

Joan gets a second chance to approach life in a different perspective after she accidentally falls and gets into a comma that changes everything. she loses weight and have a good body to brag about and lands on a low but a decent job. lewis gets a second chance to protect and shower Joan with love she needs. will she find love , will she love him back? in this book every character is given a second chance to love back. " I LOVE YOU BECAUSE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE CONSPIRED TO HELP ME FIND YOU ONCE AGAIN"

shywriter · Urban
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49 Chs


The stars with the moon collaborated with the very alluring night. 'MARIGOLD' the big bold Billboard screamed power

 Clean jeeps, expensive cars stopped and slowly beautiful souls went down. Fans were early enough to celebrate their idols that looked dashing.

Body guards and bouncers stayed on the sides to hold the fans from running in like zombies. Several C.E.O's came down their cars and walked and left the red carpet for the celebrities and the party host.

"Can you fucking hurry we are going to be late just because of your un matching outfits," Natalie yelled at her daughter who was making a fuss on how her stylist doesn't know her work and the outfit that she wanted was sold before she could get it.

The light went off indicating the beginning of the ceremony. A steady figure in black walked down and next to him stood a graceful figure so beautiful that it was good to be true. The act went in a slow motion you'd think it was a screen from a movie.

 He wore a black suit that matched his dark orbs and well laid straight black hair. His white shirt that was accompanied by a black tie that laid no his bulging chest. And a bright smile that was rarely displayed. 

His long legs were covered by long black trousers with white pair of socks and shinning black leather shoes that marched his soul, taking long strides like a king walking to his subjects.

The hall went quite waiting for him to say a word and they comply.

His wrists were covered with black leather graves and one of the best Patek Philippe (Grandmaster chime) worth 3.3 million USD. 

Young girls' drooled while young men looked with envy. After all no matter how handsome and rich he will always be on a higher cloud.

 "Welcome Mr Lewis" A man in his forties bowed in respect. Lewis was young compared to the man but bowing to Lewis showed he wasn't just a CEO.

 "I knew you won't disappoint me." He rose his glass of temporanillo smiling as he was forward to mingle with others. After an hour of settling, everybody was ready for the main event. 

The host gathered everyone towards the big golden door were it held a big golden ribbon and a big golden scissor beside it.

'Wah, he's so rich I'm jealous.'

'I'm sure the fashion houses near here now got completion.'

'Right? Who would go to the others houses when we got everything here'

Whispers were heard around which made him smirk. He never opened this company to finish off the others that were on going… but what was business without competition, right?

On the corner sat a bulky man looking forward with a smirk on his face,

"Did you find anything about this man?" The subordinate behind him nodded and they walked out looking at the documents provided.

 Sitting in his car, he looked at the big building that was supposed to belong to him was now in a young man's hand. What did he have that he didn't?

If its money, he offered to pay double but the owner never gave him face. This Lewis was just a young man what was more to him that made even the government bow to him? Everyone had a bottom line right? 

"Well… young man welcome to town I'll show you how we run it here." He lighted his big cigar while the car drove away.