An uninspired young man lived his whole life in seclusion decided to buy junk food in a 24/7 supermarket. On his way home, he encountered a being that is not a god nor mortal. That 'unknown' creature resembling a human spoke, "You are going to a different world." Len, a person who always wanted an adventure that lasts for a life time had his wish granted. With only his body and obstinate personality, he was thrown into a foreign world without a guide, tutorial, nor tips. Starting from zero in another world, he must obtain the heart of steel and strength to protect the things that he cares about. A tale of a unskilled, talentless and hard-headed man trying to find the purpose of his life in a world of magic, dragons and blood.
Len, a young man who's living a mediocre life. He's not so poor, but also not rich. Growing up in this environment, Len became a person who craved for other people's belonging. He became greedy and envious others.
It was a bad habit to grow up with. But Len has a different perspective, greed and envy are parts of human emotion. Refusing their existence is like refusing life itself, according to him. He's ambitious, once he spent days building a robot made of papers and glue. He showed it off to his friends only to get mocked of how horrible the result was.
His nature kicked in, being a hot headed person he is, he pounced at his friends and brawled. When he got home, he was scolded by his parents which made him even indignant. They had a quarrel and didn't talk for a week.
Now that he's 18 years old, high school will soon end and his youth will be over. What to do next? Len didn't know. He hated the world, he hated his friends and family. He always thought that the world is unfair and he's just a victim being tangled inside a huge conspiracy. He couldn't care less about his future.
Most of his childhood was spent alone inside his room playing video games. He only goes out of his room to buy some fast food and went back straight. His school also wasn't smooth either. He's bullied almost everyday, people throw things and called him names. His pride was hurt and molded him into a stubborn person. There are times when things went out of control and he got into a fight. When his parent asked what happened, he never tell anything. He kept everything to himself. His pride won't let him rely on his family.
Despite how prideful he is, he never did anything productive either. He didn't do any exercise, doesn't eat healthy food and socialize.
He's a real loner.
7:12 PM. 29 March.
He visited the nearby 24-hour supermarket and browsed through his groceries. Bunch of potato chips, noodle cups, two 1-litre cokes, and an ice cream. Eating junk food everyday made him fat, and sweaty. He went up to the cashier and paid with his parent's credit card and went outside.
The cold wind blew upon him and he shivered.
"Should've wear a jacket."
Currently he's wearing a white long sleeved shirt, black pants and running shoes. The shoes was a gift from his older sister, it was supposed to motivate him to jog in the morning but he never did it anyway.
As he walked through the road, he noticed that there's less people than usual. Especially in the weekend many youngster like him would be hanging around the street having fun.
'Why is it so quiet?'
When he realized, it was already dark. Not dark of the night, but pitch black. The street lamps and neon light from the stores disappeared, he can't even see the floor he's standing on.
He reached into his pocket and took out his smartphone. Turning the flashlight feature on, he pointed it on the road ahead, but there's nothing. Nothing on the floor either, it was as if he were floating in space.
"You have arrived."
Soft and clear, an unfamiliar voice echoed in his ears.
Cold sweat began to pour and a shiver went down his spine. A purple shadow appeared in front of him, it moved and gathered into one. Len jumped and fell on his bottom.
"P-please don't kill me!"
The purple shadow formed a silhouette of a person. It solidified and became a child with long violet hair. A childish face, smooth and pale with big purple eyes. Len can't tell whether it's a she or a he as its body was covered by long purple hair.
"I didn't come here to harm you."
It talked? It just talked to him!
"Currently, we are in the border of two worlds. Within the next 5 minutes, you will be transported to a world different from yours."
Len was scared at first, but after hearing her words Len was suddenly ecstatic. He jumped and opened his arms widely.
"Happy one, aren't you?"
"I knew about this! You!"
Len pointed his index finger at it.
"You are a god right?"
"A god?"
"Yes! A god! This is it! The moment I've been waiting all this time has arrived!"
Len clenched his fists with a resolute expression.
"Whatever are you talking about?"
"The world is in danger! The demon lord is invading the world, in this critical point of time the gods summoned a person from a different world to save humanity! And I, the one being summoned will be given a special ability! Right!?"
Listening to Len's barrage of words, the purple haired child didn't even blink. It simply stared at Len until he finished talking.
"Are you done?"
Len froze on the spot with a stoned expression. It let out a 'Puh…' and laughed.
'what was so funny?' Len was unable to comprehend why she laughed.
"W-what's so funny?"
"Hahahaha! I can ask the same to you, why are you so excited?"
"W-why? Well, I'm going to another world! I'm going to have an adventure and slay a demon lord! Who wouldn't be excited?"
"No, aren't you a bit too indulged in your own bubble?"
"What do you mean?"
Len got more baffled. Being indulged in one's own bubble? What does that mean? Len never heard that idiom before.
"I mean, all I said was that you are going to transported to a different world in 5 minutes. That's all. I never said anything about special ability or demon lord."
"In the first place, where did you even heard about something like that? Why would a god asking a human for help to slay a demon lord anyway? A real god would slay them personally and skip the summoning fuss."
"Eh? Wha!??"
"As I said, we only have 5 minutes. No more, no less. Now, there's less than 1 minute remaining. We should've spent this time talking about more important things like, what kind of world you are going to, what you should do next and the things you would require. But… now that time cannot be rewinded, too bad for you."
"What…? Wa-wait a minute, what do you mean? I still don't get it!"
"You are quite slow aren't you? There's no demon lord. There's no special ability. But you did get one thing right at least. 10 seconds left. All I can tell you now is that you are going to transported in the western continent, Valor. To be specific, you will be on the most western part on a small village there. You will need their aid. They are good folks."
"Wait! I don't have a say in this!? Please wait a moment! You are a god right!? Can you at least give me a blessing or anything!?"
"Too bad, I'm not a god dummy."
Sticking it tongue out, the darkness vanished and a bright light entered Len's eyes.