
Ch.3 Miss Hagford

As I opened the door, an old woman that looked to be in her 60's fell on me."Miss Hagford?" I grunted, trying to get air back into my lungs. "Oh I'm sorry Ian, I heard screams and I got scared so I came to check on you." her voice was scratchy but smooth at the same time. Miss Hagford is my neighbor. She had always worried about me, like a grandmother I never had. I guess when Luna screamed she had heard it. I'm not surprised, these walls are pretty thin. "Don't worry about it miss Hagford, and sorry about the noise, I have a friend over and she saw a spider."

"Oh thank god! I thought you had kidnapped someone."

"Um, why would I kidnap someone?"

"I don't know, my old mind went into work when I heard that scream."

"Okay… I was just about to head out to grab something to eat for me and my friend."

"Oh okay. I'll just go back to my room then."

Her face looked depressed when she said that. Ever since her husband and daughter died in a wreck she hasn't had anyone to keep her company. "Would you like to come with me?" I had to ask her if she wanted to come so I didn't look like a huge dick making her go back to her room. Her face lit up like the sun at noon high up in the sky. "I would love to join you" she pretty much yelled it with her weak voice.

I was supposed to be buying food for me and probably luna. Now I'm in the garden section of the supermarket learning about what's what and how to keep them from dying. All I've said for the past hour is "uh-huh" and "wow" or "huh". Luna is probably in my room wondering where I went. "Dear, you do know, you don't have to bring me along," she said that in such a serious tone that I felt like she thought she was a burden.

"No, really it's okay! I like learning about flowers and listening to your stories." It wasn't a total lie. I did like a lot of her stories. Her tone got even more serious when she started to speak. "I know I'm just a burden to you, and I don't want to bother you anymore. It's just you remind me of my daughter and every time I see you all I see is my child. You are like the grandchild I always wanted." Her words sounded so true and innocent al I could say was. "Yeah, you are like a grandmother I never had, and I don't know why."

She just gave me a smile and walked away. She went back to the apartment and walked in. Something didn't feel right when she walked away. A sense of deja-vu came over me. My sight went out and I heard a scream. It wasn't a scream from someone didn't know, it was my scream. Then there was a loud thud. It sounded like a bag full of meat hitting the ground of a wooden floor. I felt tears run down my face but all the sounds stopped. My sight came back and I was in the same spot as I was when my sight left me. Dread filled my body when an image popped in my head. It was miss Hagford, but she was on a noose and hanging down off the ceiling fan. I ran out of the store in a full sprint and scrambled to get in the building and get up to her room. I banged on the door but no answer. My mind went crazy and all I could do was break down the door. The door snapped open like a branch of a tree. What I saw was horrifying. That image would never leave my head. Her body in a cold room hanging there off the ceiling fan. The cops showed up within an hour and they took the body down. They told me that she has been dead for a day now. I was just with her though, right?

Am I just going crazy? Yeah, I must be going crazy. There is no angel in my room and I had just thought miss Hagford was there with me at the supermarket. Well, at least now she can go see her family again. I walked into my room and was jumped on by Luna. I really wasn't going crazy. I saw a ghost and there's an angel in my apartment. I felt the tears of luna on my shoulder. I didn't realize she was crying. "Hey, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I was worried.

"You didn't come back and I thought you left me because I'm not human."

"I didn't know you were worried."

"Well when you left I felt something attached to you and now it's gone."

"What do you mean?"

"It was like a spirit that couldn't leave this world but once you came back it just disappeared. Almost like it was able to pass on to heaven."

It felt nice to know that I helped her go to heaven. My mind is at peace now and I kind of feel better, not much, but a bit.

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