get angry at your parents because of a mere issue ".

"(Smiles) It was wrong for Nick's m.."

"She's also your mom." Mrs brown interrupted.

"I'll just talk to you later I need some rest "damian said and walked away.

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