
Chapter 2

Christina POV

Then after attending the class we went out.

J siblings had a class so they couldn't join us. I showed ray almost all the areas in campus as it was too big to show within an hour, while showing him the campus we talked about our hobbies and interests, we had a lot of similarities and I also got to know the fact that he loves dancing and music which I am most passionate about. The time went so fast with him that I didn't even realised and I was feeling so connected to him and I don't know why, it was really weird because we met today for the first time. Then I saw it was almost time for the next class. I said to him

"It's almost time for the class, gotta go.... really sorry for leaving u in the middle."

"Nah its absolutely okay" he said in a cool manner.

I thought I should ask him this as he was new here "would u like to join me and my friends during the break?"

"Yeah why not, then see u later... Bye"

And we both went our ways. I had two consecutive classes and I had jason with me during the classes. After we finished our classes I said to jason " guess what jason, I met a someone new today and he is really sweet and u should meet him for sure"

" He? U mean a guy?"


As soon as he heard that he lost all his interest in the topic idk why but anyways I didn't put my mind into that much. As we both went out of the class I saw ray waiting by the door. I said to him "hey ray"

"Hey Christina"

"Ray meet my best friend jason"

They both then exchanged their greetings. I said to them "guys lets go to the cafeteria jess is definitely waiting for us". We all three then went to the cafeteria and jess said to me "what took you so long Christie?" I said to her "nahhhh its nothing lets grab our food, by the way u remember him right?" and then pointed towards ray. Jess then said "ahhh the new guy? I am Jessica. Nice to meet u" ray then said "nice to meet you too". We then started talking about our assignments and we heard that it would be in groups but we do not know who would be our partners and I explained it to ray the assignments because he joined the college few months later after the session started. A few minutes later my eyes suddenly fell on ray, he was standing just beside me and saw his eyes were getting dark I asked him "hey.... u okay?"

" Yeah I am.... I guess I need to go to the washroom.... I'm coming after a couple of minutes". He then went away really fast. Woah that was strange what happened to him suddenly out of nowhere. J siblings asked me what happened to ray and I just said what he said. It was almost 15 minutes and I was now more suspicious on him, what's taking him so long? I said to the J siblings "Guys listen iy should check on him, I am kind of worried because this campus is new to him so maybe he is lost" . Jason didn't responded at this, jess said to me " yeah christie u should check. Me and jason r here only"

I nodded and went to the direction where he went, I was confused because this was not the way to the washroom. Finally I saw him leaning on the wall with his eyes closed and he was few metres away from me and somewhat panting I guess? He was breathing really heavily. I got really worried so I went to him and said "what happened? R u okay? Ray?" he looked at me and iy was shocked his eyes were no more the beautiful blue ocean eyes but deep red eyes like blood. Wait this only means.... " are u a VAMPIRE?" . I had my suspicions on him being not human but I ignored that fact as I thought maybe my gut feeling was wrong. He said with a deep voice "yes I am so what?". I was off guarded so he easily took hold of my arms and pinned me to the wall, it was so fast that I couldn't do anything actually who can beat vampire speed, I could see his fangs and feel his breath as his face was few inches away from me. His grip was so tight on me that I wasn't able to move and use my powers. His eyes were totally mesmerising me or somewhat hypnotising. His deep intense look on me through his eyes were driving me crazy. He then finally said " I can't control myself u r way too much tempting to me, your scent and blood is driving me crazy, I don't wanna hurt u but I can't handle this".

I said to him "Ray.... please don't do this". He then caught me by my waist. Whats wrong with me? Why I am not able to do anything? His cold touch made me freeze. He pushed my hair on one side and licked my neck. I almost moaned at this while saying "ray stop" I tried to push him but my strength was nothing in comparison to him. Then I heard in my mind foot steps approaching. He flinched I guess he also heard the foot steps and got distracted. Finally I got the chance and used my magic to push him really away from me. His eyes went back to normal and his face showed he was guilty. He took steps towards me but I went backwards. He said "see Christina i am really sorry... I didn't mean this. Trust me I never loose control"

I literally gave him death glares and with my hands gestured him not to move forward and finally then said "Then what was this ray?".

Ray said to me "Idk Christina this is the 1st time I lost control in my entire life... This kind of thing never happened with me, I promise this won't happen again"

Guys thank u so much for 130 reads on my 1st chapter only. I am so happy thanks to u all. I hope u all continue loving my story and support it. Love u all, stay safe stay healthy everyone.

musicalart_7creators' thoughts
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