
new girl

"red get up already!" his mom yelled from the kitchen downstairs

"i'm already up!" he lied, still laying in bed just staring up at the ceiling "do i really have to go today?" he called out

"yes now get your butt down here!" she called back

he got out of bed pulling the covers off himself and putting on whatever clothes he found on the ground and pulled his bag over his shoulder

"its so boring mom i dont even see the point." he said after making it to the bottom of the stairs

"you need a good education for a good job red, ive had to go through it just like everyone else had to too, now stop complaining and make sure you make it on time." she turned around to look at him since she didnt hear any movement after her words

"is there something wrong, is someone bullying you there?" she asked with caring eyes

"no mom that's not it, it's nothing bye" he made his way for the door and walked out. as he walked down the road toward school he let out a big yawn stretching his arms above his head and closing his eyes tightly. there was a loud panting sound coming from the left when suddenly he was knocked to the ground "ow what the hell was that?" he opened his eyes to see a brunette girl on top of him and he quickly got up to his feet

"are you okay??" he reached his hand out to help her up

"i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hit you i'm so so sorry" she kept repeating with her eyes closed

"hey dont worry about it i'm fine" he noticed tears starting to form from her eyes so he bent down to put a hand on her shoulder "hey look at me im fine right? its okay!" he smiled at her as best he could to cheer her up. when she looked up she smiled back weakly with tears still going down her face

"are you okay though?" he asked her helping her get to her feet. she was wearing a school uniform the school uniform he goes to in fact, a brown vest with a plaid skirt, a pretty bland uniform that the school picked red thought

"i-im fine" she continued looking down

"i see you go to AH, the same high school as me, whats your name?"

she looked up to see the uniform i was wearing and confirmed it was the schools uniform right away from the lame colors

"my names yushida" she looked up and her mouth came open with shock "your hair!"

"i know... its ugly, everyone else says so too." he pulled his hood over his hair

"n-no its really amazing!" she exclaimed she stopped him from putting on his hood

"really? youre uh youre the first person to ever say that to me." i rub the back of my head

"yes its very...red!" she laughed

"yeah its why my mom named me red too" i looked down

"thats such a cool name too!" she exclaimed again

out of nowhere my body moved on its own and hugged her tightly and she hugged back to my surprise and everything went silent

"ah im so sorry i didnt even mean to" i pulled back and she looked at me with a big smile on her face

"youre perfectly fine dont worry, hugs are always welcomed!"

"youre just...so nice, its a good change of pace from everyone at school"

"do they not like you?" she asked looking concerned

"not exactly.." i replied looking down "i didnt even want to go today but my moms making me" i added on

"well would you want to hang out after school?" she asked smiling

"ah id love to" i smiled back, she was the nicest person i've ever met "also are you new here?"

"yeah i just moved here two days ago actually" she replied

"well youre going to be late your first day of school, hope you dont mind" i looked over to her with a warm smile "by the way do you have your schedule?"

"ah yes i do" she ruffled in her pockets and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me

"wow" i just said, we have the same classes..

"what is it, is there something wrong?" she looked over at the sheet

"no it's nothing we just have the same classes" i handed her back the piece of paper "lets get going then" i said as i started walking the same way i was before

before long we were already in front of the school which looked almost deserted since all classes have already started and no ones out. i showed yushida to our first class

"will i have to introduce myself in front of everyone" she asked nervously playing with her hair

"ah no i dont think so this schools kinda cool in that way. theres an open seat next to mine so just follow me when we get in okay?" i said with a smile

"right" she confirmed

i opened the classroom door and of course almost everyone looked over at the door and stared for a second realizing theres a new person. she seemed to hesitate so i grabbed her hand to assure her and gently pulled her in. i walked to my seat at the back of the class and i motioned for her to take the seat next to it as i sat down. she took some paper out of her backpack and a pencil then proceeded to write something down. i felt a tap on my shoulder then looked over to see her holding a folded piece of paper out to me so i grabbed it and started to unfold it. she asked what we're supposed to do in this class and i let out a laugh

"not really anything honestly, we kinda just sit here for a little" i whisper over

"but then whats the point?" i could tell she was extremely confused, i was too since this schools so different from the rest

"uhh im not sure, this is honestly why i just dont want to go anymore, it's a waste of time" i replied

she just looked back down towards her paper and started scribbling and i ended up zoning out

"okay guys class is over, start heading to your second period" the teacher said blandly behind his desk just staring at his computer

"hey red look!" i turned around to yushida holding out a drawing of me on a piece of paper

"is that what you were drawing? its amazing yushida!" i grabbed the paper to look at it closer

"really? i thought it was pretty bad" she smiled and played with her hair again

"it's the best drawing i've ever seen" i reassured her