11 love you

Author pov

Justin heard what she said suddenly he knelt down and held her face with his hand and said " did I hurt you " " No * sub* I know you are angry at me but I love and will continue to love you can hate but I will love I can do any thing you ask " " Ariana I still love you " he thought but said " I know you are in the mafia " " I know you know Justin but I just came to be how I was in high school " he got up while carrying her in bridal style she could not help but scream that made Justin smirk and say " I will not eat you here even though I want to " then Ariana started kissing Justin and rub her hand on hic penis while carried in bridal style they kissed so agresivly that the room was filled with moans Justin let her stand straight while they were kissing when they let go their breath became heavy then Justin said " damn slut you make me horny" when he said that Ariana' s face was cold she thought to herself " did he call me a slut "

Thanks please read , comment and save to library it is my hard work your comments means the world to me the action is comming soon followed by war

your Angel Butera

the real one
