A normal girl one day gets into an accident that puts her in a coma. When she eventually wakes up, she finds herself sleeping on her bed. Not only did she find herself equipped with what looked like futuristic combat gear, but the world has changed. Giant killer robots run around, and she can't find a single human. How will she survive in this dangerous new world. This is a Nikke Goddess of Victory fanfiction. Cover image is not mine.
I look into the mirror one last time. Long, sleek strands of black hair cascade down my shoulders. The hazel hue of eyes shimmering. My casual attire resting comfortably against my body, simple yet stylish.
"Beautiful as always"
I shot a finger gun at the mirror before grabbing my purse. I exit my room and quickly run downstairs from my house towards the front door.
"Mom, Dad, I'm heading out!" I yell out to my parents as I open the door.
"Okay sweetie, make sure to be back before sundown" My mother replies.
I ran out the door. My destination is the new VR arcade that was recently built downtown. The arcade was owned by Tetra Line, a behemoth of a company in the entertainment industry, while the VR wasn't full dive like the ones you would see in anime or manga the reviews from other VR arcades said it was an amazing experience, so of course I need to try it out.
It's a ten-minute walk to the arcade but if I do a full sprint, I could get there in three. I don't mean to brag but I ran track in high school, no need to praise me.
Now I can see the arcade. I just need to cross this intersection, but the stupid light won't turn red. I look left and right down the street and see no cars. Come on, there's no cars just turn red so I can cross. Finally, the light switches red and I begin my run.
I turn my head sideways just to see a semi-truck barreling at full speed right at me. What the hell are you doing, it's a red light!
I utter my last words before I'm hit with an unbelievable amount of pain, then darkness.
Am I dead, I highly doubt I could survive taking that hit but to my surprise I think I am alive. I can faintly hear sirens. Damn I got a strong body.
Oh, now I can see a faint light, I see what I would assume are doctors quickly moving me throughout a white hallway. Then my vision returns to darkness. Is this what it feels like to be in a coma, cause if so, this sucks, just being alone with my thoughts, I'm going to go insane.
How much time has passed? I can't really tell, maybe I should count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, okay I'm bored what else coul– AHH! What is this pain, I feel like my head is splitting open! I mean I got hit by a semi-truck so maybe my head did split open. Oh, the pain is gone? They probably drugged me up because now I'm feeling incredibly tired, I didn't know you could feel tired while in a coma. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to sleep for a while, it beats being conscious and speaking to myself.
Time to sleep…
Light? Is it morning already?
I open my eyes just to see the blinding sunlight shine upon my eyes. Definitely not what I would want to wake up to.
I raise my body and do a little stretch and let my eyes adjust to the light.
"Wait a minute"
Sunlight? Shouldn't I be in a hospital?
I look around me to see I'm in my room. Why am I here? And why does it look like it's been left untouched for years? Did my parents not clean it while I was in a coma? I get up but feel my body is heavier than usual, like I'm wearing weights. I thought it could just be weakness from waking up from a coma but looking down at my body I can see that I am definitely wearing weights. To be more accurate its some sort of combat gear.
What am I wearing a skintight suit?! What are these bits of armor on me?! Why do I have so many pouches?!
What's even more bizarre is the giant sniper rifle chilling on the other side of the room, right next to the door.
I get up from my bed and step on something hard. looking down its a pistol. Well, this isn't safe. As I reached down to pick it up, I notice a single bullet shell casing near it. Did someone drop it and cause it to misfire?
Wait! Could it be mine? I look to my side and see an empty pistol holster. I'll just ignore what I thought earlier. I carefully holster the weapon after putting the safety on.
Now for the elephant in the room. Or I guess sniper rifle.
"Wow this is very big!"
Examining the rifle, I can make a guess that it's probably 50. Caliber. I don't really know, I've never been a gun enthusiast.
This thing must weigh a ton. I wonder if I can even lift it.
Did I get stronger?! Why the hell can I lift this with ease?!
"L-Lets just leave this here"
I'll investigate my mysterious strength later, for now it's time to investigate the rest of the house. Why did my parents bring me here? Did they bring me here? Where did all this stuff come from? I feel like I've been asking so many questions, yet I have found no answers.
I open the door and exit my room. The hallway is in disrepair as well. I investigate every room. My parent's room, the bathrooms, the office, living room and kitchen yet not only did I find no one but the entire house seems to be abandoned. Which is probably the case since in my parent's room all the drawers have been left open and empty.
Just where did my parents go?
Maybe my neighbors might know where they went. They could even have an idea of why I'm here. I mean an unconscious girl being brought into an abandoned house would have some attention, right?
I walked to the front door and slowly open it, the door creaking. I was once again blinded by the scorching sunlight, yet that wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me was what I was looking at.
The entire neighborhood was quiet, houses were in ruin, the vegetation was overgrown, craters littered the streets, cars were destroyed and rusted.
The scene looked like the aftermath of a battle that had long passed.
What the hell did I wake up to?
(A/N) New story. This will take place in the game Nikke Goddess of Victory, it is not an isekai. I wanted to experiment with writing a story using first person though there will be some bits that aren't in first person. Also, I have no plans for any romance in this story.