

Faint, blaring horns could be heard in the far distance causes commuters to move slowly as one to the waiting line. Seconds later, a pair of bright headlights comes into view, slowly approaching the station. The rest of the train was covered in snow, windows are frosted, snowflakes around are not going to melt any time soon. The massive train soon enters the station, bringing strong gust of winds along with it, Yama's coat and others are lifted simultaneously. Cold is an understatement;

Yama couldn't help but glance back every few seconds in the direction of his home, if you could call it that anyways, his hand gripping onto the bottle of Yamazaki. He didn't really enjoy the taste of alcohol but it makes him forget most- no, all of his problems. He knows he would miss his hometown although it wasn't much of comfort. The uneven and bumpy yet familiar roads that led him back home, daffodils, roses, orchids, tulips and many more planted in his home, the corners of the quiet streets.

He misses every single thing already.

As people enter and exit out of the train, Yama looks around once more, trying to memorize as many things as he could before entering. The warmth emitting from the heat radiators that are placed throughout the train made him feel much warmer than the cold freezing wind outside.

He soon found an empty seat after walking around for a while, sitting down and plugs in his earphones as he drank more of the Yamazaki, not really sure if he could bring alcohol in public transportation but then again, he could care less. He leans back into the seat and rests his head against the glass windows, feeling the cold again. A beep sounds before the door gently close.

And so does Yama's eyes.

He didn't know what he got himself into and somehow, he can't go back even if he wanted to. In the end, it's just him and his bottle of Yamazaki. "I guess I'm leaving home" He muttered to himself.

Next chapter