

After some minutes- no, hours? He was not sure how long has passed, his mind was not functioning like it's supposed to, clearly blank. He suddenly noticed a black shadow in the corner of the train, it's body constantly changing shapes. It looked horrifying, what is it? He didn't really bother with it though, he hasn't taken his medication for many days, it is normal that he would start to hallucinate- was he really? Probably.

"Arriving at Gamsam, I repeat, arriving at Gamsam" A voice spoke throughout the train.

He wasn't sure where Gamsam was but he was sure that it was far away from Dae-dong, his home. He got up, taking off his earphones and shoved it into his coat pocket, standing up to exit the train. He could see the station getting nearer as he stepped closer to the door. A beep sounds before the train doors open, the freezing gusts of wind bite at his exposed skin, as if to remind him of his misery.

He really wasn't sure where the hell he was going, walking with slow steps out of the station, he finds himself at a crossroad- yet again. His bottle of Yamazaki was empty too but he wasn't drunk nor tipsy, his tolerance for alcohol was higher than expected.

The night descends upon the freezing streets of Gamsam, his brown boots crush the blanket of snow on the pavements as the young man makes his way around the street. He kept his head low and occasionally exhaled to warm his hands up, it is only coincidence that he catches sight of a shop that sells Yamazaki. He immediately entered the shop to buy one but soon realizes he didn't bring a wallet. He left it home.

He only sighed but checked the pockets of his coat in case there was some cash laying around and luckily there was just enough for one small bottle. He instantly bought one and exited out of the shop in satisfaction.

He continued on walking around the dark streets, the bottle of Yamazaki tight in his grip. He wanted to drink it as soon as possible but he knew he had to save it for later. He doesn't have any more money to buy more. 

"I wish I had more money to buy more." he muttered to himself as he continues on walking the silent streets.